Klaros to Jira Server integration

Richard Rowlands, modified 8 Years ago.

Klaros to Jira Server integration

Youngling Posts: 7 Join Date: 5/16/16 Recent Posts
Good afternoon all,
I am currently trying to show the development team how useful Klaros can be, but i've come across a problem that i cannot seem to solve. I have reviewed the user manual and the forums but all i can find is what i presume is old solutions like for example in the user manual it mentions the following
 "To allow the connection of Klaros-Testmanagement to the JIRA server instance the JIRA RPC Plugin has to be activated in your JIRA installation. You find this option as Accept remote API calls in General Configuration under Global Settings. Then you need to enable the JIRA RPC Plugin in Plugins under System in the left-hand menu."
but in our Jira Sever (which is version 7.1.9) there is no option for accepting remote API calls in the settings that i can find. When attempting to set up the link from the Klaros side it advises it could not authenticate, i have tried all the following but with no sucess 
* I have tried URL's with and without the trailling slash
* I have tried URL's leading to the main dashboards in jira as well to particular projects
* i have also tried with different users to athenticate against (my own user and also an account I created to just handle this)
I should add that Klaros and Jira sit on one virtual machine together along with the Microsoft SQL server that handles both databases, whether them both being on the same box on the network affects the URL field i have no idea.

I hope you are able to point me in the right direction at least.

Many thanks

Fabian Klaffke, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Klaros to Jira Server integration

Padawan Posts: 92 Join Date: 8/31/12 Recent Posts
Hi Richie,

with version 7.0 of Jira Server, Atlassian removed the XML-RPC based APIs that we had used to get issue data from Jira to Klaros (see https://developer.atlassian.com/jiradev/latest-updates/soap-and-xml-rpc-api-deprecation-notice). For version 7.x and onwards, the connection between Klaros and Jira is done via Jira's REST API which should be enabled by default on your installation.

Have you entered the name of your Jira project into the "Project" field in Klaros? Otherwise the connection cannot be validated, even if the URL points to a valid Jira installation. I have also attached a screenshot that shows a working configuration as an example.



Richard Rowlands, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Klaros to Jira Server integration

Youngling Posts: 7 Join Date: 5/16/16 Recent Posts
Hi Fabian many thanks for the quick reply,

I actually noticed that soap and xml rpc api deprecation notice during my research trawling the interweb and figured that wasnt a good sign. :-( I've been singing the praises of Klaros in work and one of the things people saw as the main benefit was the ability to report bugs directly into the existing Jira solution (that and hopefully getting some form of automation software integrated as well is another biggy). As i have no experiance with REST API's at all it looks like i will need to hand over to one of our developers to see if he can get it working.

Thanks for the tip regarding the project field, although i hadnt mentioned it in the original post i had started putting it in as i guessed it would have been important :-) 

Thanks Again

Fabian Klaffke, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Klaros to Jira Server integration (Answer)

Padawan Posts: 92 Join Date: 8/31/12 Recent Posts
Hi again,

The main difference in Klaros between the REST and the RPC-APIs of Jira is that for Jira version 7 and up you need to select "Jira" as the issue mananagement type ("System") and for Jira version 6 and below, you should choose "Jira (Legacy)". Knowledge of the API itself is not required, because Klaros handles all the low level stuff.

Could you send us a screenshot of your configuration (Configure/Integration/Issue Management) as well as the contents of the Klaros log folders ( http://www.klaros-testmanagement.com/files/doc/html/User-Manual.Installation.html#User-Manual.Installation-Process.Main.Important-Files ) to support(at)verit.de ?

Best regards,

(and thanks fo singing the praises of Klaros at work ;)
Richard Rowlands, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Klaros to Jira Server integration

Youngling Posts: 7 Join Date: 5/16/16 Recent Posts
Hi Fabian, that sounds promising if Klaros controls the low level stuff.

I will get the screenshot and the log file sent to the email address in a few minutes

Thanks again

Richard Rowlands, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Klaros to Jira Server integration

Youngling Posts: 7 Join Date: 5/16/16 Recent Posts
Just thought it would be helpful for anyone else googling the same sort of issue, Fabian got back to me very quickly after i sent screen shots of the config section and advised that were it asks you to note the project you are connecting to it wants the project key and not the project name. once i changed that it works perfectly.

Many thanks must go to Fabian for all your help

Fabian Klaffke, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Klaros to Jira Server integration

Padawan Posts: 92 Join Date: 8/31/12 Recent Posts
Hi Richie,

thanks for the kind words. I'm glad that I could help!

