Issue page is not refreshed for when click 2,3 or >> or >|

Eileen Cao, modified 8 Years ago.

Issue page is not refreshed for when click 2,3 or >> or >|

Youngling Posts: 6 Join Date: 5/19/16 Recent Posts
I have 13 issues for one case.And I set 5 issues for per page. So I have 3 pages. But issue page is not refreshed when I click page 2 or 3 or >> or >|. Is it a bug for Klaros 4.5.0?
Thanks a lot!
Fabian Klaffke, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Issue page is not refreshed for when click 2,3 or >> or >|

Padawan Posts: 92 Join Date: 9/1/12 Recent Posts
Hi Eileen,

you can increase the number of displayed issues per page to 15 or higher. This will show you all issues of the test case on one page. You can find this option on the upper right of each table (I have marked it on the attached screenshot).

Nevertheless you are right that this is a misbehaviour that we now have tracked as KLAROS-2945. Thanks for reporting!

Eileen Cao, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Issue page is not refreshed for when click 2,3 or >> or >| (Answer)

Youngling Posts: 6 Join Date: 5/19/16 Recent Posts
Hi, Fabian

Thank you very much for your quick response!
"increase the number of displayed issue per page to 15 or higher" is ok.
