Klaros-Testmanagement version 2.6.2 released - Klaros Test Management - Forum - Klaros Test Management
Klaros-Testmanagement version 2.6.2 released
Tobias Schmitt, modified 11 Years ago.
Klaros-Testmanagement version 2.6.2 released
Padawan Posts: 71 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
Release Notes for Klaros-Testmanagement version 2.6.2:
Klaros-Testmanagement is an AJAX-based web application for the clear
and concise management of the quality assurance process in software
development projects.
Klaros-Testmanagement supports the collection of test data and the
creation and assignment of test plans as well as interfacing with issue
management systems and extensive reporting capabilities.
Open interfaces allow the import of existing data from outside sources
such as spreadsheets or other applications. An accompanying web client
application allows the automated logging and result aquisition of
manually executed test cases.
The comprehensive and up-to-date database allows the precise deduction of
facts about the current status of the software quality at any time.
Version 2.6.2 - 2010-04-08:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-733] - NPE when executing a test case or test plan without a system under test
[KLAROS-732] - Some dashboard configuration dialogs are not centered
[KLAROS-731] - The application is not usable when not connected to the internet due to startup schema validations
[KLAROS-730] - NPE during issue creation
[KLAROS-719] - Implement a more strict way of URL checking
[KLAROS-716] - Allow sorting and searching for revisions of artifacts that are revisionable
Version 2.6.1 - 2010-03-22:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-729] - Exception when creating the KlarosEnvironmentReport or KlarosSUTReport
Version 2.6.0 - 2010-03-19:
New Features:
[KLAROS-702] - Show more details of a test result
[KLAROS-700] - Allow the online browsing of test runs and their results
[KLAROS-532] - support Bugzilla as an issue management system alternative
[KLAROS-530] - Allow the administrator to disable and delete a project
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-726] - The operating system architecture and operating system version fields are swapped on the info page
[KLAROS-725] - Data table render error under current Safari release when opening the filter tab
[KLAROS-721] - Reporting locks up when creating too many overview reports
[KLAROS-711] - Wrong behavior when switching between revision of test cases if there is unsaved data
[KLAROS-710] - Deleted test cases are visible in the edit test plan page
[KLAROS-708] - A test case that is cloned gets as initial revision comment 'deleted'
[KLAROS-687] - Session timeout not handled properly in manual test client
[KLAROS-728] - Add authentication support to the result import interface
[KLAROS-723] - Allow overwriting the session timeout of the underlying container
[KLAROS-722] - Include the reason for failed results imports in the HTTP response
[KLAROS-713] - Wrong positioning of the 'create new revision' check box in the edit test plan page
[KLAROS-693] - The manual execution client needs its own error page
[KLAROS-688] - Add documentation on how to configure the session timeout value
Version 2.5.3 - 2010-03-10:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-720] - Invalid test run percentage calculations for empty test runs
[KLAROS-718] - Problem opening the test case overview page in a reimported project
[KLAROS-717] - Textfield labels shoud be top-aligned on read only entries to allow better reading
[KLAROS-709] - Editing an unsaved test plan duplicates it
[KLAROS-706] - Misleading hint on testcase details page
[KLAROS-705] - Problem when deleting attachments of a test case
[KLAROS-704] - Deactivating an unsaved project causes a duplication of the project
[KLAROS-699] - Application freezes when pdf reports are created too often
[KLAROS-697] - RuntimeException when finishing a test run
[KLAROS-694] - When canceling an issue creation with wrong parameters the test execution is canceled as well
[KLAROS-715] - Validate the URL and project of an issue management system after save or update
Version 2.5.2 - 2010-03-05:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-690] - JUnit Error descriptions are not imported properly
[KLAROS-686] - Optimistic locking conflict during project selection
[KLAROS-685] - Test execution client window too small in IE
[KLAROS-684] - Filter Selector not properly rendered in IE
[KLAROS-683] - Wrong handling of missing state definitions for test cases
[KLAROS-682] - Exception deleting an atachment of a revisioned test case
[KLAROS-680] - When editing the email adress of a user the new destination address is not picked up by the email service test mail
[KLAROS-679] - Unresolved/broken entries in the release history
[KLAROS-678] - A user with the role "tester" is able to edit the steps of a test case
[KLAROS-677] - Broken status message after the import of a project
[KLAROS-676] - NullpointerException when browsing the results of an imported test plan
[KLAROS-651] - The manual suggests that klaros will create the database on a full grown database system.
[KLAROS-646] - Changing a value of a in the test case details page drop down does not enable the save button
[KLAROS-571] - Missing translation for test priority fields
[KLAROS-393] - The revision of a test case is always incremented when the test case details page has been left via the save button.
[KLAROS-667] - The documentation should mention the browser requirements in more detail
[KLAROS-562] - Use lesser memory when importing or exporting large projects
[KLAROS-330] - The new button on the testcase details page does not save the changes or ask whether to do so
Version 2.5.1 - 2010-02-14:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-674] - Error Displaying a test case from the results page as a tester
[KLAROS-673] - Wrong injection class breaks test result import servlet
[KLAROS-675] - Test case revision list needs a better formatting
Version 2.5.0 - 2010-02-12:
New Features:
[KLAROS-663] - A test case should be able to contain attachments
[KLAROS-631] - Support the import of QFTest result files
[KLAROS-580] - Support Redmine as an issue tracking system
[KLAROS-523] - Show the history of a test case
[KLAROS-522] - A test case result should be able to contain attachments
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-670] - Locales reporting empty languages causes illegal Report URLs
[KLAROS-668] - Missing default resource bundle entry: urlNotAccessible
[KLAROS-666] - Numberformat exception in the test progress history report
[KLAROS-665] - Numberformat Exception in the test progress report when the configuration dialog is shown the first time
[KLAROS-662] - The single test run report has no header labels anymore
[KLAROS-652] - The calculated execution time of the manual test runner is wrong.
[KLAROS-650] - The properties of the dashboard reports are resetted when the active project has been changed
[KLAROS-645] - The content repository saves a file via its name.
[KLAROS-644] - Exception migrating Revision 2.0 database to revision 2.5
[KLAROS-641] - Klaros tries to migrate the database if the current revision is lower than the active database revision.
[KLAROS-640] - Unable to recreate a deleted user
[KLAROS-382] - Exporting and importing changes the ids of the objects
[KLAROS-368] - Business Code range for test results is too small
[KLAROS-671] - The Project selector should not be available when the error page is shown
[KLAROS-669] - Checking of the Applikation URL should only be allowed if an URL has been specified
[KLAROS-664] - Prevent the flickering of the dashboard if a property of a report is changed
[KLAROS-660] - Update the tomcat distribution to version 6.0.24
[KLAROS-649] - When creating a report document the browser shows the language instead of a report description in the tab title
[KLAROS-576] - Provide the ability to abort a non-finished test run
[KLAROS-546] - The execute test plan page should warn about test plans that contain non-executable tests
Version 2.4.4 - 2010-02-03:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-661] - Missing system property in the database caused by KLAROS-656
Version 2.4.3 - 2010-01-28:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-657] - Exception when logged in as manager or tester and searching for users on an empty database.
Version 2.4.2 - 2010-01-28:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-656] - Exception when logged in as manager and searching for users on an empty database.
[KLAROS-654] - Out of sort memory error when refreshing databtables with revisionable objects too often
[KLAROS-639] - Mispelled RTF message properties in the default message bundle
Version 2.4.1 - 2010-01-08:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-638] - NullPointerException on the page to create issues if the jira project ID is wrong
[KLAROS-632] - Description and summary are not rendered in the single test run report
[KLAROS-630] - The Project selection and project maintain pages still allow to filter after the JIRA ID
[KLAROS-629] - PDF icon changes to XML icon on the Test Run History Report page
[KLAROS-623] - The tooltip for the assign test cases to a test plan is not correct anymore
[KLAROS-636] - Add the possiblity to repair the database after a crash
[KLAROS-635] - Increase the business code length for test case results, test plan results and test runs
[KLAROS-378] - Imprecise error message when unable to start a test case/test run
Version 2.4.0 - 2009-12-07:
New Features:
[KLAROS-586] - Support the assignment of test plans to SUTs
[KLAROS-585] - Allow the cloning of test plans
[KLAROS-531] - support Trac as a issue management system alternative
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-616] - The validate URL button has no effect if the loglevel is set to high.
[KLAROS-615] - The validate URL button in the configuration of issue management systems does accept too much urls.
[KLAROS-611] - Not closing the Autoupdater thread prevents proper tomcat shutdown
[KLAROS-603] - The dropdown fields on the test case details pages are not aligned with the other input fields
[KLAROS-601] - Nullpointer Exeption when searching for an empty dropdown field
[KLAROS-598] - The username cannot be edited.
