Klaros through Port Broken?

Douglas Wagner, modified 8 Years ago.

Klaros through Port Broken?

Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 5/7/16 Recent Posts
I'm not sure whether this is my issue or a bug in Klaros (surely not...SOMEONE's got to be doing this).

I set  up Klaros on a web server (webhost) running on port 8081 / 8433 (ssl).  The root of the web server (redmine) comes up fine, Klaros is setup to talk through AJP to it's tomcat server (running on the default 18009 port), however after logging into Klaros, all of the action buttons are mapped to http://webhost/klaros-web/ which needs to be http://webhost:8081/klaros-web/ to function.

So I load up http://webhost:8081/klaros-web/  which works.
I Log in, which works.
I click the Button to pull up test reports (forget which that is) at the top:  That works.
I Then try to click on the PDF/HTML/CSV links to generate a testing report and the buttons attempt to load the non-ported webhost address, which obviously breaks.
Any of the minor buttons on the interface (such as those that appear at the end of a user's column allowing actions on that user) also are broken in the same way...they all point internally to "webhost" and not "webhost:8081".

The same thing happens if I attempt to hit Klaros through the standard Tomcat methodology:  http://webhost:18080/klaros-web/

I"m doing a full re-installation of the entire webserver now in case I borked something, but that just seems...wrong?

Is this a known issue?  Searching hasn't brought up anything.  We're evaluating this product for professional use and this will be a show stopper if it happens after I set it up again and it's still broken.
Fabian Klaffke, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Klaros through Port Broken? (Answer)

Padawan Posts: 92 Join Date: 8/31/12 Recent Posts
Hi Douglas and welcome to the Klaros-Testmanagement community.

You said that you're using AJP. Have you entered the URL of your Klaros installation into "Configure/System/Miscellaneous/Application URL" (see http://www.klaros-testmanagement.com/files/doc/html/User-Manual.Configure.Main-GeneralSettings.html#User-Manual.Configure.Main-GeneralSettings.Miscellaneous). This is a required step when using a proxy of any kind in front of the application server Klaros-Testmanagement runs on.

Douglas Wagner, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Klaros through Port Broken?

Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 5/7/16 Recent Posts
Yep, I found this after doing the system reinstall (which needed to be done anyway so no harm no foul).

I had the App URL set to the non-ported version of the application which was how it was installed initially ("webhost" instead of "webhost:8081").  Obviously my issue.  emoticon

Thanks for the fast response and for the great support. emoticon  You've got a heck of a product here!
Fabian Klaffke, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Klaros through Port Broken?

Padawan Posts: 92 Join Date: 8/31/12 Recent Posts
Hi Douglas,

I'm glad I could help! Have fun using Klaros-Testmanagement and if you have any further questions feel free to ask!
