Klaros-Test­management Tutorial

Sabrina Gidley

Fabian Klaffke

Claudia Könnecke

Klaus Mandola

Patrick Reilly

Torsten Stolpmann

verit Informationssysteme GmbH

Version 5.7.1

Legal Notice

January 21 2025


This document serves as a tutorial for the Klaros-Testmanagement application. It gives an example tour through the application and the provided functionality.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Navigation
2. Quick Start Guide
2.1. Setup
2.1.1. Creating a Project
2.2. Creating Systems under Test
2.3. Creating Test Environments
2.4. Creating Test Cases
2.5. Creating Test Suites
2.6. Executing Tests
2.6.1. Executing Single Test Cases
2.6.2. Executing Test Suites
2.7. Results and Reports
3. How-Tos
3.1. User Role Management
3.1.1. Limiting Project Access
3.2. Categorization
3.3. User Defined Properties
3.4. Pausing and Resuming Test Cases and Test Runs
3.5. Configuring Issue Management Systems
3.6. Issues
3.6.1. Linking Issues
3.6.2. Creating Issues
3.7. Revisions
3.8. Requirements
3.9. Iterations
4. Creating custom reports
4.1. Development Environment
4.1.1. Creating a project to contain your reports
4.1.2. Setting up the Project
4.2. Preparing the Data for the Report
4.3. Creating the Report Layout