[KLAROS-589] - error pages broken, if user is not logged in
[KLAROS-588] - When the selected project is deleted, switching to the default project does not work correctly.
[KLAROS-583] - unable to log in after changing admins username
[KLAROS-555] - The Continue Button does not vanish after test continuation completion
[KLAROS-613] - Preallocate the description and environment field with the information of the test run
[KLAROS-605] - Make the SUT column in the maintain test plans overview page editable.
[KLAROS-582] - Put klaros-favicon into installed tomcat
[KLAROS-578] - The continue test run data table should show the number of already executed test cases
[KLAROS-560] - Remove the unnecessary redraws and cache the graphics on the project dashboard page
[KLAROS-521] - Explain the error message for missing JAVA_HOME JRE_HOME in the manual
Version 2.3.3 - 2009-11-16:
New Features:
[KLAROS-570] - Allow testers to browse test case details
[KLAROS-568] - Make the row count of a data table configurable
[KLAROS-424] - Provide the ability to freely navigate between define/execute and evaluate via action icons
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-587] - MissingResourceException when starting a single test run report
[KLAROS-581] - Database connection leak in Jasperreports subreports
[KLAROS-577] - The continue test run data table misses hyperlinks for SUT and environment
[KLAROS-572] - Unable to import exported xml file
[KLAROS-569] - The JUnit test result import should use the class name as well as the test method name to build the name of the test
[KLAROS-536] - The headline should contain a combo box for quick selecting the current project
[KLAROS-529] - The test case results of a test plan execution should also be able to display the corresponding test case details
[KLAROS-413] - The description and summary fields in the test execution window should auto filled after an error or failure occured
[KLAROS-317] - Make the steps visible on the test case detail page
Version 2.3.2 - 2009-10-30:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-566] - test result import does not generate the correct test case name
Version 2.3.1 - 2009-10-23:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-561] - The project overview page flickers during rendering of the graphics
[KLAROS-559] - Error during database message logging may loose the actual message
[KLAROS-554] - Exception while displaying results of a continued test plan execution
Version 2.3.0 - 2009-10-16:
New Features:
[KLAROS-542] - Implement a quote of the day
[KLAROS-517] - Implement a version check that automatically discovers new releases and displays this information
[KLAROS-506] - Explain test results via tooltips
[KLAROS-460] - Implement a Message Of The Day which is displayed upon log in
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-552] - Lost issue properties during test case creation
[KLAROS-533] - Exception listing the test plan results when no test plan has been defined
[KLAROS-528] - Broken MySQL connection exception for report generation
[KLAROS-527] - The default column sizes of the continue test run table are not choosen properly
[KLAROS-526] - negative avarage execution time in evaluate/project overview for project KLAROS TESTMANAGEMENT
[KLAROS-525] - The status updater accidently clears the password field after a failed login
[KLAROS-520] - The user full name is no longer editable once it is created.
[KLAROS-516] - Creating the first project in a new database throws an Exception
[KLAROS-496] - The allowed filter parameters in the continue test case page are insufficient
[KLAROS-465] - The description of the current selected project gets not refreshed if the description was edited
[KLAROS-442] - It is possible to continue a test plan of an other project
[KLAROS-421] - The colors and the result type in every report are wrong
[KLAROS-549] - Prevent showing an error page when no data is present for a report (sut, environment, test plan)
[KLAROS-541] - Test cases without a step should be marked by a warning icon
[KLAROS-540] - The test plan overview table should show the amount of test cases contained in a test plan
[KLAROS-539] - Enhance the project overview panel with new charts
[KLAROS-535] - The headline should show the role of the logged in user as an i18n String
[KLAROS-534] - When browsing test plan results the system should display the current test plan name
[KLAROS-518] - The installer should delete the deployed web application if an update install is done
[KLAROS-504] - A new property to search for the result type of the results
[KLAROS-365] - The disabled input and select fields look strange on the zebra-table
[KLAROS-359] - Improve the data table border look on different browsers
Version 2.2.2 - 2009-10-07:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-512] - Action column too large in the 'Maintain Test Cases' data table
[KLAROS-309] - It is possible to open the menu-entries in a new tab
[KLAROS-515] - Avoid the term shortname in the UI which is the name actually
[KLAROS-514] - Show all date picker as popups and add i18n support to the text fields
[KLAROS-287] - After creating the first project it should automatically become the selected project
Version 2.2.1 - 2009-10-05:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-510] - The flex application needs a hard coded context root to connect to a server
[KLAROS-509] - The system user is not found during importing test cases from hudson
[KLAROS-508] - Deleted environments are listed in the project overview page
[KLAROS-505] - Screenshot shown instead of icon in the JIRA Configuration section of the manual
[KLAROS-502] - The Filter / Sorting options of a testcase result detail does not have the correct fields
[KLAROS-471] - A new chapter that shows and explains the complete functionality of klaros-web
Version 2.2.0 - 2009-10-02:
New Features:
[KLAROS-498] - Add the new search functions to all chapters in the manual
[KLAROS-489] - Add a default system user to the list of automatically created users
[KLAROS-476] - A function to clone a single test case
[KLAROS-463] - Add support for non-interactive user accounts
[KLAROS-417] - Support sorting of data table columns
[KLAROS-375] - More flexible search options (like message filters in thunderbird)
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-503] - The Filter / Sorting options of testcases in the run a single testcase page are not similar to the testcase search in the define section
[KLAROS-497] - Bad caption in the header for the sorting parameters
[KLAROS-493] - In the testcase execute page the table with the testcase results is shown with results of prior test runs
[KLAROS-483] - The position of the apply and the reset button in the manage test cases page is changed
[KLAROS-482] - The reset button caption of the filter parameters is too long in the german version.
[KLAROS-478] - The filter in the search function is not resetted correctly when the project is changed
[KLAROS-477] - The size of the JIRA Issue field does not honor database limitations.
[KLAROS-475] - The bean to edit a user is not using the DTOs
[KLAROS-473] - The layout of the page "Single Test Run Report" is broken
[KLAROS-472] - The project overview statistic page gets only updated once per project selection
[KLAROS-470] - The active project gets not updated if a new test run is getting created
[KLAROS-461] - The Klaros Result Importer does not automatically create business codes
[KLAROS-451] - The English "Run Single Test Case" view shows German strings
[KLAROS-440] - If there had been failures in a test run, the results table has the questionmark icon at the test
[KLAROS-391] - Stack trace when clicking around on a test case and its details
[KLAROS-495] - The continue test plan overview page should provide more information about a unfinished test plan
[KLAROS-492] - The filtering parameters should be above the table with the available test cases in the testplan details page
[KLAROS-491] - Add more filter parameters for the testplan details page
[KLAROS-485] - Allow filtering for attributes that do not have a column in the overview table
[KLAROS-484] - The clone button for test cases behaves different from the edit button.
[KLAROS-469] - Klaros-Web needs a DTO tier to separate the UI from the database
[KLAROS-464] - The new property "system" of the user should be exported and imported
[KLAROS-458] - Add the user to the export and recovery
[KLAROS-435] - Replace every code that maybe throws a lazy initialization exception with a hibernate criteria
[KLAROS-408] - Every jsf page needs its own bean
[KLAROS-306] - It is not clear which table is constricted with the search fields on the testplan edit page
Version 2.1.1 - 2009-09-10:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-457] - Link to the online help is not working for the categories "Execute" and "Configure"
[KLAROS-456] - The statistics are only updated once per login.
Version 2.1.0 - 2009-09-04:
New Features:
[KLAROS-360] - Allow undo actions in the testrunner
[KLAROS-349] - Internationalized Reports
[KLAROS-333] - Multilangguage support for the testrunner
[KLAROS-231] - Show who created the test plan and test cases in the test plan report
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-452] - German words are cut of in "Test Plan Overview"
[KLAROS-450] - No test case entries in "Test Run History Report" as TXT-file
[KLAROS-449] - Column is too small in "Test Run History Report"-PDF/HTML
[KLAROS-448] - Dialog is not centered
[KLAROS-447] - No line break for long text
[KLAROS-446] - The automatically created jira user in Klaros is disabled by default
[KLAROS-443] - The test runner can be run without any authorisation
[KLAROS-441] - The date format in the timestamp field is wrong in the german version
[KLAROS-439] - Broken page after testcase execution
[KLAROS-414] - When a JIRA URL is defined the default Login-Domain should be made selectable
[KLAROS-404] - Only an admin should be able to change the password of another user
[KLAROS-394] - The test case result icons should show a tooltip with the error description where approbiate.
[KLAROS-379] - Create new section in Execute menu to put the Continue Test Plan function
[KLAROS-373] - The search fields in the testplan results page do not match the tablerows
[KLAROS-273] - Add I18n support for report fields
Version 2.0.4 - 2009-08-24:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-445] - The test run history report is not working
[KLAROS-444] - The test run report shows wrong colors in the pie chart
Version 2.0.3 - 2009-08-21:
New Features:
[KLAROS-402] - The manual test execution client should allow for navigating between testcase steps before the test result is committed.
