Reset admin account - Klaros Test Management - Forum - Klaros Test Management
Reset admin account
Epsilon AB IT, modified 13 Years ago.
Reset admin account
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 2/10/11 Recent Posts
Due to a weird reason, our only admin account has the same User name as one of the test managers, and when trying to log in one the the error message:
"#{userHandler.login}: /pages/include/includeLogin.jspx @47,80 action="#{userHandler.login}": org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException: query did not return a unique result: 2 "
We tried to uninstall and reinstall Klaros to reset the accounts, but no success.
Changed name of the "Klaros-Testmanagement"-folder and installed again, but no success.
My question is: How do we reset the user accounts so we have an admin account again?
"#{userHandler.login}: /pages/include/includeLogin.jspx @47,80 action="#{userHandler.login}": org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException: query did not return a unique result: 2 "
We tried to uninstall and reinstall Klaros to reset the accounts, but no success.
Changed name of the "Klaros-Testmanagement"-folder and installed again, but no success.
My question is: How do we reset the user accounts so we have an admin account again?
Torsten Stolpmann, modified 13 Years ago.
RE: Reset admin account
Jedi Council Member Posts: 763 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
Hello anonymous user from Epsilon AB IT,
User names are stored in the database (which one have you configured?) in the K_USER table.
If you have not yet configured a database you are using an Apache Derby instance with the data directory in <user_home>/.klaros/klarosDerby.
Database settings are store in <user_home>/.klaros/ so using a (JDBC based) SQL Database Editor you should be able to correct your entries.
I am unsure on how you were able to achieve that situation (it should not be possible), so any more information like logfiles or a description of what was entered is very welcome.
User names are stored in the database (which one have you configured?) in the K_USER table.
If you have not yet configured a database you are using an Apache Derby instance with the data directory in <user_home>/.klaros/klarosDerby.
Database settings are store in <user_home>/.klaros/ so using a (JDBC based) SQL Database Editor you should be able to correct your entries.
I am unsure on how you were able to achieve that situation (it should not be possible), so any more information like logfiles or a description of what was entered is very welcome.
Epsilon AB IT, modified 13 Years ago.
RE: Reset admin account
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 2/10/11 Recent Posts
I had a user (epsilon) that was an system account. He didnt have any rights to log in so I logged in as admin/admin ->configure -> search users -> edit on felix musterman -> changed name etc to the same as (epsilon)
tada, now you couldnt log in anymore.
tada, now you couldnt log in anymore.
Tobias Schmitt, modified 13 Years ago.
RE: Reset admin account
Padawan Posts: 71 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
Hello anonymous user from Epsilon AB IT,
thank you for your hint. I'm able to reproduce this behavior and created an issue to fix this. (KLAROS-1201: It is possible to change the username to an already existing value what causes an exception at the log in screen). We will provide a fix in our next release.
Tobias Schmitt
thank you for your hint. I'm able to reproduce this behavior and created an issue to fix this. (KLAROS-1201: It is possible to change the username to an already existing value what causes an exception at the log in screen). We will provide a fix in our next release.
Tobias Schmitt
Torsten Stolpmann, modified 13 Years ago.
RE: Reset admin account (Answer)
Jedi Council Member Posts: 763 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
Fixed with the release of version 3.3.