Klaros-Testmanagement 4.2.8 released - Klaros Test Management - Forum - Klaros Test Management
Klaros-Testmanagement 4.2.8 released
Patrick Reilly, modified 7 Years ago.
Klaros-Testmanagement 4.2.8 released
Padawan Posts: 71 Join Date: 2/23/11 Recent Posts
We are pleased to announce the release of Klaros-Testmanagement version 4.2.8.
The 4.2.8 maintenance release fixes minor problems and improves initial test execution speed.
The 4.2.x release of Klaros-Testmanagement includes 12 new features, over 20 improvements and a large number of bugfixes over 4.1.x. Some of the most important changes are:

Release Notes:
Version 4.2.8 - 2015-03-09:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2581] - The selected iteration is not properly resettet when switching the project of a dashboard report
[KLAROS-2580] - Missing user defined properties of objects are not properly identified during XML/Excel import
[KLAROS-2575] - The import project window does not show the console window with the result of a project import
[KLAROS-2573] - Action icon alignment broken for newly created iterations
[KLAROS-2570] - Transferring a user defined enumeration default value is not handled correctly in some cases
[KLAROS-2568] - Renaming dashboard reports does not succeed when hitting the apply button before leaving the input area first
[KLAROS-2565] - Excel import of custom attributes requires entries presents in the first column to import properly
[KLAROS-2556] - Exception when refreshing test execution window by logging in through an expired session
[KLAROS-2554] - Extending an expired trial license does not reactive the plan section properly
[KLAROS-2551] - Exception during removal of a category node
[KLAROS-2546] - Unable to use whitespace in custom report enumeration parameter entries
[KLAROS-2543] - Deleted test runs inhibit the deletion of test environments and systems under test
[KLAROS-2517] - Changes to report templates without parameters are not visible for subsequent rendering actions when not using the preview action
[KLAROS-2582] - Improve performance for test run initialization at first test case step
[KLAROS-2576] - Add a submit monitor to the test case execution window
[KLAROS-2560] - Update Mantis Soap API to version 1.2.15
[KLAROS-2558] - Properly highlight editable text input fields in tables
[KLAROS-2557] - Improve the attachment type detection implementation for MS Office documents
[KLAROS-2555] - Update the distributed Tomcat application server to version 7.0.59
[KLAROS-2552] - Improve error handling during attachment upload
[KLAROS-2548] - Custom text field default values should not be rendered as required fields
[KLAROS-2545] - Support automatic link detection in user defined input strings
Version 4.2.7 - 2015-01-12:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2541] - Error during report preview: Unexpected runtime exception: unable to load the template file from the seam session context
[KLAROS-2540] - Unable to create custom Redmine attribute of type "Date": Cannot format given Object as a Date during issue creation
[KLAROS-2538] - Improve the display of expired support periods
Version 4.2.6 - 2014-12-04:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2534] - XML test case import project availability check fails
[KLAROS-2517] - Changes to report templates without parameters are not visible for subsequent rendering actions when not using the preview action
[KLAROS-2516] - Test step import requires non-empty entries for test step attributes
[KLAROS-2515] - The default excel template for new custom reports contains an error
[KLAROS-2514] - Drop is available as an option when trying to edit an unsaved new job
[KLAROS-2346] - JDBC connection leaks
[KLAROS-2531] - Warn more prominently about too many activated users when installing a user limited license
[KLAROS-2522] - The current user should be preselected when initially limiting project access
[KLAROS-2518] - Filter custom report names for unsupported characters
Version 4.2.5 - 2014-10-24:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2512] - Unable to save attachments with names containing certain characters
[KLAROS-2505] - A hidden dialog opens on the access tab of the project details when saving project details in role manager
[KLAROS-2504] - Custom report parameters are shown in arbitrary order instead of the defined order in the parameter request dialog
[KLAROS-2502] - Using the tabular view drop-down selector for the last action results in an error
[KLAROS-2501] - Deleted test cases referenced in test suites still exist for historic data
[KLAROS-2500] - Possible issue in test case runner when session times out
