How to give access to multiple users on different machine?

Prajaka Waje, modified 9 Years ago.

How to give access to multiple users on different machine?

Youngling Posts: 14 Join Date: 10/7/15 Recent Posts

I have installed klaros- Test Management community edition. I have created two users in Klaros- Test Management and provided them a role of Manager and Tester respectively.
I have installed same community edition of klaros on another machine. And there I am trying to use the same users which were created by me on my machine. But I am not able to login with those users.
It is showing that first time you have to login with username: admin and password: admin.
How can I use those users or how can I give access to those users on different machine.
Fabian Klaffke, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: How to give access to multiple users on different machine?

Padawan Posts: 92 Join Date: 8/31/12 Recent Posts
Hi Prajakta,

Klaros-Testmanagement is a client/server application which means that you need to install it only once on a computer that is permanently running (server). The application can then be accessed by other computers via a web-browser (clients).

In your case, you installed Klaros on one computer and accessed it from the same computer (http://localhost:18080/klaros-web/pages/login.seam). To access it from another computer, you first need to figure out the IP address of the server. This can easily be done via the Windows CMD commandline command 'ipconfig' (

You then can access Klaros from another computer in the same network by replacing 'localhost' with the servers IP address, e.g. .

The other installation on the client machine is not needed and can safely be uninstalled.

Prajaka Waje, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: How to give access to multiple users on different machine?

Youngling Posts: 14 Join Date: 10/7/15 Recent Posts
Thank you so much.

You mean as I have installed klaros on my machine then my machine will act like a server. So that I have to replace 'localhost' to my (server) IPaddress in klaros link. I have replaced and now this link becomes ''.

But for that do I need to set Network from configure menu? I am not getting what to enter in Proxy Host, Port, No Proxy For, Username and Password field. Do I need to enter Proxy settings of klaros application or my companies proxy setting?
Fabian Klaffke, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: How to give access to multiple users on different machine?

Padawan Posts: 92 Join Date: 8/31/12 Recent Posts
Hi Prajakta,

the settings in Configure/Integration/Network need to be touched only if the communication between the clients and the server should not happen directly, but through a proxy server (see also

You should already be able to view the login-screen of Klaros-Testmanagement from a client machine via ''.

Prajaka Waje, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: How to give access to multiple users on different machine?

Youngling Posts: 14 Join Date: 10/7/15 Recent Posts
Yes, I have read that user manual. Thanks.
But now actually I am able to view login-screen via ''. But this url is not getting opened on client machine. It is showing connection time out error. Do I need to set anything else?
Fabian Klaffke, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: How to give access to multiple users on different machine?

Padawan Posts: 92 Join Date: 8/31/12 Recent Posts
Hi Prajakta,

A connection timeout error usually means that the target IP address is not in the same subnet as the client. Could you please verify if the IP address of the client looks like 192.168.56.XXX ?

Prajaka Waje, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: How to give access to multiple users on different machine?

Youngling Posts: 14 Join Date: 10/7/15 Recent Posts
I will check. thank you so much for this help.
Fabian Klaffke, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: How to give access to multiple users on different machine? (Answer)

Padawan Posts: 92 Join Date: 8/31/12 Recent Posts
Hi Prajakta,

if the client machines are not in the same local network as the server then the server needs to make the Klaros-Testmanagement installation available to the internet. This can be done in different ways (e.g. VPN); the following discussion should point you to the right track:

Prajaka Waje, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: How to give access to multiple users on different machine?

Youngling Posts: 14 Join Date: 10/7/15 Recent Posts
Ok, Thank you Fabian.