ENV/SUT can't be deleted

Torsten G, modified 10 Years ago.

ENV/SUT can't be deleted

Youngling Posts: 4 Join Date: 1/7/15 Recent Posts

we have some TC-results deleted over Evaluate -  Test Runs - Delete this Test run.

If we also try to remove the ENV (or also SUT) we've got the result:
"Für dieses Objekt liegen bereits Testergebnisse vor, deshalb kann die Testumgebung (Testsystem) nicht gelöscht werden."

But, in ENV (or SUT)  all the tabs ("Test Case Results", "Test Suite Results", "Test Runs") are empty!

Environment: Klaros 4.2.6 EP with default database Apache Derby

Torsten G.
Torsten Stolpmann, modified 10 Years ago.

RE: ENV/SUT can't be deleted

Jedi Council Member Posts: 764 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
Hi Torsten,

this is indeed a bug, the deleted flag of the test runs (which are still present in the database after deletion) is not honored in this case.

Tracked as bug KLAROS-2543 towards release 4.2.8.

Thanks for pointing that out!