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-438] - Wrapper classes must not store session instances
[KLAROS-433] - It is not possible to edit the results of a continued test plan
[KLAROS-432] - The rendering of the HTML documentation in IE does not honor the width boundaries
[KLAROS-428] - Test case search for drop down search items does not work
[KLAROS-427] - Default Internet Explorer settings do not allow the execution of the manual execution client
[KLAROS-423] - Borders around report icons in IE
[KLAROS-416] - Screenshots too wide for PDF document
[KLAROS-434] - Disable debug settings in release builds
[KLAROS-415] - When no JIRA URL is specified the JIRA Login domain should not be selectable
[KLAROS-412] - Add a back button to the test execution
Version 2.0.2 - 2009-08-19:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-422] - Default Internet Explorer settings do not allow the download of test reports
[KLAROS-401] - The documentation link does not work in a proxied environment
[KLAROS-392] - The search fields in the maintain test cases page do not match the table columns
[KLAROS-390] - New created users cannot be found in the user search page
[KLAROS-388] - User roles are rendered as their internal representation in data lists
[KLAROS-376] - It is possible to run a test plan that contains a testcase with no steps
[KLAROS-338] - Non-German tooltips for the paged table icons
[KLAROS-319] - Pressing "save" in the testcase steps dialog saves a test case
[KLAROS-411] - If a testplan is run that contains a test case without steps the wrong errormessage is displayed
Version 2.0.1 - 2009-08-12:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-399] - Bootstrapping a new installation fails to correctly set the property definitions
[KLAROS-398] - The backup/restore handler does not honor the application URL
[KLAROS-395] - The field for the login name in the user administration has a bad label
Version 2.0.0 - 2009-08-11:
New Features:
[KLAROS-270] - Make the sets in the hibernate objects sortable
[KLAROS-230] - Add a field to calculate the percentage how often every testcase was successfully executed
[KLAROS-217] - The test case needs two new properties: 'timestamp' and 'created by'
[KLAROS-216] - A new Object to hold all needed data for the statistics
[KLAROS-213] - Let the user choose to import all test cases or to abort and rollback the transaction.
[KLAROS-208] - Replace the modal step panel for the test case execution with a flex based detached window
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-385] - Wrong help page for the testcase details page
[KLAROS-384] - The word "Plan" is capitalized in the continue test plan tooltip
[KLAROS-372] - The created field is not set for newly created test results and test plan results.
[KLAROS-370] - Changes of the user role in the background are not displayed for the users that are logged in
[KLAROS-364] - Blue gearwheel on a not executable test case
[KLAROS-363] - Wrong errormessage on attempt to execute a deleted testcase
[KLAROS-362] - Bad placement of new button on testcase steps page
[KLAROS-361] - Typo in first dialog of testplan runner
[KLAROS-358] - The result message of the flex testcase runner should be more expressive
[KLAROS-357] - The right border of the search fields is not alligned with the buttons below
[KLAROS-356] - The table in the run testplan page does not grow to the full width of the browser
[KLAROS-355] - A user with the role tester can edit the fields in the maintain testcase and testplan pages
[KLAROS-354] - It is not possible to create new users
[KLAROS-353] - The search fields in the single test run report page do not match the columns
[KLAROS-352] - Editing the description of the active project causes an immediate update of the active project label.
[KLAROS-351] - Clear selected projects when click on button Cancel in Backup Projects screen
[KLAROS-350] - The table on the testplan execution overview page does not fit the width of the page
[KLAROS-348] - Inconsistent use of period in tooltips
[KLAROS-347] - Non-internationalized chart on the evaluation project overview page
[KLAROS-346] - It is possible to execute test plans that do not contain any tests
[KLAROS-345] - Clicking on the gear-wheel icon on the testplan execution page of a deleted test plan does not result in an error
[KLAROS-344] - It is possible to execute a deleted test plan
[KLAROS-341] - Clean fields after edit user
[KLAROS-340] - Change screen title to Edit User in edit user functionality
[KLAROS-339] - The pagetitles are not internationalized.
[KLAROS-336] - The usersession expired box has no german translation
[KLAROS-335] - The "Get Results" Button in the testpalan execution page has no german translation
[KLAROS-334] - The uncompleted testruns do not get a timestamp if the test is interrupted before the end of the execution of the first testcase
[KLAROS-332] - Bad english in the test case runner, first dialog for test plan details
[KLAROS-331] - The steps in the steps-view of the testcase details are numbered from 0
[KLAROS-329] - It is not possible to delete unsaved SUTs
[KLAROS-325] - The location of a new item in a table is sometimes unpredictable
[KLAROS-324] - Translate to english the options of the field Authentication Method in E-mail configuration
[KLAROS-323] - The width of the id column in the project maintainance page changes depending on if a lock icon is present.
[KLAROS-322] - The layout of the testcase overview table changes (Opera)
[KLAROS-321] - The description field in the test case details does not deal correctly with newlines
[KLAROS-318] - The "save changes" confirmation dialog in the testcase overview does not work as suspected
[KLAROS-316] - Error when deleting a project for wich a testcase has been created in the background
[KLAROS-315] - The title of the confirmation dialog has two rows
[KLAROS-314] - Conversation lost when "new" button is pressed on the testcase details page
[KLAROS-313] - The new button on the testcase details page does not work as suspected
[KLAROS-311] - The login screen looks bad in Opera
[KLAROS-310] - In the project maintainance page, the jira-id column is too narrow (Konqueror)
[KLAROS-307] - It is possible to delete a test case that is used in a test plan
[KLAROS-305] - The search fields in the testplan edit page do not match the columns
[KLAROS-302] - Internal server error when adding an unsaved test case to a test plan
[KLAROS-301] - Error when clicking on evaluate
[KLAROS-300] - After a login redirect from the error page the project selection is skipped
[KLAROS-298] - No search field for the "JIRA ID" column in the project page
[KLAROS-296] - The Id column in the maintain environments page is too short (opera)
[KLAROS-294] - The identifiers of warning messages are truncated
[KLAROS-292] - The confirm delete dialog is too wide in some browsers
[KLAROS-291] - The transparency of some icons does not work in IE
[KLAROS-290] - Text overflow on the menu under Ubuntu Linux in konqueror and opera
[KLAROS-289] - Automatic refresh of project maintainance page does not work
[KLAROS-288] - Inexpressive page title of the project maintainance page
[KLAROS-283] - Changing the search fields while there is unsaved data does still display the unsaved fields
[KLAROS-234] - The ImportServlet needs to refresh the lists of test cases and test case results
[KLAROS-212] - The 'Detailed Information about the Test Case' in english version shows properties in german
[KLAROS-162] - The application needs to restart for changed properties to take effect.
[KLAROS-89] - Modify column Name in Test Run Reports to show the test plan name
[KLAROS-386] - Open the helppages always in the same target
[KLAROS-299] - Bad english in the project selection page
[KLAROS-284] - The title of the maintain environments page is inexpressive
[KLAROS-201] - An importer to import a configuration, sut and environment
[KLAROS-197] - The possibility to assign a user to a test case.
[KLAROS-189] - Add lazy initialization to all the lists to getting them faster.
[KLAROS-159] - There must be an option to remove issue references out of Klaros if the relating issue no longer exists in JIRA.
[KLAROS-66] - Using hibernate paging
[KLAROS-65] - Improve the search functionality by providing filters for the data tables
Version 1.11.0 - 2009-05-29:
New Features:
[KLAROS-266] - Implement the new Klaros-Core export function into the web frontend.
[KLAROS-261] - Provide a System Under Test Overview Report
[KLAROS-260] - Create an Environment Overview Report
[KLAROS-200] - An exporter that is able to export the master data and dynamic data
[KLAROS-48] - Create a hudson plugin which is able to feed test results into Klaros
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-272] - Error while generating a project overview report when loggd in via JIRA
[KLAROS-269] - The commandLink of the last test case result on the statistics page is not clickable
[KLAROS-268] - After a recovery the test plan results has no test case results anymore
[KLAROS-267] - After a recovery the test plans are not executable anymore, because they have no test cases
[KLAROS-132] - The open test plans page shows a useless tab entry
[KLAROS-263] - Separate the 'create.sql' into two scripts. One to drop and the other to create the database.
