Evaluation of test runs and revision system

Micha Keppler, modified 2 Years ago.

Evaluation of test runs and revision system

Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 8/22/22 Recent Posts

I am using the community-version for a project. I have some questions regarding the evaluations of test cases and the revision system:

#1: Evaluation of test runs
1.1: Is there any possibility to filter the results under "Evaluate > Test case result" with the "Test Environment" property? E.g. I only want to see the results of a certain software version (definded under "Test Environsments"). How can I do that?

1.2. Is there any possibility to mark test runs as "checked"? E.g. after the software was tested with the test cases it now comes to the evaluation. Therefore you go trough the different results and check them. If you are finished with checking a test run you mark him with "checked". Now colleauges won't accidentally double-check these runs and it is more clear which results still have to be checked.

#2: Revision system
Is there any possibility to just use/display the latest revision of a test case? For example I don't want the old revision versions to be displayed under "Execute > Run Test Case"... Is there any possibility to do that? I already read something like "KlarosTestCase.getSuccessor()==null", but I am honestly not quite sure what to do with this answer.

Thank you for you help and amazing work on this cool project

Best regards

Micha K.

Torsten Stolpmann, modified 2 Years ago.

RE: Evaluation of test runs and revision system

Jedi Council Member Posts: 764 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
Hello Micha,

thank you for your kind words and sorry for the late reply.

Please find your answers below:

#1: Evaluation of test runs

1.1: Is there any possibility to filter the results under "Evaluate > Test case result" with the "Test Environment" property? E.g. I only want to see the results of a certain software version (definded under "Test Environsments"). How can I do that?

For most objects filters for their direct attributes are present but not for attributes of their attributes.

So this filter is available for test runs, but currently not for test case results, as the test environment field is an attribute of the test run but not of test case result.

As this is surely useful, I raised the enhancement request KLAROS-5099 to track further development regarding this.

1.2. Is there any possibility to mark test runs as "checked"? E.g. after the software was tested with the test cases it now comes to the evaluation. Therefore you go trough the different results and check them. If you are finished with checking a test run you mark him with "checked". Now colleauges won't accidentally double-check these runs and it is more clear which results still have to be checked.

In the Enterprise Edition you may add a custom boolean field to tet runs for this purpose. In the Community Edition this is not possible, sorry.

#2: Revision system
Is there any possibility to just use/display the latest revision of a test case? For example I don't want the old revision versions to be displayed under "Execute > Run Test Case"... Is there any possibility to do that? I already read something like "KlarosTestCase.getSuccessor()==null", but I am honestly not quite sure what to do with this answer.

There has been a feature request open for this for quite some time (KLAROS-1113). I will add your request to this and raise priority. There may be other places where this would sense.

Thanks you for your input and enjoy working with Klaros-Testmanagement!

