Unexpected error while starting klaros

Stefan Menge, modified 9 Years ago.

Unexpected error while starting klaros

Youngling Posts: 10 Join Date: 7/3/15 Recent Posts
Hi all,
while trying to connect to klaros the following error code is shown.

/pages/login.jspx @68,61 src="#{navigationLoginBean.viewId}" Could not instantiate Seam component: navigationLoginBean

Is anybody able to give me an hind, how to fix this problem?

Thanks and regards
Torsten Stolpmann, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Unexpected error while starting klaros (Answer)

Jedi Council Member Posts: 759 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
Hi Stefan,

this looks like an occurence of KLAROS-2626 (Startup error when checking database revisions using Java 7) which was a regression introduced in version 4.3 and fixed with the 4.3.3 release.

This error will only show up on some Java 7 runtimes.

You may switch to Java 8 or update to Klaros 4.3.3 to fix this. Please let me know if this works for you.

