Creating issues directly from within Klaros to an issue management system

Richard Rowlands, modified 8 Years ago.

Creating issues directly from within Klaros to an issue management system

Youngling Posts: 7 Join Date: 5/16/16 Recent Posts
Hi Guys Just wanted to ask a quick question relating to the above situation.

We run UAT sessions once a month with the wider business but we have found that although we have the issue management configured to be Jira (in the integration configuration section of the software) and set up on the project whenever a user tries to log an issue it asks for the username and password of Jira for that user before allowing them access to log the issues directly to Jira, the issue with this is that it is only the development team that has access to Jira and so the users from the wider business cannot log the issues.

Are you able to confirm if there is a way of allowing them to log an issue without needing a Jira user name and password? (it seems odd as i had to enter a user name and password when configuring it originally, why does it not use that)

Many thanks

Fabian Klaffke, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Creating issues directly from within Klaros to an issue management syst (Answer)

Padawan Posts: 92 Join Date: 8/31/12 Recent Posts
Hi Richie,

the credentials that you have provided in the Configuration/Integrate section are currently used only for the background synchronization of issues as well as for the login validation. Using this account as the sole intersection point between Jira and Klaros is currently not possible.

Although the idea to expand the responsibilities of this account in Klaros-Testmanagement sounds intriguing, you would lose the traceability of issues on the Jira side. For example, if you use only one Jira-account in Klaros for every Klaros-user to create issues, you will not know (in Jira) who of your testers has created which issue, since all have been created by the same Jira-account.

If this is of no concern to you, you could create a single shared Jira-Account for your testers that they can use and ask them to jot down their name in the issue description for traceability.