[KLAROS-2499] - The link issue pages may not be properly used unless the create issue page has been loaded previously
[KLAROS-2497] - The bulk create revision button must block double click events
[KLAROS-2494] - During import of backups the editing user is not restored correctly in some cases
[KLAROS-2493] - Double-clicking the save button after another user has added or removed an object from the list and then saving again can lead to fields being overwritten with the fields of the object above or below them
[KLAROS-2495] - Show iteration for test runs in the evaluate section
Version 4.2.4 - 2014-09-15:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2488] - Job due dates with the hour set can lead to jobs being marked as dirty
[KLAROS-2487] - Report templates are only updated after a restart
[KLAROS-2486] - Change history for projects may cause exceptions in some cases
[KLAROS-2485] - On the iteration details page, the values of Compliance and Coverage are switched with the values for Success and Progress
[KLAROS-2483] - Setting the result of the last step in tabular view can lead to an exception if all other results are not set
[KLAROS-2481] - Test cases with the state "Skip" still register as executable on the execute test cases page
[KLAROS-2477] - Test Environments and Systems under Test cannot be removed from iterations
[KLAROS-2476] - The SuT dropdown box on the test suite details page should not filter entries based on the current active iteration
[KLAROS-2474] - Bulk editing jobs does not allow to set empty system under test fields
[KLAROS-2473] - After the initial manual upload of a test result file the list of imported test cases is shown as empty
[KLAROS-2471] - Layout issue with job progress bulk edit fields
[KLAROS-2470] - Unable to bulk edit the job due date field
[KLAROS-2482] - Improve handling of session lock timeouts
[KLAROS-2472] - Boolean script parameters no longer require the mandatory flag to be validated correctly
Version 4.2.3 - 2014-08-20:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2465] - Skipping a step or setting it to failed or error results in the test case being advanced by three steps
Version 4.2.2 - 2014-08-18:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2462] - Filtering test cases on the test suite details page while a test case is selected can lead to an error
[KLAROS-2460] - Deleting the selected parent job on the jobs page results in an empty jobs list even if jobs exist
[KLAROS-2458] - Unable to remove uploaded attachments during manual test execution
[KLAROS-2451] - The list of imported test cases is only displayed after reloading the import list when uploading test results
[KLAROS-2449] - Unexecuted steps are saved as "unknown" instead of "skipped" when finishing a test case after setting a step to "failed" or "error"
[KLAROS-2448] - Execute test cases page sometimes initially shows the wrong number of results for test cases
[KLAROS-2445] - Orphan History Field Entries when removing groups from projects
[KLAROS-2441] - Orphan test case step results may prevent deleting projects
[KLAROS-2436] - Unable to clear date fields
[KLAROS-2435] - Database conflict after moving job up one level
[KLAROS-2434] - Wrong update of parent job progress when adding subjobs
[KLAROS-2433] - Error rendering LDAP connection check dialog
[KLAROS-2431] - The details icon for elements on the issues by test case page has the wrong tooltip message
[KLAROS-2428] - Error handling failed authentication against an LDAP default authentication setup during database migration enforcement
[KLAROS-2426] - Problem rendering test suite result print page under Java 8
[KLAROS-2457] - Prevent commenting on step results with the verdict "unknown"
[KLAROS-2456] - Show the number of test case steps in the tab label on the test case details page
[KLAROS-2438] - Update the distributed Tomcat application server to version 7.0.55
[KLAROS-2429] - Allow to choose the authentication domain when migrating the database
[KLAROS-2277] - Allow linking of issues through the manual test runner
[KLAROS-1972] - There should be a "new"-button at the top and the bottom of the test case steps list
[KLAROS-1939] - Highlight the verdict of already completed test case steps in the test case runner
Version 4.2.1 - 2014-07-23:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2423] - Property 'tooltipCreateTestSuiteResultOnResultImports' not found error upon test result import
[KLAROS-2417] - Error rendering test email
[KLAROS-2409] - Error message "Connection failed: Missing query parameter 'config'" when testing connections with the Klaros Jenkins-Plugin
