Klaros-Testmanagement 5.3.0 released

Klaros Testmanagement Screenshots

Klaros-Testmanagement 5.3.0 has just been released.


What's new?


Bulk options for external systems
Multiple issue management systems and requirements management systems can now be edited and deleted at once. Aditionally, administrators can bulk restore or purge external systems.


Details pages for external systems
All Issue management systems and requirements management systems now have their own individual details pages where the linked projects and the change history is displayed. Attachments can now also be uploaded from these pages.


Support for alternate keys for the REST-API
We've expanded the ways that objects (test cases, results, et al.) of a single project can be retrieved via the REST-API.


Speed up loading of large object lists via the REST-API
The REST-API has been significantly optimized. In addition to that, deleted objects are no longer transferred when requesting lists of objects.


Faster dashboard reports
The reports on the dashboard significantly load faster, especially for large numbers of results.


Speed up loading of overview reports
The reports on the overview tabs of all details pages have been optimized to load faster..


Overall 10 new features and improvements and 15 bug fixes are included in this release.


The complete release notes can be found here: Release Notes





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