Klaros-Testmanagement 5.1.1 released

Klaros Testmanagement Screenshots

Klaros-Testmanagement 5.1.1 has just been released.


What's new?

Drag and drop support for attachments
Uploading attachments to test cases or other objects is easier than ever. Simply drag and drop files onto the upload dialog to upload them. This even works for multiple files at once.


User defined attributes for test case results
Test case results can now have user defined attributes. These can be set during test case execution or afterwards on the test case result details page.


Easier to assign requirements to iterations
Requirements can now be assigned to iterations from the requirement details page. This was previously only possible from the iteration details page.


Allow users to assign their test runs to other users
Testers that are currently executing a test run can assign it to another tester. Manager accounts are also able to reassign test runs.


Overall 14 new features and improvements and 19 bug fixes are included in this release.


The complete release notes can be found here: Release Notes




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