Version 1.10.0 - 2009-05-11:
New Features:
[KLAROS-221] - The database needs an own revision table, where the current revision of the database is stored
[KLAROS-191] - Allow the setting of the HTTP Port when installing the Tomcat bundle
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-255] - NPE when creating a test plan report while editing the test plan
[KLAROS-254] - It is possible to create a test step without any content
[KLAROS-252] - The execution time is always 0 after the execution of a test case or test plan
[KLAROS-251] - When selecting the environment for executing a test plan the description of the environment should be visible as well as the name
[KLAROS-249] - TestSeries model classes deliver wrong object types as test results
[KLAROS-248] - Model Classes for PropertyOwner objects no longer contain their properties
[KLAROS-240] - There is an exception when trying to export a report into the TXT format
[KLAROS-30] - Nullpointer exception if unspecified property has been requested
[KLAROS-259] - Rework the current database migration implemention
[KLAROS-258] - The about page for the admin should show the current database version and the server uptime
[KLAROS-247] - The Hyperlink to the Klaros Start page should be present in the Application Menu
Version 1.9.0 - 2009-04-24:
New Features:
[KLAROS-198] - Get the current version from the pom.xml and write it into a properties file in the 'src' folder of Klaros-Web
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-245] - A JSF Exception is thrown if a generated report is empty
[KLAROS-244] - Remove the data table of all projects in the test run history view
[KLAROS-243] - The test run history should allow to choose a start and end date for the report
[KLAROS-242] - after PW change the email-validator complains, if no email was given
[KLAROS-237] - The descriptions in the test plan report overflow the margin on the right hand side area
[KLAROS-235] - HTML Documentation is missing images in section 1.1
[KLAROS-236] - The documentation should mention that the Vista install path should not be the Programs folder or that UAC must be disabled in this case
[KLAROS-233] - Update User Manual with the new Test Plan Report
[KLAROS-228] - Check the file 'README' for errors in writing
[KLAROS-227] - Add an entry for the '.klaros' folder in the home directory that holds all property files
[KLAROS-114] - The installer should provide the latest release notes as a README
Version 1.8.0 - 2009-04-17:
New Features:
[KLAROS-232] - A report to show details of a single or all test plans inside a project
[KLAROS-222] - Migration function to give an administrator the possiblity to migrate the database to the next version
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-220] - The description is not saved when creating an test plan.
[KLAROS-225] - Correct the padding and alignment of the data table columns
[KLAROS-223] - The fields for the environment and system under test on the import page should be drop down boxes.
[KLAROS-219] - Overwork the TestSeries in Klaros-Core to replace all string lists with object relations.
[KLAROS-179] - The order of the test run list for selecting a test report should reflect the indexed object
Version 1.7.0 - 2009-04-03:
New Features:
[KLAROS-209] - Show the Build number in the version information
[KLAROS-199] - The possibility to reorder the list of test cases in a test plan and the steps of a test case
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-193] - Creating a user with empty name and password
[KLAROS-192] - Duplicated 'Environment' label on the import page
[KLAROS-178] - The Install pre-requisites section mentions wrong pre-requisites
[KLAROS-215] - Validate e-mail format
[KLAROS-211] - The 'admin' needs the possibility to edit the JIRA URL in the administration section
[KLAROS-207] - The Importer should only commit once, instead of commit every single object
[KLAROS-206] - Add status messages to the search functions
[KLAROS-202] - Reduce the size of the steps dialog in the test case execution
[KLAROS-196] - The new permission schemes must be implemented into the user search
[KLAROS-195] - Search criteria 'role' should use a combo box
[KLAROS-194] - Searching users without entering search criterias should list all defined users
[KLAROS-172] - It should not be possible for a user to delete its own user
[KLAROS-166] - The ImportServlet should accept the names of the SUT and Environment instead of the IDs
[KLAROS-165] - The ImportServlet should return a message or signal to the plugin
[KLAROS-154] - A validator for the URL in Administration|General|Application URL is needed
[KLAROS-59] - The test step editor should allow the editing of a single test step
Version 1.6.0 - 2009-03-27:
New Features:
[KLAROS-168] - A new role 'admin' to separate the administrator from the manager
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-186] - About-Link should be named Info in the german UI
[KLAROS-183] - Test cases that were imported with the ImportServlet should be given the option to be marked as automated test cases
[KLAROS-167] - Session Timeout while calling Klaros-Testmanagement for the first time.
[KLAROS-161] - Fix the Klaros-Core logging
[KLAROS-107] - Broken session handling for timed out sessions.
[KLAROS-188] - Improve the available users text for the demo on the login page
[KLAROS-184] - Misleading label on testCaseEdit.jsp
[KLAROS-181] - The first selected export format should be PDF
[KLAROS-180] - The export formats for the report generation should be listed in upper case
[KLAROS-177] - Add statistics of the test case results to the statistic page of Klaros
[KLAROS-173] - The Label 'vorherigen' (Previous) should use upper case spelling
[KLAROS-171] - A user should only be able to edit its own user and users who has a LOWER level
[KLAROS-169] - The 'about' page should only be visible to a authenticated administrator
[KLAROS-68] - Rearrange the import view to make it more useable
Version 1.5.0 - 2009-03-20:
New Features:
[KLAROS-163] - A mechanism to easily switch betweeen community and demo version is needed.
[KLAROS-149] - Add a new property to set the application URL manually
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-160] - Wrong label for Test Plan in Detail Test Plan Result screen
[KLAROS-157] - Klaros doesn't check if a JIRA issue exists before getting it from JIRA.
[KLAROS-155] - Search Environment is not clean when change project
[KLAROS-133] - Wrong number formatting in the project summary diagram
[KLAROS-129] - Editing a newly created manager account leads to an exception
[KLAROS-128] - A user in the role tester should not be able to change his/her user settings
[KLAROS-125] - The .war file generated by ant cannot create reports
[KLAROS-124] - Resize the images of the manual
[KLAROS-122] - The maven build deploys always into the HEAD instead to deploy into the folder of the checked out version
[KLAROS-111] - There is the new entry 'Import/Export' in the navigation menu
[KLAROS-99] - In Create Test Plan screen shouldn?t be possible to Add the same test case many times
[KLAROS-79] - Errors in the test plan execution
[KLAROS-75] - Edit Test Case - The application is in English but the content of select items is in German
[KLAROS-54] - JIRA Session timeouts are not handled correctly
[KLAROS-143] - Unneccessary display of the change password button
[KLAROS-142] - Modify order of columns "Name" and "Test Plan" in Continue Test Plan
[KLAROS-131] - The System should show a warning message that no project has been activated yet
[KLAROS-130] - The SMTP Type setting on the E-Mail Configuration should be using a selection box
[KLAROS-127] - The project description entry should be mandatory when creating a project.
[KLAROS-113] - Improve the chapter 'Installation' and replace the copy&paste text
Version 1.4.0 - 2009-03-13:
New Features:
[KLAROS-119] - Add support for HSQLDB and Derby
[KLAROS-118] - Implement a servlet to import XML files send via HTTP
[KLAROS-117] - Implement a context sensitive help system
[KLAROS-112] - Build the documentation as HTML as well as PDF and add it to the distribution.
[KLAROS-71] - Implement a bootstrap mechanism
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-121] - Klaros does not report that it will not function with deactivated JavaScript
[KLAROS-116] - One of the Phaselistener manipulates the response so the generation of the reports fails
[KLAROS-110] - Remove the border of all tabs
[KLAROS-109] - Sometimes the include doesn't work correct and shows more than one included page
[KLAROS-100] - No SUT can be edited
[KLAROS-97] - Standardize the labels for Test Series
[KLAROS-95] - Wrong INFO Message after cancel a test execution
[KLAROS-73] - Reference Documentation needs to be created
Version 1.3.0 - 2009-03-06:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-101] - Wrong icon in Browse Test Plan screen
[KLAROS-78] - In Create Test Plan screen the application is in English but the ?Testf?lle? (Test Cases) tab is in German
[NOTTRACKED] Updated docbook-xsl to
version 1.74.3.
[KLAROS-106] - Decrease the width of the navigation panel and change the labels of the administration pages in the menu
[KLAROS-98] - Modify the title "Detailed Information to the Test Case" to "Detailed Information ABOUT the Test Case"
[KLAROS-92] - Selected submenu item should have a visible feedback
[KLAROS-69] - Rename properties of the environments and system under test
Version 1.2.0 - 2009-02-27:
New Features:
[KLAROS-72] - Create an installer for the web front-end
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-91] - Unable to delete a SUT
[KLAROS-88] - The report message is successful even if the report is not sent
[KLAROS-87] - Increase gray background in Edit User Screen
[KLAROS-86] - Search User is not returning result on first search
[KLAROS-85] - Search Test Series Results is not returning any result
[KLAROS-81] - The "Continue icon" in Open Test Series should be different from the "Edit icon"
[KLAROS-57] - Typo in logmessage: 'Es gibt weitere Tesf?lle'
[KLAROS-64] - Generate a report into a HTML page
[KLAROS-62] - Rearrange the navigation of the web front-end
[KLAROS-45] - Automatically build and deploy the web application
Additional information can be found at: http://www.klaros-testmanagement.com/
verit Informationssysteme GmbH
67657 Kaiserslautern
Europaallee 10
Web: http://www.verit.de/
E-Mail: support@verit.de
Phone: +49 631 520 840 00
Fax: +49 631 520 840 01
Klaros-Testmanagement is an AJAX-based web application for the clear
and concise management of the quality assurance process in software
development projects.
