Klaros-Testmanagement 5.4.4 released

Torsten Stolpmann, modified 2 Years ago.

Klaros-Testmanagement 5.4.4 released

Jedi Council Member Posts: 764 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
We are happy to announce the availability of Klaros-Testmanagement 5.4.4.

This maintenance release optimizes the integration of issue management systems and contains a huge set of minor improvements and stabilization fixes.
In addition it restores compatibility with the JIRA Cloud API, where sudden changes where introduced.

Overall this release contains 11 improvements and 19 bug fixes. Existing users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.

Release Notes Version 5.4.4 (20.01.2023)


[KLAROS-5111] - List test case / test suite short names instead of ids on the test suite result and continue test run pages to improve traceability
[KLAROS-5113] - Support ui configuration parameters larger than 1024 characters
[KLAROS-5115] - Avoid warning message when trying to create an issue on an issue management system for the first time
[KLAROS-5116] - Limit the vertical size of multi select check boxes
[KLAROS-5125] - Do not show the project field on the issue management system details page if it is not supported by the system
[KLAROS-5132] - Add filter and sort options on detail pages for test case and test suite job relation tables
[KLAROS-5134] - External requirements should be assignable to iterations on the requirement details page
[KLAROS-5136] - Ensure that existing deleted requirements are no longer visible once requirements are synchronized from an external source
[KLAROS-5137] - Do not show a message of the day date on the login page when the message of the day is blank
[KLAROS-5138] - Support filter and sort options for issues on the test case and system under test detail pages
[KLAROS-5139] - Allow to change authentication credentials on the link issue page

Bug Fixes

[KLAROS-4999] - Dual authentication required for non-authenticated issue management systems
[KLAROS-5107] - Problems sorting test case and test suite results using the filter panel
[KLAROS-5108] - Custom fields are not displayed when creating issues via system under test and test case details pages
[KLAROS-5109] - Missing synchronization for text block test case fields
[KLAROS-5110] - ClassCastExeption during custom report execution
[KLAROS-5112] - Wrong date association for executed test cases in the test progress history chart
[KLAROS-5117] - Unable to export the requirements table of native requirements to PDF format
[KLAROS-5119] - Locked custom reports should not be editable
[KLAROS-5120] - The list of available issue management or requirement systems is not properly updated for items added during this login session by other users
[KLAROS-5122] - The test run iteration on the test run list page is only visible while editing
[KLAROS-5123] - Linking an issue from test case or system under test issue tab does not give the user the ability to initially authenticated himself
[KLAROS-5126] - Disable flaky lambda evaluation in the third party MyFaces implementation
[KLAROS-5128] - Failed JIRA Cloud access: No enum constant com.atlassian.jira.rest.client.api.domain.StandardOperation.COPY
[KLAROS-5129] - Testers and guests are unable to view the issue management systems assigned to a project
[KLAROS-5130] - Saving uploaded attachments for the active iteration does not succeed
[KLAROS-5131] - When changing the selected revision of the test segment on the test segment details page the list of referencing test cases is not properly updated
[KLAROS-5135] - It should not be possible to create revisions for external requirements on the requirements detail page
[KLAROS-5140] - Token-based IMS authentification should only succeed if the token is entered in the password field
[KLAROS-5141] - Problem linking the same issue in two different projects