[KLAROS-2408] - When copying objects between projects, User defined properties are getting copied, even if the corresponding property definition has been deleted
[KLAROS-2406] - When a trial key expires the name of the licensee is still shown in the footer area
[KLAROS-2403] - It is not possible to filter custom fields when listing requirements
[KLAROS-2396] - When trying to bulk edit requirements while there are unsaved requirement in the list, pressing save doesn't refresh the list
[KLAROS-2394] - Exception if a manager tries to create a project
[KLAROS-2392] - Better handling of changes in the user defined property list after copying objects from another project
[KLAROS-2387] - Problem with migrator for database version 4.6
[KLAROS-2385] - Exception when deleting test cases from requirements
[KLAROS-2382] - The change project dialog is always displayed when viewing results from the user and mobile device details pages
[KLAROS-2378] - Problem viewing the details of the selected job on the job list page
[KLAROS-2377] - The pending flag for test case results is missing from the reporting API
[KLAROS-2373] - Deactivating the 'Use the default container session timeout' only works when the entered timeout value differs from its default
[KLAROS-2346] - JDBC connection leaks
[KLAROS-2148] - Database migration for default field initializers should be run for any active database version
[KLAROS-2424] - Limit the Release notes shown in the installer to the current major release version
[KLAROS-2420] - When synchronizing with the android app, exclude jobs without an assignee of projects the tester has no access to
[KLAROS-2415] - Add support for job type filtering and remove the duplicated summary search entry
[KLAROS-2413] - Add a method to the Model API that can retrieve a sorted list of test case results for a given test suite result
[KLAROS-2411] - Do not reset the projects list view when a new project or iteration is selected
[KLAROS-2401] - Add a method to the Model API that can retrieve the test suite result position for a given test case result
[KLAROS-2400] - Allow to collapse/expand all test case steps on the test case steps tab
[KLAROS-2399] - Add more options to the number of displayed test case steps on the test case steps tab
[KLAROS-2398] - Sort the entries in the "Object" dropdown box in the user defined properties list by name
[KLAROS-2395] - Add the "expected result" value to the run test case popup
[KLAROS-2393] - Show Ids instead of names for the test environments and SUTs in the bulk delete popup when bulk deleting testruns
[KLAROS-2388] - Show the name of the system under test in the Test Run Overview Report
[KLAROS-2386] - Provide an option to set the default table size
[KLAROS-2380] - Add a pending flag to test runs and test suite results
[KLAROS-2379] - Optionally preserve test case status when copying between projects
[KLAROS-2376] - Mark the last test result on the test case results page
[KLAROS-2374] - Support Ranorex test result file import
[KLAROS-2345] - Show a link to the Klaros-Tutorial when no project has been created yet
Version 4.2.0 - 2014-06-24:
New Features:
[KLAROS-2343] - Support naive DN match mode when authenticating against LDAP servers
[KLAROS-2328] - Allow bulk deletion of test runs
[KLAROS-2323] - Add a test run tab to the mobile device details page
[KLAROS-2322] - Test Runs should have a link to Mobile devices
[KLAROS-2292] - Optionally limit user creation to the administrator role
[KLAROS-2287] - Bulk print option for Users and Mobile Devices
[KLAROS-2265] - Add an option for print pages to omit empty fields
[KLAROS-2253] - Add support for Java 8
[KLAROS-1458] - Make the default installation path configurable (KLAROS_HOME)
[KLAROS-1403] - Allow to bulk change object properties
[KLAROS-1231] - Add a tutorial document
[KLAROS-994] - Provide the ability to copy more artifacts to another project
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2370] - Duplicating requirements does not duplicate their relation to test cases
[KLAROS-2366] - Failures are reported as Errors and vice versa in the test environment overview report
[KLAROS-2357] - The execute test cases page initially shows zero results for all test cases
[KLAROS-2356] - Changes in the project roles tab don't get persisted immediately
[KLAROS-2355] - Duplicate entries in the project roles tab
[KLAROS-2346] - JDBC connection leaks
[KLAROS-2339] - Users with the global role tester may not open the test runner if the "limit testers to jobs" option is active
[KLAROS-2337] - The Klaros installation path should default to the user folder on Windows 8.1 systems
[KLAROS-2333] - Deleting all results for a test suite does not allow the deletion of the test suite
