


A user role that has full access to all functions.

This includes installation and maintenance of the software, updates, system settings, user administration, backups and all rights to create, execute and evaluate tests.


Users are usually authenticated via user name and password.

In Klaros-Testmanagement the user authentication can be done directly in the software or via an external LDAP or Active Directory directory.

Automated Test Cases

The test results from automation tools are imported via result files into Klaros-Testmanagement. If both manual and automated automated test results are available, they can be evaluated together.



Bugzilla is an open source issue management system. Detailed information can be found on the Bugzilla Web Site.

Klaros-Testmanagement provides an interface to Bugzilla.


Change Tracking

Complete tracking of all changes to managed objects through automatic logging of modifications.

In Klaros-Testmanagement, all changes are highlighted in color on the detail page of the corresponding Object over time.


All objects can be arranged in categories for better overview. Grouping of objects (requirements, iterations, test systems, test environments, test cases or test suites) into a category tree can be done according to self-selected criteria. Multiple categorizations are also possible.

Community Edition

The free edition of Klaros test management. It has a limited feature set, but can also be used freely for commercial purposes. See also Enterprise">Enterprise Edition.


The capability of the software product to adhere to standards, conventions or regulations in laws and similar prescriptions [ISO9126].

Compliance Rate

In Klaros Test Management, the conformance rate shows how many test cases assigned to a requirement have been executed with the result "Passed".

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) is the automated integration of code changes from multiple contributors into a single software project. It is an important DevOps best practice that enables developers to regularly merge code changes into a central repository where builds and tests are then executed.

A plug-in for the Jenkins Continuous Integration Server automatically transfers automatically transfers the test results of a build to Klaros Test Management, where they can be are evaluated.

Coverage, Requirements Coverage

The requirement coverage represents the ratio of requirements covered by tests to the total set of defined requirements.

In Klaros Test Management, requirements can be directly entered and assigned to test cases. assigned to test cases. Individual requirements can be covered by several tests and one test can cover more than one requirement.



A dashboard displays a collection of information, typically in the form of charts.

In Klaros-Testmanagement dashboards display the evaluations for a specific test project. The displayed diagrams can be individually combined to form a dashboard. Each user can compile as many dashboards as desired.

Dashboards can be private (visible only to the creator) or public. Administrators can create default dashboards.

Data Base

A database is a collection of information organized in interrelated tables of data and specifications of data objects.

Klaros-Testmanagement requires a database system to store the objects and is delivered with a preconfigured Apache Derby database. Other supported database systems are MariaDB, Microsoft SQLServer, MySQL and PostgresSQL.

Details Page

Each object (such as test cases, requirements, iterations, etc.) has its own detail page with various other subviews. These vary depending on the object and show detailed information for example Properties, Attachments, Changes and Results an.


Docker is free software for isolating applications through container virtualization. The containers contain all necessary packages and can thus be easily transported and installed as files.

Klaros Test Management can also be run as a container within a Docker-based environment. Ready-to-use Docker images for various databases are already available. already available. Detailed documentation is available at GitHub.


Enterprise Edition

The commercial edition with full support is licensed per user. The minimum installation supports 3 users. A free 30-day demo can be requested Demo.

Environment Variables

Environment variables are dynamically named values that can affect the behavior of running processes on a computer. They are part of the environment in which a process runs.

By setting the environment variable KLAROS-HOME before the start of the application, the destination of the Klaros home directory can be moved to another location.

Error (Verdict)

A test execution error occurs when the system cannot execute the test correctly. It should not be confused with a failure.


The type of test result evaluation: manual or automated.


Failure (Verdict)

A test is deemed to fail if its actual result does not match its expected result. (ISTQB). It should not be be confused with an error.

Functional Test Design Technique

Procedure to derive and select test cases based on an analysis of the specification of the functionality of a component or system without reference to its internal structure. (ISTQB), also known as black box and white box tests.



A user role with full, but read-only access to all data. A guest can view and save reports in various formats. This role is intended for e.g. project managers, customers or reviewers/reviewers.



The ID of an object is created automatically when it is created and cannot be changed later. All IDs consist of an abbreviation for the respective object (e.g. TC for test case, ITR for iteration) and an ascending number. number. SEG00025 would therefore be the test segment 25.

Inconclusive (Verdict)

A test is inconclusive if it is unclear, if its actual result matches its expected result.


Integration refers to the connection of external systems.

Klaros-Testmanagement has interfaces for integration with issue and requirements management systems, test automation and load testing tools, and and continuous integration servers. There are also interfaces to authentication and e-mail servers.


