LDAP configuration (Users are memberOf a CN)

Matthias Koch, modified 4 Years ago.

LDAP configuration (Users are memberOf a CN)

Youngling Posts: 4 Join Date: 11/30/20 Recent Posts
we're currently try to integrate Klaros into our active directory. We are able to get users from a OU. Unfortunatley we don't have a own OU where all the users of Klaros are organised. To identify a User which is allowed to access Klaros we have to check if a user is MemberOf a specific CN. Is there any way to setup a filter in the LDAP integration?

As an alternative way we could use the CN of the group as "

User Context DN" but then we have to search for the "Member"-Atribute instead of a objectClass.

Kind Regards,
Torsten Stolpmann, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: LDAP configuration (Users are memberOf a CN)

Jedi Council Member Posts: 764 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
Hello Matthias,

if you like to prevent other users in your active directory to log in to Klaros, please set the option Disable automatic user registration and create the user accounts you require in the Klaros user administration. This way only existing users can authenticate themselves via LDAP/AD.

LDAP Group membership filters are currently not implemented, yet a feature request already exists for that (KLAROS-2991).
I added your request for this feature to this ticket.

Hope this helps,


P.S.: As an Enterprise Edition user you may also contact us directly under support@verit.de. We are always happy to help.
Matthias Koch, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: LDAP configuration (Users are memberOf a CN)

Youngling Posts: 4 Join Date: 11/30/20 Recent Posts
Hello Torsten,

Thank you very much for your fast reply.
We were just playing arround with the option you mentioned and it solved our issue. Good to know, that you have the membership filters already on your feature list. I think this feature could help in selecting the right group of users in many companies.

Thanks for the direct mail address. In this case I thougt it could be also an interessting topic for other users, that's why I have choosen the forum to ask instead of sending a direct mail. I hope that's ok.

Kind Regards,
Torsten Stolpmann, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: LDAP configuration (Users are memberOf a CN)

Jedi Council Member Posts: 764 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
Hi Matthias,

It's totally ok, I just wanted to point out your options.

Glad that this solved your issue.

