Right Project But Wrong Dashboard

Jamie Gagnon, modified 13 Years ago.

Right Project But Wrong Dashboard

Padawan Posts: 46 Join Date: 8/27/10 Recent Posts
I created a Project called Core 1.2.2 and created 3 test cases in it.

Previous project I ran was called Abnormal Behaviour.

With Abnormal behaviour I had managed to run tests and display results on the dashboard. Which is what I would expect for this project.

However, I have just created Core 1.2.2 as a project and have not execute any tests and have at this stage only created the test cases without steps.

When I go to dash board. I expect to see the statistics box telling me that 3 test case exists. but the other 2 areas, I expect them to have no data because I have not run anything yet..

However. they seem to hold data for the Abnormal behaviour project.

See attached which shows me in Core 1.2.2 but with Abnormal behaviours data.

Currently on ver 3.2.1 using IE 8 Briowser to access.
Torsten Stolpmann, modified 13 Years ago.

RE: Right Project But Wrong Dashboard

Jedi Council Member Posts: 759 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
Hi Jamie,

this is strange - could it be that your browser caches the previous images? Does the screen change after a refresh (Ctrl-F5)?


Torsten Stolpmann, modified 13 Years ago.

RE: Right Project But Wrong Dashboard

Jedi Council Member Posts: 759 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
Hi Jamie,

the 3.2.2 release should contain a fix for this problem ( KLAROS-1059).


Jamie Gagnon, modified 13 Years ago.

RE: Right Project But Wrong Dashboard

Padawan Posts: 46 Join Date: 8/27/10 Recent Posts
Definitely resolved. I am on 3.2.2 now all okemoticon