Klaros-Testmanagement supports the collection of test data and the
creation and assignment of test plans as well as interfacing with issue
management systems and extensive reporting capabilities.
Open interfaces allow the import of existing data from outside sources
such as spreadsheets or other applications. An accompanying web client
application allows the automated logging and result aquisition of
manually executed test cases.
The comprehensive and up-to-date database allows the precise deduction of
facts about the current status of the software quality at any time.
Version 2.6.2 - 2010-04-08:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-733] - NPE when executing a test case or test plan without a system under test
[KLAROS-732] - Some dashboard configuration dialogs are not centered
[KLAROS-731] - The application is not usable when not connected to the internet due to startup schema validations
[KLAROS-730] - NPE during issue creation
[KLAROS-719] - Implement a more strict way of URL checking
[KLAROS-716] - Allow sorting and searching for revisions of artifacts that are revisionable
Version 2.6.1 - 2010-03-22:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-729] - Exception when creating the KlarosEnvironmentReport or KlarosSUTReport
Version 2.6.0 - 2010-03-19:
New Features:
[KLAROS-702] - Show more details of a test result
[KLAROS-700] - Allow the online browsing of test runs and their results
[KLAROS-532] - support Bugzilla as an issue management system alternative
[KLAROS-530] - Allow the administrator to disable and delete a project
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-726] - The operating system architecture and operating system version fields are swapped on the info page
[KLAROS-725] - Data table render error under current Safari release when opening the filter tab
[KLAROS-721] - Reporting locks up when creating too many overview reports
[KLAROS-711] - Wrong behavior when switching between revision of test cases if there is unsaved data
[KLAROS-710] - Deleted test cases are visible in the edit test plan page
[KLAROS-708] - A test case that is cloned gets as initial revision comment 'deleted'
[KLAROS-687] - Session timeout not handled properly in manual test client
[KLAROS-728] - Add authentication support to the result import interface
[KLAROS-723] - Allow overwriting the session timeout of the underlying container
[KLAROS-722] - Include the reason for failed results imports in the HTTP response
[KLAROS-713] - Wrong positioning of the 'create new revision' check box in the edit test plan page
[KLAROS-693] - The manual execution client needs its own error page
[KLAROS-688] - Add documentation on how to configure the session timeout value
Version 2.5.3 - 2010-03-10:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-720] - Invalid test run percentage calculations for empty test runs
[KLAROS-718] - Problem opening the test case overview page in a reimported project
[KLAROS-717] - Textfield labels shoud be top-aligned on read only entries to allow better reading
[KLAROS-709] - Editing an unsaved test plan duplicates it
[KLAROS-706] - Misleading hint on testcase details page
[KLAROS-705] - Problem when deleting attachments of a test case
[KLAROS-704] - Deactivating an unsaved project causes a duplication of the project
[KLAROS-699] - Application freezes when pdf reports are created too often
[KLAROS-697] - RuntimeException when finishing a test run
[KLAROS-694] - When canceling an issue creation with wrong parameters the test execution is canceled as well
[KLAROS-715] - Validate the URL and project of an issue management system after save or update
Version 2.5.2 - 2010-03-05:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-690] - JUnit Error descriptions are not imported properly
[KLAROS-686] - Optimistic locking conflict during project selection
[KLAROS-685] - Test execution client window too small in IE
[KLAROS-684] - Filter Selector not properly rendered in IE
[KLAROS-683] - Wrong handling of missing state definitions for test cases
[KLAROS-682] - Exception deleting an atachment of a revisioned test case
[KLAROS-680] - When editing the email adress of a user the new destination address is not picked up by the email service test mail
[KLAROS-679] - Unresolved/broken entries in the release history
[KLAROS-678] - A user with the role "tester" is able to edit the steps of a test case
[KLAROS-677] - Broken status message after the import of a project
[KLAROS-676] - NullpointerException when browsing the results of an imported test plan
[KLAROS-651] - The manual suggests that klaros will create the database on a full grown database system.
[KLAROS-646] - Changing a value of a in the test case details page drop down does not enable the save button
[KLAROS-571] - Missing translation for test priority fields
[KLAROS-393] - The revision of a test case is always incremented when the test case details page has been left via the save button.
[KLAROS-667] - The documentation should mention the browser requirements in more detail
[KLAROS-562] - Use lesser memory when importing or exporting large projects
[KLAROS-330] - The new button on the testcase details page does not save the changes or ask whether to do so
Version 2.5.1 - 2010-02-14:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-674] - Error Displaying a test case from the results page as a tester
[KLAROS-673] - Wrong injection class breaks test result import servlet
[KLAROS-675] - Test case revision list needs a better formatting
Version 2.5.0 - 2010-02-12:
New Features:
[KLAROS-663] - A test case should be able to contain attachments
[KLAROS-631] - Support the import of QFTest result files
[KLAROS-580] - Support Redmine as an issue tracking system
[KLAROS-523] - Show the history of a test case
[KLAROS-522] - A test case result should be able to contain attachments
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-670] - Locales reporting empty languages causes illegal Report URLs
[KLAROS-668] - Missing default resource bundle entry: urlNotAccessible
[KLAROS-666] - Numberformat exception in the test progress history report
[KLAROS-665] - Numberformat Exception in the test progress report when the configuration dialog is shown the first time
[KLAROS-662] - The single test run report has no header labels anymore
[KLAROS-652] - The calculated execution time of the manual test runner is wrong.
[KLAROS-650] - The properties of the dashboard reports are resetted when the active project has been changed
[KLAROS-645] - The content repository saves a file via its name.
[KLAROS-644] - Exception migrating Revision 2.0 database to revision 2.5
[KLAROS-641] - Klaros tries to migrate the database if the current revision is lower than the active database revision.
[KLAROS-640] - Unable to recreate a deleted user
[KLAROS-382] - Exporting and importing changes the ids of the objects
[KLAROS-368] - Business Code range for test results is too small
[KLAROS-671] - The Project selector should not be available when the error page is shown
[KLAROS-669] - Checking of the Applikation URL should only be allowed if an URL has been specified
[KLAROS-664] - Prevent the flickering of the dashboard if a property of a report is changed
[KLAROS-660] - Update the tomcat distribution to version 6.0.24
[KLAROS-649] - When creating a report document the browser shows the language instead of a report description in the tab title
[KLAROS-576] - Provide the ability to abort a non-finished test run
[KLAROS-546] - The execute test plan page should warn about test plans that contain non-executable tests
Version 2.4.4 - 2010-02-03:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-661] - Missing system property in the database caused by KLAROS-656
Version 2.4.3 - 2010-01-28:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-657] - Exception when logged in as manager or tester and searching for users on an empty database.
Version 2.4.2 - 2010-01-28:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-656] - Exception when logged in as manager and searching for users on an empty database.
[KLAROS-654] - Out of sort memory error when refreshing databtables with revisionable objects too often
[KLAROS-639] - Mispelled RTF message properties in the default message bundle
Version 2.4.1 - 2010-01-08:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-638] - NullPointerException on the page to create issues if the jira project ID is wrong
[KLAROS-632] - Description and summary are not rendered in the single test run report
[KLAROS-630] - The Project selection and project maintain pages still allow to filter after the JIRA ID
[KLAROS-629] - PDF icon changes to XML icon on the Test Run History Report page
[KLAROS-623] - The tooltip for the assign test cases to a test plan is not correct anymore
[KLAROS-636] - Add the possiblity to repair the database after a crash
[KLAROS-635] - Increase the business code length for test case results, test plan results and test runs
[KLAROS-378] - Imprecise error message when unable to start a test case/test run
Version 2.4.0 - 2009-12-07:
New Features:
[KLAROS-586] - Support the assignment of test plans to SUTs
[KLAROS-585] - Allow the cloning of test plans
[KLAROS-531] - support Trac as a issue management system alternative
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-616] - The validate URL button has no effect if the loglevel is set to high.
[KLAROS-615] - The validate URL button in the configuration of issue management systems does accept too much urls.
[KLAROS-611] - Not closing the Autoupdater thread prevents proper tomcat shutdown
[KLAROS-603] - The dropdown fields on the test case details pages are not aligned with the other input fields
[KLAROS-601] - Nullpointer Exeption when searching for an empty dropdown field
[KLAROS-598] - The username cannot be edited.
[KLAROS-589] - error pages broken, if user is not logged in
[KLAROS-588] - When the selected project is deleted, switching to the default project does not work correctly.
