Klaros-Testmanagement - Community Edition

With the download you receive the free Community Edition and can start right away.

The Community Edition can be used without restrictions and has a smaller feature set.

With no limitation on the number of projects, test cases or users, it is ideal for getting started with a small project and team.

Klaros-Testmanagement - Enterprise Edition

You can upgrade the Community Edition to the Enterprise Edition at any time by uploading a license file.

To receive your free 30-day trial license for the Enterprise Edition, simply request your license key:

Request Trial License

The Enterprise Edition offers you the full range of functions, including one year of support and free access to all software updates. If you are not convinced after the 30-day trial period has expired, you can still continue working with the Community Edition. By importing the trial license, your previous data remains untouched, but data from additional features will no longer be available after trial expiration.

 Download for Windows
 Download for Linux
 Docker Integration
 Klaros-Testmanagement Quickstart (HTML)
 Klaros-Testmanagement Quickstart (PDF)
Release Notes
 License Agreement for the Community Edition

Previous Versions

Select the software version to download
Aktuelle Version / Release Notes
Klaros-Testmanagement Plugin for Jenkins Continuous Integration Server


You can install the plugin directly from the Jenkins Plugin Manager. For more details on installation, refer to the documentation on Jenkins web sites.

Klaros-Test­management User Manual (HTML)

Klaros-Test­management User Manual (PDF)

Klaros-Test­management Tutorial (HTML)

Klaros-Test­management Tutorial (PDF)

We are continuously working on improving Klaros-Testmanagement

So if you have any questions or requests or simply want to give feedback, please write to us at  support@verit.de oder use our   User Forum.


  +49 631 520 840 00

Individual customizations

Do you require special features? Please contact us!

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