Reg. 3.5.0

Panda Kay, modified 12 Years ago.

Reg. 3.5.0

Youngling Posts: 24 Join Date: 11/2/11 Recent Posts
Hei Torsten.

Which of the new functionality relate to the community version? I updated on my VM installation to test the update before actually installing it on the server we use, and I cannot see much difference when it comes to using the GUI.
Are most changes for the CE in the background?

I have missed a search function, so I hoped this was also in the CE version, but I understand that all the goodies cannot be placed into the CE... ;)
Torsten Stolpmann, modified 12 Years ago.

RE: Reg. 3.5.0

Jedi Council Member Posts: 763 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts

Are most changes for the CE in the background?

Yes there is a big amount of under the hood changes in 3.5.0, for this release we were adding about 25% of additional new code.

In the CE you should notice a huge speed increase in general as well as benefit from the conflict resolution in case of simultaneous editing of objects (most of your changes will automatically be merged in the background).

In addition there are also a lot of smaller enhancements regarding the general useability which are new in this release (adding issues at any point of test execution, building test suites from test results, re-starting tests from the evaluate view etc.).

Most of those came from user feedback given here in the forum or via E-Mail, so thanks again for all of your input!

I have missed a search function, so I hoped this was also in the CE version, but I understand that all the goodies cannot be placed into the CE... ;)

Well at least the already present quick-search has been enhanced to resolve more object types and be more liberal on the input it takes (e.g. 'tc1' will now work as well as 'TC00001').

But yes, we strongly encourage our users to upgrade to the Enterprise-Edition emoticon