[KLAROS-583] - unable to log in after changing admins username
[KLAROS-555] - The Continue Button does not vanish after test continuation completion
[KLAROS-613] - Preallocate the description and environment field with the information of the test run
[KLAROS-605] - Make the SUT column in the maintain test plans overview page editable.
[KLAROS-582] - Put klaros-favicon into installed tomcat
[KLAROS-578] - The continue test run data table should show the number of already executed test cases
[KLAROS-560] - Remove the unnecessary redraws and cache the graphics on the project dashboard page
[KLAROS-521] - Explain the error message for missing JAVA_HOME JRE_HOME in the manual
Version 2.3.3 - 2009-11-16:
New Features:
[KLAROS-570] - Allow testers to browse test case details
[KLAROS-568] - Make the row count of a data table configurable
[KLAROS-424] - Provide the ability to freely navigate between define/execute and evaluate via action icons
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-587] - MissingResourceException when starting a single test run report
[KLAROS-581] - Database connection leak in Jasperreports subreports
[KLAROS-577] - The continue test run data table misses hyperlinks for SUT and environment
[KLAROS-572] - Unable to import exported xml file
[KLAROS-569] - The JUnit test result import should use the class name as well as the test method name to build the name of the test
[KLAROS-536] - The headline should contain a combo box for quick selecting the current project
[KLAROS-529] - The test case results of a test plan execution should also be able to display the corresponding test case details
[KLAROS-413] - The description and summary fields in the test execution window should auto filled after an error or failure occured
[KLAROS-317] - Make the steps visible on the test case detail page
Version 2.3.2 - 2009-10-30:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-566] - test result import does not generate the correct test case name
Version 2.3.1 - 2009-10-23:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-561] - The project overview page flickers during rendering of the graphics
[KLAROS-559] - Error during database message logging may loose the actual message
[KLAROS-554] - Exception while displaying results of a continued test plan execution
Version 2.3.0 - 2009-10-16:
New Features:
[KLAROS-542] - Implement a quote of the day
[KLAROS-517] - Implement a version check that automatically discovers new releases and displays this information
[KLAROS-506] - Explain test results via tooltips
[KLAROS-460] - Implement a Message Of The Day which is displayed upon log in
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-552] - Lost issue properties during test case creation
[KLAROS-533] - Exception listing the test plan results when no test plan has been defined
[KLAROS-528] - Broken MySQL connection exception for report generation
[KLAROS-527] - The default column sizes of the continue test run table are not choosen properly
[KLAROS-526] - negative avarage execution time in evaluate/project overview for project KLAROS TESTMANAGEMENT
[KLAROS-525] - The status updater accidently clears the password field after a failed login
[KLAROS-520] - The user full name is no longer editable once it is created.
[KLAROS-516] - Creating the first project in a new database throws an Exception
[KLAROS-496] - The allowed filter parameters in the continue test case page are insufficient
[KLAROS-465] - The description of the current selected project gets not refreshed if the description was edited
[KLAROS-442] - It is possible to continue a test plan of an other project
[KLAROS-421] - The colors and the result type in every report are wrong
[KLAROS-549] - Prevent showing an error page when no data is present for a report (sut, environment, test plan)
[KLAROS-541] - Test cases without a step should be marked by a warning icon
[KLAROS-540] - The test plan overview table should show the amount of test cases contained in a test plan
[KLAROS-539] - Enhance the project overview panel with new charts
[KLAROS-535] - The headline should show the role of the logged in user as an i18n String
[KLAROS-534] - When browsing test plan results the system should display the current test plan name
[KLAROS-518] - The installer should delete the deployed web application if an update install is done
[KLAROS-504] - A new property to search for the result type of the results
[KLAROS-365] - The disabled input and select fields look strange on the zebra-table
[KLAROS-359] - Improve the data table border look on different browsers
Version 2.2.2 - 2009-10-07:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-512] - Action column too large in the 'Maintain Test Cases' data table
[KLAROS-309] - It is possible to open the menu-entries in a new tab
[KLAROS-515] - Avoid the term shortname in the UI which is the name actually
[KLAROS-514] - Show all date picker as popups and add i18n support to the text fields
[KLAROS-287] - After creating the first project it should automatically become the selected project
Version 2.2.1 - 2009-10-05:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-510] - The flex application needs a hard coded context root to connect to a server
[KLAROS-509] - The system user is not found during importing test cases from hudson
[KLAROS-508] - Deleted environments are listed in the project overview page
[KLAROS-505] - Screenshot shown instead of icon in the JIRA Configuration section of the manual
[KLAROS-502] - The Filter / Sorting options of a testcase result detail does not have the correct fields
[KLAROS-471] - A new chapter that shows and explains the complete functionality of klaros-web
Version 2.2.0 - 2009-10-02:
New Features:
[KLAROS-498] - Add the new search functions to all chapters in the manual
[KLAROS-489] - Add a default system user to the list of automatically created users
[KLAROS-476] - A function to clone a single test case
[KLAROS-463] - Add support for non-interactive user accounts
[KLAROS-417] - Support sorting of data table columns
[KLAROS-375] - More flexible search options (like message filters in thunderbird)
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-503] - The Filter / Sorting options of testcases in the run a single testcase page are not similar to the testcase search in the define section
[KLAROS-497] - Bad caption in the header for the sorting parameters
[KLAROS-493] - In the testcase execute page the table with the testcase results is shown with results of prior test runs
[KLAROS-483] - The position of the apply and the reset button in the manage test cases page is changed
[KLAROS-482] - The reset button caption of the filter parameters is too long in the german version.
[KLAROS-478] - The filter in the search function is not resetted correctly when the project is changed
[KLAROS-477] - The size of the JIRA Issue field does not honor database limitations.
[KLAROS-475] - The bean to edit a user is not using the DTOs
[KLAROS-473] - The layout of the page "Single Test Run Report" is broken
[KLAROS-472] - The project overview statistic page gets only updated once per project selection
[KLAROS-470] - The active project gets not updated if a new test run is getting created
[KLAROS-461] - The Klaros Result Importer does not automatically create business codes
[KLAROS-451] - The English "Run Single Test Case" view shows German strings
[KLAROS-440] - If there had been failures in a test run, the results table has the questionmark icon at the test
[KLAROS-391] - Stack trace when clicking around on a test case and its details
[KLAROS-495] - The continue test plan overview page should provide more information about a unfinished test plan
[KLAROS-492] - The filtering parameters should be above the table with the available test cases in the testplan details page
[KLAROS-491] - Add more filter parameters for the testplan details page
[KLAROS-485] - Allow filtering for attributes that do not have a column in the overview table
[KLAROS-484] - The clone button for test cases behaves different from the edit button.
[KLAROS-469] - Klaros-Web needs a DTO tier to separate the UI from the database
[KLAROS-464] - The new property "system" of the user should be exported and imported
[KLAROS-458] - Add the user to the export and recovery
[KLAROS-435] - Replace every code that maybe throws a lazy initialization exception with a hibernate criteria
[KLAROS-408] - Every jsf page needs its own bean
[KLAROS-306] - It is not clear which table is constricted with the search fields on the testplan edit page
Version 2.1.1 - 2009-09-10:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-457] - Link to the online help is not working for the categories "Execute" and "Configure"
[KLAROS-456] - The statistics are only updated once per login.
Version 2.1.0 - 2009-09-04:
New Features:
[KLAROS-360] - Allow undo actions in the testrunner
[KLAROS-349] - Internationalized Reports
[KLAROS-333] - Multilangguage support for the testrunner
[KLAROS-231] - Show who created the test plan and test cases in the test plan report
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-452] - German words are cut of in "Test Plan Overview"
[KLAROS-450] - No test case entries in "Test Run History Report" as TXT-file
[KLAROS-449] - Column is too small in "Test Run History Report"-PDF/HTML
[KLAROS-448] - Dialog is not centered
[KLAROS-447] - No line break for long text
[KLAROS-446] - The automatically created jira user in Klaros is disabled by default
[KLAROS-443] - The test runner can be run without any authorisation
[KLAROS-441] - The date format in the timestamp field is wrong in the german version
[KLAROS-439] - Broken page after testcase execution
[KLAROS-414] - When a JIRA URL is defined the default Login-Domain should be made selectable
[KLAROS-404] - Only an admin should be able to change the password of another user
[KLAROS-394] - The test case result icons should show a tooltip with the error description where approbiate.
[KLAROS-379] - Create new section in Execute menu to put the Continue Test Plan function
[KLAROS-373] - The search fields in the testplan results page do not match the tablerows
[KLAROS-273] - Add I18n support for report fields
Version 2.0.4 - 2009-08-24:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-445] - The test run history report is not working
[KLAROS-444] - The test run report shows wrong colors in the pie chart
Version 2.0.3 - 2009-08-21:
New Features:
[KLAROS-402] - The manual test execution client should allow for navigating between testcase steps before the test result is committed.