[KLAROS-2329] - The Try LDAP authentication button silently fails when the configured user name attribute is not contained in the returned LDAP user list
[KLAROS-2320] - The default value setting gets ignored for boolean report parameters
[KLAROS-2318] - It is possible in some cases to delete test cases which have results
[KLAROS-2316] - It is possible to delete test cases even if they are referenced by a test suite
[KLAROS-2315] - Cancelling the skip all steps dialog during the step by step execution of a test case results in all steps being set to skipped
[KLAROS-2312] - Deletion of attachments from some objects is not possible
[KLAROS-2305] - Custom fields definitions for trackers are not updated when switching between tracker types
[KLAROS-2301] - Error message when synchronising a job with the server
[KLAROS-2273] - Saving on details pages resets the active filters/sorts on some tables
[KLAROS-2264] - Garbled delete icon image on subjob page
[KLAROS-2260] - Initial dialog box position of a page may persist over invocations on some pages
[KLAROS-2135] - Enforce result summary and description length limits when importing backup files of ancient databases
[KLAROS-2133] - The attachment upload temp folder does not get cleared properly
[KLAROS-2368] - Show a more descriptive warning that testcases need to be set to manual execution if a user tries to execute a testcase
[KLAROS-2363] - Show a warning panel on the execute pages when test environment or system under test is not available
[KLAROS-2362] - Bring the test execution to front if it is already open when executing a test
[KLAROS-2359] - Show an 'execution in progress' dialog on pages were execution is triggered and the results should be updated
[KLAROS-2358] - Allow testers to bulk print pages
[KLAROS-2350] - On the testrun page, show a link to the mobile device for every test case that has been executed on a mobile device
[KLAROS-2347] - Add an option to suppress automatic password hash synchronization for active directory logins
[KLAROS-2344] - Automatically save the selected print options
[KLAROS-2342] - When clicking on the help icon, open a dropdown box with links to the documentation, the tutorial, the support page and the Klaros message boards
[KLAROS-2331] - Add an option to choose for following referrals when listing LDAP users
[KLAROS-2326] - Make the provided report parameters directly available in the report context
[KLAROS-2325] - Put a file with release notes in the Klaros installation folder when installing or updating Klaros
[KLAROS-2324] - Improve the performance of the related results tabs on details pages
[KLAROS-2321] - Add support for enumeration types as report parameters
[KLAROS-2313] - Show the test suite details as an expandable panel in the manual test runner
[KLAROS-2303] - JobUpdateActions are always "The test suite {0} has been executed...", even when a Test Case has been executed
[KLAROS-2300] - "Skip" should open up the comment dialog
[KLAROS-2296] - Change Issue management links to external links to the actual IMS instance for testers
[KLAROS-2294] - After saving a new Iteration, do not activate that Iteration automatically
[KLAROS-2286] - Overhaul the app documentation about the settings screen
[KLAROS-2284] - Improve rendering performance
[KLAROS-2281] - Improve rendering performance for pages with a large number of table entries
[KLAROS-2278] - Upgrade distribution to Tomcat 7.0.54
[KLAROS-2259] - Improve visual page load indication
[KLAROS-2012] - Do not display report types in the reports dashboard which are not yet available
[KLAROS-2001] - The initial LDAP authentication should be able to set the user email and full name attributes
[KLAROS-1859] - Support full text search for summary and description test step result fields
[KLAROS-1208] - Support reordering of custom report parameters
[KLAROS-1206] - Automatically select my last selected project and iteration after logging in
[KLAROS-959] - Store the default language in the user profile
The 4.2.8 maintenance release fixes minor problems and improves initial test execution speed.
The 4.2.x release of Klaros-Testmanagement includes 12 new features, over 20 improvements and a large number of bugfixes over 4.1.x. Some of the most important changes are:
- Significant improvements to overall performance
- All areas of Klaros-Testmanagement, from list pages to the manual test runner to printer-friendly pages, have been optimized to create the fastest version yet.
- Support for Java 8
- The LDAP integration has been enhanced and now features additional options for naive DN match mode and referral handling. User mail and name attributes are now automatically retrieved and password synchronization is configurable.
