Klaros-Testmanagement 5.4.0 released

Torsten Stolpmann, modified 2 Years ago.

Klaros-Testmanagement 5.4.0 released

Jedi Council Member Posts: 764 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
We are happy to announce the availability of Klaros-Testmanagement 5.4.0.

In total, this release contains 40 new features and improvements as well as 27 bug fixes.

In addition to a significantly improved user interface performance, the most important new features include scripts for the migration from TestLink, an enhanced issue management integration, additional options for importing test cases and requirements from external sources, and numerous other smaller improvements.

Migrations of TestLink projects

Migration scripts were created for the conversion of TestLink projects to Klaros-Testmanagement and published as an open source GitHub project:


Improved issue management integration

Managing issues and interacting with integrated issue trackers such as Jira or GitLab has been significantly enhanced.

New detailed views have been added for a more detailed display of properties and relations, and access to external systems has been significantly accelerated. Assigning an issue to multiple test cases and test systems at the same time is now possible.

Enhanced import capabilities with additional options

For importing test cases and requirements from other sources, additional options are now available. For example, requirements can now be directly linked to existing test cases during the import, and hierarchical classifications can be imported.

Merging user accounts

Klaros-Testmanagement now offers to combine several existing user accounts into a single account. This ensures optimal utilization of the accounts, e.g. when staff members change, or for simplification or troubleshooting purposes.

Email notifications

Automatic email notifications are now being sent whenever manual tasks are executed, for example, when the preparations of a test setup are completed and testing can be started.

Other improvements

- Increased performance by upgrading GUI libraries to PrimeFaces 11 / MyFaces-Next
- Enhanced change history for test runs, test case results and report templates
- Targeted creation of test suites for testing requirements coverage
- Additional options in selection dialogs through multi-level filters for better handling
- Enhanced visibility of unmet dependency relationships between tasks
- Improved automatic parameter selection of dashboard diagrams

Release Notes Version 5.4.0 (29.06.2022)

New Feature:

[KLAROS-2703] - Add a details page for issues
[KLAROS-4007] - List all issues of a project in the evaluate section showing their assigned test cases and systems under test
[KLAROS-4678] - Support creating test suites from test cases covering a set of selected requirements
[KLAROS-4867] - Add bulk options for issues
[KLAROS-4930] - Provide an option to merge multiple user accounts into a single one
[KLAROS-4983] - Add filtering options to dialog selection tables
[KLAROS-5014] - When importing test cases or requirements, also support importing hierarchical category information
[KLAROS-5017] - When importing requirements, allow to link them to existing test cases during import
[KLAROS-5052] - Support change history for test runs
[KLAROS-5053] - Support change history for report templates


[KLAROS-4045] - Document the dependency between the user that started Klaros-Testmanagement and the used .klaros folder
[KLAROS-4474] - Add a section to the documentation explaining the different text field formats
[KLAROS-4778] - Show the test result/test run start dates as fuzzy dates
[KLAROS-4794] - Offer test run continuation on the test run details page
[KLAROS-4881] - Update to PrimeFaces 11
[KLAROS-4974] - Exclude unsaved objects from bulk operations
[KLAROS-4986] - Improve the 'Use Active Project/Iteration' behavior for dashboard reports by autoselecting the last executed system under test / test environment combination
[KLAROS-5000] - Extend the project group member table user assignment options
[KLAROS-5001] - Restrict editability of the system user
[KLAROS-5005] - When importing JUnit test result files do not add whitespace-only system-out or system-err nodes as attachments
[KLAROS-5009] - Speed up test case purge operations
[KLAROS-5011] - Improve the initial parameter selection for newly created dashboard reports
[KLAROS-5012] - When assigning jobs to iterations, optionally allow to also assign all test runs of the job to the iteration as well
[KLAROS-5015] - Disable opening the test runner window when trying to continue a test run that is already continued by another user
[KLAROS-5022] - Editing of steps, properties and attachments and other sub objects must delegate change information to the enclosing object
[KLAROS-5023] - Show the open / closed issue information on the test case execution page
[KLAROS-5030] - Speed up retrieving and storing external issues
[KLAROS-5033] - Add an ID field to the custom report templates
[KLAROS-5035] - Provide navigation between different reports via the details page
[KLAROS-5041] - Indicate unmet dependencies in the job lists
[KLAROS-5045] - Adding and editing (changing the name) of attachments on detail pages should be documented in the history
[KLAROS-5050] - Changes to test step results should be visible in the test case result history
[KLAROS-5055] - Do not support changing report template formats on the template list page
[KLAROS-5057] - Give visual feedback when manually synchronizing issues
[KLAROS-5065] - Add a message when Javascript is blocked
[KLAROS-5067] - Show more information in the latest test run table of the job overview tab
[KLAROS-5071] - "Job ready for execution" notifications should also be sent for jobs of type Task
[KLAROS-5072] - Only send notifications for fullfilled job dependencies when the status of the dependent job is new or reopened
[KLAROS-5074] - Add a clear icon to the global search box
[KLAROS-5077] - Support print actions on the continue test run page
[KLAROS-5081] - Provide a favicon in the web archive

Fixed Bugs:

[KLAROS-3973] - When importing XML backups, issues that are only attached to a system under test are omitted
[KLAROS-4766] - Dirty check may fail while paging test steps
[KLAROS-4975] - Impossible to bulk copy test case steps to an existing test segment or to another existing test case
[KLAROS-4977] - Exception when pressing the 'User Defined' tab for a test step on the test case result details page
[KLAROS-4989] - Unable to select/deselect current iteration filter on tables supporting this behavior
[KLAROS-4990] - Unable to purge objects assigned to categories
[KLAROS-4992] - Error parsing empty Jira custom DateTime field
[KLAROS-4993] - Broken layout for test case step custom values when executing tests
[KLAROS-4995] - Misaligned rendering of test run result columns on some print page result details
[KLAROS-4997] - Pruned issue management systems may not properly be detached from projects referencing them when multiple systems are assigned
[KLAROS-5002] - The latest test result table on test environment and system under test overview pages are not properly updated for empty result sets
[KLAROS-5004] - Unable to copy a test case step containing attachments
[KLAROS-5008] - The JSON export for test cases contains superfluous information regarding test step containers
[KLAROS-5010] - Broken History entry when removing a job dependency
[KLAROS-5013] - Very large default strings for custom string fields may lead to failed purge operations
[KLAROS-5024] - Toggling the current project only selector on the My Jobs table does not correctly initializes the unassigned jobs table
[KLAROS-5026] - Unable to link external synchronized requirements to test cases
[KLAROS-5028] - Unable to add attachments to multiple steps without an intermediate save
[KLAROS-5029] - Users must be validated before saving them to start bulk operations
[KLAROS-5032] - Wrong selection when single deleting a list item while another list item has been changed without prior saving
[KLAROS-5037] - Fix the behavior for saving and discarding unsaved items before cloning / bulk cloning
[KLAROS-5040] - Missing dependent job relations after job update actions
[KLAROS-5042] - The test run execution history chart on the job details page misses available test results
[KLAROS-5043] - Unable to bulk change user role assignments from a user details page
[KLAROS-5068] - When reaching detail pages anonymously via bookmark links some overview reports where reporting inaccessible projects
[KLAROS-5070] - The Continue Test run table is always empty when an iteration is active even if the active iteration has pending test runs
[KLAROS-5075] - Unable to update the progress and success rate of a job dependency after first save