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-438] - Wrapper classes must not store session instances
[KLAROS-433] - It is not possible to edit the results of a continued test plan
[KLAROS-432] - The rendering of the HTML documentation in IE does not honor the width boundaries
[KLAROS-428] - Test case search for drop down search items does not work
[KLAROS-427] - Default Internet Explorer settings do not allow the execution of the manual execution client
[KLAROS-423] - Borders around report icons in IE
[KLAROS-416] - Screenshots too wide for PDF document
[KLAROS-434] - Disable debug settings in release builds
[KLAROS-415] - When no JIRA URL is specified the JIRA Login domain should not be selectable
[KLAROS-412] - Add a back button to the test execution
Version 2.0.2 - 2009-08-19:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-422] - Default Internet Explorer settings do not allow the download of test reports
[KLAROS-401] - The documentation link does not work in a proxied environment
[KLAROS-392] - The search fields in the maintain test cases page do not match the table columns
[KLAROS-390] - New created users cannot be found in the user search page
[KLAROS-388] - User roles are rendered as their internal representation in data lists
[KLAROS-376] - It is possible to run a test plan that contains a testcase with no steps
[KLAROS-338] - Non-German tooltips for the paged table icons
[KLAROS-319] - Pressing "save" in the testcase steps dialog saves a test case
[KLAROS-411] - If a testplan is run that contains a test case without steps the wrong errormessage is displayed
Version 2.0.1 - 2009-08-12:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-399] - Bootstrapping a new installation fails to correctly set the property definitions
[KLAROS-398] - The backup/restore handler does not honor the application URL
[KLAROS-395] - The field for the login name in the user administration has a bad label
Version 2.0.0 - 2009-08-11:
New Features:
[KLAROS-270] - Make the sets in the hibernate objects sortable
[KLAROS-230] - Add a field to calculate the percentage how often every testcase was successfully executed
[KLAROS-217] - The test case needs two new properties: 'timestamp' and 'created by'
[KLAROS-216] - A new Object to hold all needed data for the statistics
[KLAROS-213] - Let the user choose to import all test cases or to abort and rollback the transaction.
[KLAROS-208] - Replace the modal step panel for the test case execution with a flex based detached window
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-385] - Wrong help page for the testcase details page
[KLAROS-384] - The word "Plan" is capitalized in the continue test plan tooltip
[KLAROS-372] - The created field is not set for newly created test results and test plan results.
[KLAROS-370] - Changes of the user role in the background are not displayed for the users that are logged in
[KLAROS-364] - Blue gearwheel on a not executable test case
[KLAROS-363] - Wrong errormessage on attempt to execute a deleted testcase
[KLAROS-362] - Bad placement of new button on testcase steps page
[KLAROS-361] - Typo in first dialog of testplan runner
[KLAROS-358] - The result message of the flex testcase runner should be more expressive
[KLAROS-357] - The right border of the search fields is not alligned with the buttons below
[KLAROS-356] - The table in the run testplan page does not grow to the full width of the browser
[KLAROS-355] - A user with the role tester can edit the fields in the maintain testcase and testplan pages
[KLAROS-354] - It is not possible to create new users
[KLAROS-353] - The search fields in the single test run report page do not match the columns
[KLAROS-352] - Editing the description of the active project causes an immediate update of the active project label.
[KLAROS-351] - Clear selected projects when click on button Cancel in Backup Projects screen
[KLAROS-350] - The table on the testplan execution overview page does not fit the width of the page
[KLAROS-348] - Inconsistent use of period in tooltips
[KLAROS-347] - Non-internationalized chart on the evaluation project overview page
[KLAROS-346] - It is possible to execute test plans that do not contain any tests
[KLAROS-345] - Clicking on the gear-wheel icon on the testplan execution page of a deleted test plan does not result in an error
[KLAROS-344] - It is possible to execute a deleted test plan
[KLAROS-341] - Clean fields after edit user
[KLAROS-340] - Change screen title to Edit User in edit user functionality
[KLAROS-339] - The pagetitles are not internationalized.
[KLAROS-336] - The usersession expired box has no german translation
[KLAROS-335] - The "Get Results" Button in the testpalan execution page has no german translation
[KLAROS-334] - The uncompleted testruns do not get a timestamp if the test is interrupted before the end of the execution of the first testcase
[KLAROS-332] - Bad english in the test case runner, first dialog for test plan details
[KLAROS-331] - The steps in the steps-view of the testcase details are numbered from 0
[KLAROS-329] - It is not possible to delete unsaved SUTs
[KLAROS-325] - The location of a new item in a table is sometimes unpredictable
[KLAROS-324] - Translate to english the options of the field Authentication Method in E-mail configuration
[KLAROS-323] - The width of the id column in the project maintainance page changes depending on if a lock icon is present.
[KLAROS-322] - The layout of the testcase overview table changes (Opera)
[KLAROS-321] - The description field in the test case details does not deal correctly with newlines
[KLAROS-318] - The "save changes" confirmation dialog in the testcase overview does not work as suspected
[KLAROS-316] - Error when deleting a project for wich a testcase has been created in the background
[KLAROS-315] - The title of the confirmation dialog has two rows
[KLAROS-314] - Conversation lost when "new" button is pressed on the testcase details page
[KLAROS-313] - The new button on the testcase details page does not work as suspected
[KLAROS-311] - The login screen looks bad in Opera
[KLAROS-310] - In the project maintainance page, the jira-id column is too narrow (Konqueror)
[KLAROS-307] - It is possible to delete a test case that is used in a test plan
[KLAROS-305] - The search fields in the testplan edit page do not match the columns
[KLAROS-302] - Internal server error when adding an unsaved test case to a test plan
[KLAROS-301] - Error when clicking on evaluate
[KLAROS-300] - After a login redirect from the error page the project selection is skipped
[KLAROS-298] - No search field for the "JIRA ID" column in the project page
[KLAROS-296] - The Id column in the maintain environments page is too short (opera)
[KLAROS-294] - The identifiers of warning messages are truncated
[KLAROS-292] - The confirm delete dialog is too wide in some browsers
[KLAROS-291] - The transparency of some icons does not work in IE
[KLAROS-290] - Text overflow on the menu under Ubuntu Linux in konqueror and opera
[KLAROS-289] - Automatic refresh of project maintainance page does not work
[KLAROS-288] - Inexpressive page title of the project maintainance page
[KLAROS-283] - Changing the search fields while there is unsaved data does still display the unsaved fields
[KLAROS-234] - The ImportServlet needs to refresh the lists of test cases and test case results
[KLAROS-212] - The 'Detailed Information about the Test Case' in english version shows properties in german
[KLAROS-162] - The application needs to restart for changed properties to take effect.
[KLAROS-89] - Modify column Name in Test Run Reports to show the test plan name
[KLAROS-386] - Open the helppages always in the same target
[KLAROS-299] - Bad english in the project selection page
[KLAROS-284] - The title of the maintain environments page is inexpressive
[KLAROS-201] - An importer to import a configuration, sut and environment
[KLAROS-197] - The possibility to assign a user to a test case.
[KLAROS-189] - Add lazy initialization to all the lists to getting them faster.
[KLAROS-159] - There must be an option to remove issue references out of Klaros if the relating issue no longer exists in JIRA.
[KLAROS-66] - Using hibernate paging
[KLAROS-65] - Improve the search functionality by providing filters for the data tables
Version 1.11.0 - 2009-05-29:
New Features:
[KLAROS-266] - Implement the new Klaros-Core export function into the web frontend.
[KLAROS-261] - Provide a System Under Test Overview Report
[KLAROS-260] - Create an Environment Overview Report
[KLAROS-200] - An exporter that is able to export the master data and dynamic data
[KLAROS-48] - Create a hudson plugin which is able to feed test results into Klaros
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-272] - Error while generating a project overview report when loggd in via JIRA
[KLAROS-269] - The commandLink of the last test case result on the statistics page is not clickable
[KLAROS-268] - After a recovery the test plan results has no test case results anymore
[KLAROS-267] - After a recovery the test plans are not executable anymore, because they have no test cases
[KLAROS-132] - The open test plans page shows a useless tab entry
[KLAROS-263] - Separate the 'create.sql' into two scripts. One to drop and the other to create the database.
