Testrun crashes after update to 3.2.1

Vlad M, modified 13 Years ago.

Testrun crashes after update to 3.2.1

Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 11/23/10 Recent Posts

in version xy (sorry, i dont know right now..)
i created some testsuites, consisting of some testcases.
everything went fine, i was able to finish every testsuite run.
we updated klaros to version 3.2.1( - Build 771) and now every testsuite, created before the update,
crashes after 3 or 4 steps. (see error message below)

a new testsuite with new testcases, created in the current version 3.2.1, runs fine

Problem in renderResponse: javax.el.ELException: /pages/subviews/execute/runner/subviewTestPlanSteps.jspx @132,51 value="#{testPlanRunner.currentStepObject.preCondition}": Error reading 'currentStepObject' on type de.verit.klaros.web.beans.pages.runner.TestPlanRunner_$$_javassist_seam_85
Torsten Stolpmann, modified 13 Years ago.

RE: Testrun crashes after update to 3.2.1

Jedi Council Member Posts: 759 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
Hi Vlad,

to analyze the problem we need at least a full stack trace (if you are running under linux the file log/catalina.out, for windows we need the console output) of the incident and the version number you updated from. Please send this to support@verit.de.

Thanks for your feedback!


Torsten Stolpmann, modified 13 Years ago.

RE: Testrun crashes after update to 3.2.1

Jedi Council Member Posts: 759 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts

we were able to reproduce this and tracked this issue as KLAROS-1083 (Wrong index for current test case when executing test suites). This is a regression introduced in version 3.2.0 and has been fixed towards version 3.2.2 which will be available tomorrow.

Thanks for pointing that out!


Vlad M, modified 13 Years ago.

RE: Testrun crashes after update to 3.2.1

Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 11/23/10 Recent Posts
Hi Torsten,

we just updated our Klaros to version 3.2.2 and now my testsuites run fine!

thanks a lot for your fast response! emoticon