An issue is a partial aspect that is required to complete a piece of work. This can be a bug, a requested feature, a task, missing documentation or something similar. An issue is tracked in an issue management system.

Klaros-Testmanagement has interfaces to several issue management systems. This means that errors found can be transferred directly to the connected IMS, without having to leave the application.


An iteration is a complete development loop resulting in a release (internal or external) of an executable product, a subset of the final product under development, which grows from iteration to iteration to become the final product. (ISTQB)

In Klaros test management supports agile development principles and manages iterations as dedicated objects.



In order to run Klaros-Testmanagement, a Java runtime environment is required. This is delivered with the installation file and used automatically.


JavaScript is a programming language used in web browsers and is required for running Klaros test management. When using JavaScript blockers such as NoScript or similar. When using JavaScript blockers such as NoScript or similar, the execution of JavaScript for Klaros-Testmanagement must be allowed as an exception.


JIRA is a popular application by the company Atlassian Software for defect management, troubleshooting, and project management.

Klaros-Testmanagement has an integration with JIRA.


Test activities are planned and logged by means of jobs. The execution and results of the executed jobs are automatically logged and used for evaluation.


Latest Success Rate, Report Diagram

The Last Success Rate report displays the latest results of executed test cases for the selected combination of test system (one or more) and test environment (one or more) as a chart on the dashboard.

Layout Template

Besides the script, the layout template is the other elementary part of a report template. It describes the structure of the generated report document in an XML-based description language. Layout templates can be adapted to individual requirements.

Log Panel

The log panel displays status messages such as warnings or information are displayed. By default, only the last status message is displayed. Clicking on the + icon opens the history.



Mantis (MantisBT, Mantis Bug Tracker). is an open source application for defect management and issue tracking in software development.

Klaros test management provides integration with Mantis.


Notification Event

Notification events may trigger an automatic e-mail notification to specific users. These are sent out as soon as the designated event has has occurred. Possible notification events are, Job assigned, User account created, Test execution failed, User account password changed and Job ready for execution.



The objects defined in Klaros-Testmanagement are project, test case, test step, test segment, test step result, test case result, test suite, test suite result, test environment, system under test, test run, requirement, iteration and job.

Overview Page

Each object type has an overview page. There the individual objects, such as test cases or iterations, are displayed in tabular form. New objects are also created here created.


Passed (Verdict)

A test is passed if its actual result matches its expected result. (ISTQB)


Environmental and state conditions that must be fulfilled before the component or system can be executed with a particular test or test procedure. (ISTQB).


Environmental and state conditions that must be fulfilled after the execution of a test or test procedure. (ISTQB)

Print View

All objects can be rendered in a printout-optimized representation. The level of detail can be specified with various parameters.


A project is the main object in Klaros Test Management and contains all other objects assigned to a test project.

Project Overview, Report Diagram

The Project Overview report displays the number of executed/not executed test cases or execution definitions and the number of scheduled/executed jobs as a chart on the dashboard.



QF-Test from Quality First Software is a cross-platform GUI test automation tool.

Klaros-Testmanagement integrates with QF-Test and can import the automatically generated test results for further processing.



Redmine is an open source application for defect management and issue tracking in software development.

Klaros-Testmanagement integrates with Redmine.


Reports provide information on the status of testing activities, the condition of the software, indications of critical components and enable forward planning. For this purpose, the data from the database are sorted according to certain criteria and prepared in textual and graphical overviews. Examples of reports are Project overview and Test activity as well as overviews of test progress, test results and test runs.

Klaros-Testmanagement contains numerous predefined, basic reports. Individual reports can be created by the user. All reports are exportable to various formats such as PDF or Excel (also for further editing).

Report Template

A report template predefines a report that can take report parameters and be customized by the user as needed. It consists of a Script and a Layout Template.

With report templates, ready-made reports are available which can be customized by the user as needed.

REST (Representational State Transfer)

Representational State Transfer (REST) is a software architecture style that uses a subset of HTTP. It is commonly used to provide web services.

Klaros-Testmanagement offers several integration interfaces based on REST. These include read access to all stored information as well as import interfaces for test results, test cases and requirements.


A user-required property or capability that software must meet or possess in order to Comply with a contract, standard, specification, or other formal document. [According to IEEE 610].

Requirements can be managed either directly in Klaros Test Management or or synchronized with external sources such as JIRA. A reference to the corresponding requirement, e.g. to a document, can be added to test cases and test suites (traceability).

Result, expected

The behavior predicted by the specification, or another source, of a component or system under specified conditions (ISTQB).