Version 1.10.0 - 2009-05-11:
New Features:
[KLAROS-221] - The database needs an own revision table, where the current revision of the database is stored
[KLAROS-191] - Allow the setting of the HTTP Port when installing the Tomcat bundle
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-255] - NPE when creating a test plan report while editing the test plan
[KLAROS-254] - It is possible to create a test step without any content
[KLAROS-252] - The execution time is always 0 after the execution of a test case or test plan
[KLAROS-251] - When selecting the environment for executing a test plan the description of the environment should be visible as well as the name
[KLAROS-249] - TestSeries model classes deliver wrong object types as test results
[KLAROS-248] - Model Classes for PropertyOwner objects no longer contain their properties
[KLAROS-240] - There is an exception when trying to export a report into the TXT format
[KLAROS-30] - Nullpointer exception if unspecified property has been requested
[KLAROS-259] - Rework the current database migration implemention
[KLAROS-258] - The about page for the admin should show the current database version and the server uptime
[KLAROS-247] - The Hyperlink to the Klaros Start page should be present in the Application Menu
Version 1.9.0 - 2009-04-24:
New Features:
[KLAROS-198] - Get the current version from the pom.xml and write it into a properties file in the 'src' folder of Klaros-Web
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-245] - A JSF Exception is thrown if a generated report is empty
[KLAROS-244] - Remove the data table of all projects in the test run history view
[KLAROS-243] - The test run history should allow to choose a start and end date for the report
[KLAROS-242] - after PW change the email-validator complains, if no email was given
[KLAROS-237] - The descriptions in the test plan report overflow the margin on the right hand side area
[KLAROS-235] - HTML Documentation is missing images in section 1.1
[KLAROS-236] - The documentation should mention that the Vista install path should not be the Programs folder or that UAC must be disabled in this case
[KLAROS-233] - Update User Manual with the new Test Plan Report
[KLAROS-228] - Check the file 'README' for errors in writing
[KLAROS-227] - Add an entry for the '.klaros' folder in the home directory that holds all property files
[KLAROS-114] - The installer should provide the latest release notes as a README
Version 1.8.0 - 2009-04-17:
New Features:
[KLAROS-232] - A report to show details of a single or all test plans inside a project
[KLAROS-222] - Migration function to give an administrator the possiblity to migrate the database to the next version
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-220] - The description is not saved when creating an test plan.
[KLAROS-225] - Correct the padding and alignment of the data table columns
[KLAROS-223] - The fields for the environment and system under test on the import page should be drop down boxes.
[KLAROS-219] - Overwork the TestSeries in Klaros-Core to replace all string lists with object relations.
[KLAROS-179] - The order of the test run list for selecting a test report should reflect the indexed object
Version 1.7.0 - 2009-04-03:
New Features:
[KLAROS-209] - Show the Build number in the version information
[KLAROS-199] - The possibility to reorder the list of test cases in a test plan and the steps of a test case
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-193] - Creating a user with empty name and password
[KLAROS-192] - Duplicated 'Environment' label on the import page
[KLAROS-178] - The Install pre-requisites section mentions wrong pre-requisites
[KLAROS-215] - Validate e-mail format
[KLAROS-211] - The 'admin' needs the possibility to edit the JIRA URL in the administration section
[KLAROS-207] - The Importer should only commit once, instead of commit every single object
[KLAROS-206] - Add status messages to the search functions
[KLAROS-202] - Reduce the size of the steps dialog in the test case execution
[KLAROS-196] - The new permission schemes must be implemented into the user search
[KLAROS-195] - Search criteria 'role' should use a combo box
[KLAROS-194] - Searching users without entering search criterias should list all defined users
[KLAROS-172] - It should not be possible for a user to delete its own user
[KLAROS-166] - The ImportServlet should accept the names of the SUT and Environment instead of the IDs
[KLAROS-165] - The ImportServlet should return a message or signal to the plugin
[KLAROS-154] - A validator for the URL in Administration|General|Application URL is needed
[KLAROS-59] - The test step editor should allow the editing of a single test step
Version 1.6.0 - 2009-03-27:
New Features:
[KLAROS-168] - A new role 'admin' to separate the administrator from the manager
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-186] - About-Link should be named Info in the german UI
[KLAROS-183] - Test cases that were imported with the ImportServlet should be given the option to be marked as automated test cases
[KLAROS-167] - Session Timeout while calling Klaros-Testmanagement for the first time.
[KLAROS-161] - Fix the Klaros-Core logging
[KLAROS-107] - Broken session handling for timed out sessions.
[KLAROS-188] - Improve the available users text for the demo on the login page
[KLAROS-184] - Misleading label on testCaseEdit.jsp
[KLAROS-181] - The first selected export format should be PDF
[KLAROS-180] - The export formats for the report generation should be listed in upper case
[KLAROS-177] - Add statistics of the test case results to the statistic page of Klaros
[KLAROS-173] - The Label 'vorherigen' (Previous) should use upper case spelling
[KLAROS-171] - A user should only be able to edit its own user and users who has a LOWER level
[KLAROS-169] - The 'about' page should only be visible to a authenticated administrator
[KLAROS-68] - Rearrange the import view to make it more useable
Version 1.5.0 - 2009-03-20:
New Features:
[KLAROS-163] - A mechanism to easily switch betweeen community and demo version is needed.
[KLAROS-149] - Add a new property to set the application URL manually
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-160] - Wrong label for Test Plan in Detail Test Plan Result screen
[KLAROS-157] - Klaros doesn't check if a JIRA issue exists before getting it from JIRA.
[KLAROS-155] - Search Environment is not clean when change project
[KLAROS-133] - Wrong number formatting in the project summary diagram
[KLAROS-129] - Editing a newly created manager account leads to an exception
[KLAROS-128] - A user in the role tester should not be able to change his/her user settings
[KLAROS-125] - The .war file generated by ant cannot create reports
[KLAROS-124] - Resize the images of the manual
[KLAROS-122] - The maven build deploys always into the HEAD instead to deploy into the folder of the checked out version
[KLAROS-111] - There is the new entry 'Import/Export' in the navigation menu
[KLAROS-99] - In Create Test Plan screen shouldn?t be possible to Add the same test case many times
[KLAROS-79] - Errors in the test plan execution
[KLAROS-75] - Edit Test Case - The application is in English but the content of select items is in German
[KLAROS-54] - JIRA Session timeouts are not handled correctly
[KLAROS-143] - Unneccessary display of the change password button
[KLAROS-142] - Modify order of columns "Name" and "Test Plan" in Continue Test Plan
[KLAROS-131] - The System should show a warning message that no project has been activated yet
[KLAROS-130] - The SMTP Type setting on the E-Mail Configuration should be using a selection box
[KLAROS-127] - The project description entry should be mandatory when creating a project.
[KLAROS-113] - Improve the chapter 'Installation' and replace the copy&paste text
Version 1.4.0 - 2009-03-13:
New Features:
[KLAROS-119] - Add support for HSQLDB and Derby
[KLAROS-118] - Implement a servlet to import XML files send via HTTP
[KLAROS-117] - Implement a context sensitive help system
[KLAROS-112] - Build the documentation as HTML as well as PDF and add it to the distribution.
[KLAROS-71] - Implement a bootstrap mechanism
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-121] - Klaros does not report that it will not function with deactivated JavaScript
[KLAROS-116] - One of the Phaselistener manipulates the response so the generation of the reports fails
[KLAROS-110] - Remove the border of all tabs
[KLAROS-109] - Sometimes the include doesn't work correct and shows more than one included page
[KLAROS-100] - No SUT can be edited
[KLAROS-97] - Standardize the labels for Test Series
[KLAROS-95] - Wrong INFO Message after cancel a test execution
[KLAROS-73] - Reference Documentation needs to be created
Version 1.3.0 - 2009-03-06:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-101] - Wrong icon in Browse Test Plan screen
[KLAROS-78] - In Create Test Plan screen the application is in English but the ?Testf?lle? (Test Cases) tab is in German
[NOTTRACKED] Updated docbook-xsl to
version 1.74.3.
[KLAROS-106] - Decrease the width of the navigation panel and change the labels of the administration pages in the menu
[KLAROS-98] - Modify the title "Detailed Information to the Test Case" to "Detailed Information ABOUT the Test Case"
[KLAROS-92] - Selected submenu item should have a visible feedback
[KLAROS-69] - Rename properties of the environments and system under test
Version 1.2.0 - 2009-02-27:
New Features:
[KLAROS-72] - Create an installer for the web front-end
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-91] - Unable to delete a SUT
[KLAROS-88] - The report message is successful even if the report is not sent
[KLAROS-87] - Increase gray background in Edit User Screen
[KLAROS-86] - Search User is not returning result on first search
[KLAROS-85] - Search Test Series Results is not returning any result
[KLAROS-81] - The "Continue icon" in Open Test Series should be different from the "Edit icon"
[KLAROS-57] - Typo in logmessage: 'Es gibt weitere Tesf?lle'
[KLAROS-64] - Generate a report into a HTML page
[KLAROS-62] - Rearrange the navigation of the web front-end
[KLAROS-45] - Automatically build and deploy the web application
Additional information can be found at: http://www.klaros-testmanagement.com/
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