Klaros-Testmanagement 5.0.9 released

Torsten Stolpmann, modified 3 Years ago.

Klaros-Testmanagement 5.0.9 released

Jedi Council Member Posts: 756 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
This maintenance release improves the integration with Redmine and GitHub and features several other performance and stability improvements.

Overall this new release features 12 improvements and 13 bug fixes.

What's new in Klaros-Testmanagement 5.0?

For more information about the new features in Klaros-Testmanagement 5.0, have a look at our forum Announcement Post.

Release Notes

Version 5.0.9 (04.05.2021)


    [KLAROS-3396] - Enable filtering of test case results by test case/suite
    [KLAROS-4272] - Filter options should better match the selected filter fields
    [KLAROS-4654] - Allow filtering for test case / test suite "is (not) set" when filtering test runs
    [KLAROS-4672] - Support API Key authentication with Redmine
    [KLAROS-4679] - Add options to the print page configuration that allows to suppress issue and test result related information
    [KLAROS-4684] - Align ID column layout on the test suite result details page
    [KLAROS-4687] - Show the number of assigned project members in the access tab header on the project details page
    [KLAROS-4699] - Speed up loading of tables by using more sophisticated indexes
    [KLAROS-4700] - Improve updates to predefined report attributes
    [KLAROS-4709] - Speed up listing of large sets of external requirements and issues
    [KLAROS-4712] - Lower memory usage for response buffers
    [KLAROS-4720] - The list of test requirements in a test iteration should show the number of assigned test cases

Fixed Bugs

    [KLAROS-3977] - In the Issue Overview Report, only those issues that are linked to a test case are explicitly listed under System under Tests
    [KLAROS-4320] - Inconsistent behavior when skipping test steps
    [KLAROS-4442] - Skipping a test case during test suite execution should mark all steps as 'skipped' instead of 'unkown'
    [KLAROS-4458] - Unable to purge projects if custom enum properties are present
    [KLAROS-4504] - Impossible to link a user defined enum field to a remote RMS enum field
    [KLAROS-4670] - No login failed message on the login page with wrong credentials
    [KLAROS-4673] - Error retrieving assignee list in GitLab
    [KLAROS-4686] - Unable to re-execute a test case or test suite from the test case / test suite result details page
    [KLAROS-4694] - XML project export must not export multiple copies of the same RMS, PropertyLinks and TypeLinks
    [KLAROS-4695] - Missing project membership information in XML project export
    [KLAROS-4707] - Redmine groups may disrupt saving or linking issues
    [KLAROS-4719] - Setting the estimated days for a test case deletes its estimated time (hours, minutes, seconds)
    [KLAROS-4721] - Validating GitHub backgrund synchronization authentication with correct credentials is marked as failed