Amazon AWS

Jason Gray, modified 8 Years ago.

Amazon AWS

Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 1/5/16 Recent Posts

I am trying to set up klaros to run from a Linux amazon aws web instance. Apart from a little bit of raspbian I am a complete novice at Linux so was hoping somebody could help me a little. I've run the console based linux installation and when I tried to access the web interface of klaros at "my_amazon_linux_instance:18080/klaros-web/" I received a 'This webpage is not available error' in chrome. After playing around with a lot yesterday and then running the installation again with a different user I finally got it to load just before I went home yesterday. Having followed the steps for running it as a linux service, I expected it to be working fine this morning but it wasn't.

I've tried running the installation a couple more times and so on but nothing is working. Does anybody have any idea how I can proceed? Or at least can anybody let me know a command to start klaros (and tomcat?) on linux? Or even to check its status etc. 

Any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated. 

Torsten Stolpmann, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Amazon AWS

Jedi Council Member Posts: 759 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
Hi Jason,

the Tomcat application server (including the Klaros web application) is started via <install_path>/bin/catalina sh start and stopped via <install_path>/bin/catalina sh stop.

I think that your problems are related to file ownership problems.

Please make sure, that all files in the install path belong to the same user account which is mentioned in the Linux service script starting/stopping the Tomcat application server and only this user is starting/stopping the application server via

Please issue the following command as root to make sure the ownership matches:

chown -R <user> <install_path> where <user> is your designated Klaros user account.

It is good practice to not use root as the designated Klaros user account.

Log messages are available in <install_dir>/logs/catalina.out and var/tmp/klaros.log.

If the above instructions are not working for you please send your logs to so we can further support you with this.



P.S.: Please also make sure that your AWS Security Group allows access to port 18080.
Torsten Stolpmann, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Amazon AWS (Answer)

Jedi Council Member Posts: 759 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
Just a quick addition for other users which may experience problems on aws:

Please make sure that the memory settings of your instance are meeting the minimum requirements mentioned in the documentation (2GB RAM).

We recommend t2.medium as the minimal instance type, larger user counts require more CPU/Memory.