If a major change is made to an object and the previous version is still needed, a new revision should be created. Only selected objects such as test cases or requirements support this mechanism.


A user role defines the rights of the user. Roles can be defined globally and project project-specific.

The following user roles are provided: Administrator, Test Manager, Tester and Guest.



Selenium is a web browser automation tool and is mainly used for testing web apps.

Selenium produces JUnit XML compliant test results that can be imported into Klaros test management for further processing.


The script is an elementary component of a report template along with the layout template. It extracts the data intended for the report and is available as a Java class. Scripts can be adapted to individual requirements.

Skipped, Verdict

A test case or a test step was omitted during execution.

System Account

A system access reserved for automated operations such as importing test results. A login via the login page is not possible with this.


Test Activity, Report Diagram

The "Test Activity" report shows the test case results for a selected combination of one or more test systems and test environments during a selected in a selected time period as a graph on the dashboard.

Test Case

A test case comprises a set of input values, execution conditions, expected results, and postconditions defined for a specific system or test object under test. It is developed with respect to a specific goal or test condition, such as conformance to specific requirements.

Test Case History, Report Diagram

The Test History - Overview report displays the rate of defined test cases versus executed test cases of a project for one or more test environments and one or more test systems in a given time period as a graph on the dashboard.

Test Case Priority

The priority of the test case: Low, Medium or High.

Test Case Progress, Report Diagram

The Test Progress - Overview report shows the rate of the executed versus the defined test cases of a project project for a given set of test environments and test systems as a graph on the dashboard.

Test Case Status

The status of the test case. Possible values are Locked, Approved, Draft and Omitted.

Test Step

A test step in Klaros-Testmanagement is the smallest action that is processed within a test case. It contains execution preconditions, expected results, and execution postconditions for each individual action during test execution.

Test Case Result

The result of the execution of a test case including a verdict such as Skipped, Passed, Failed or Failed.

Test Environment

A test environment represents the external circumstances that can influence the test result. Examples for test environments are e.g. the operating system or an application server (e.g. Tomcat 10 with Ubuntu 20.04.2) or also parameters such as temperature or speed.

Test Environment Overview, Report Diagram

The Test Environment - Overview report displays the success and progress rate of test systems under a single test environment in a radar chart on the dashboard. If less than three test systems are configured, a bar chart is displayed instead.


A user role that is allowed to view objects and execute test cases and test suites.

Test Execution

The process of running a test on the component or system under test, producing actual result(s). (ISTQB)

Klaros-Testmanagement automatically guides and logs test execution, see Testrunner.

Test Manager

A test manager has full read and write access to all data of a project. He can create, modify and delete all types of objects and manage project settings.

Test Run

A test run contains the results of the execution of a single test case or an entire test suite. It always refers to exactly one test system and exactly one test environment.


Klaros-Testmanagement contains a web-based client for the execution of manual tests. This guides the tester through the test steps, gives him the possibility to create annotations and attachments and automatically logs the test progress and results.

Test Step

A test step in Klaros Test Management is the smallest action that is processed within a test case. It contains execution preconditions, expected results and execution postconditions for each individual action during test execution.


A test segment in Klaros-Testmanagement is defined sequence of individual test steps that can be inserted into a test case. A test segment can be used in several test cases at once. This makes it possible to realize a module concept based on test steps.

Test Suite

A test suite is a set of test cases that can be executed together in a group.

Test system, System under test, Unit under test, Test object

In Klaros-Testmanagement, a test system represents the component or system that is to be tested. Depending on the business sector, the terms system under test, SUT, DUT or test object are also commonly used.

System under Test Overview, Report Diagram

The Test System Overview report shows the success and progress rate of test progress rate of test environments under a single test system in a radar chart on the dashboard. If less than three test environments are configured, a bar chart is displayed instead.

Test Type

A group of test activities based on specific test objectives with the purpose of testing a component or system for specific properties (Functional, Non-Functional, Structural, Regression, Retest).


Trac is an open source application for defect management and issue tracking in software development. Klaros Test Management integrates with Trac.



The expected outcome of the test: positive or negative.


A rating is the result of the executed test case, test step or test suite. Possible ratings are Passed, Failed, Error, Inconclusive, Skipped.


Web Browser

Klaros-Testmanagement is a web application and runs within a web browser. Supported browsers are Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox.

Work Log

The work log shows the chronological progression and duration of the activities for processing a job. The time spent for the entire test execution results from the sum of the execution times. the sum of the execution times.



YouTrack is a popular application by the company JetBrains for defect management, troubleshooting, and project management.