- User settings like the current selected project or iteration are now automatically saved and restored between user sessions.
- Printer-friendly pages have been extended to users and mobile devices.
- Print options have been expanded to allow suppression of empty fields and are also automatically saved and restored between user sessions.
- Klaros-Testmanagement is now shipped with a tutorial which shows how to set up a basic example project.
- Custom reports can now accept enumerations as parameters.

- Objects within Klaros-Testmanagement may now be edited in bulk

- The "copy test cases to project" option has been expanded to include requirements, test environments, systems under test and test suites. Relations between these objects are preserved during the copy action.

- Traceability of test execution on mobile devices has been improved through linking individual test runs to the device on which they were executed.
- The help button has been expanded to include links to the forum, tutorial and email support.

Release Notes:
Version 4.2.8 - 2015-03-09:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2581] - The selected iteration is not properly resettet when switching the project of a dashboard report
[KLAROS-2580] - Missing user defined properties of objects are not properly identified during XML/Excel import
[KLAROS-2575] - The import project window does not show the console window with the result of a project import
[KLAROS-2573] - Action icon alignment broken for newly created iterations
[KLAROS-2570] - Transferring a user defined enumeration default value is not handled correctly in some cases
[KLAROS-2568] - Renaming dashboard reports does not succeed when hitting the apply button before leaving the input area first
[KLAROS-2565] - Excel import of custom attributes requires entries presents in the first column to import properly
[KLAROS-2556] - Exception when refreshing test execution window by logging in through an expired session
[KLAROS-2554] - Extending an expired trial license does not reactive the plan section properly
[KLAROS-2551] - Exception during removal of a category node
[KLAROS-2546] - Unable to use whitespace in custom report enumeration parameter entries
[KLAROS-2543] - Deleted test runs inhibit the deletion of test environments and systems under test
[KLAROS-2517] - Changes to report templates without parameters are not visible for subsequent rendering actions when not using the preview action
[KLAROS-2582] - Improve performance for test run initialization at first test case step
[KLAROS-2576] - Add a submit monitor to the test case execution window
[KLAROS-2560] - Update Mantis Soap API to version 1.2.15
[KLAROS-2558] - Properly highlight editable text input fields in tables
[KLAROS-2557] - Improve the attachment type detection implementation for MS Office documents
[KLAROS-2555] - Update the distributed Tomcat application server to version 7.0.59
[KLAROS-2552] - Improve error handling during attachment upload
[KLAROS-2548] - Custom text field default values should not be rendered as required fields
[KLAROS-2545] - Support automatic link detection in user defined input strings
Version 4.2.7 - 2015-01-12:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2541] - Error during report preview: Unexpected runtime exception: unable to load the template file from the seam session context
[KLAROS-2540] - Unable to create custom Redmine attribute of type "Date": Cannot format given Object as a Date during issue creation
[KLAROS-2538] - Improve the display of expired support periods
Version 4.2.6 - 2014-12-04:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2534] - XML test case import project availability check fails
[KLAROS-2517] - Changes to report templates without parameters are not visible for subsequent rendering actions when not using the preview action
[KLAROS-2516] - Test step import requires non-empty entries for test step attributes
[KLAROS-2515] - The default excel template for new custom reports contains an error
[KLAROS-2514] - Drop is available as an option when trying to edit an unsaved new job
[KLAROS-2346] - JDBC connection leaks
[KLAROS-2531] - Warn more prominently about too many activated users when installing a user limited license
[KLAROS-2522] - The current user should be preselected when initially limiting project access
[KLAROS-2518] - Filter custom report names for unsupported characters
Version 4.2.5 - 2014-10-24:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2512] - Unable to save attachments with names containing certain characters
[KLAROS-2505] - A hidden dialog opens on the access tab of the project details when saving project details in role manager
[KLAROS-2504] - Custom report parameters are shown in arbitrary order instead of the defined order in the parameter request dialog
[KLAROS-2502] - Using the tabular view drop-down selector for the last action results in an error
[KLAROS-2501] - Deleted test cases referenced in test suites still exist for historic data
[KLAROS-2500] - Possible issue in test case runner when session times out
[KLAROS-2499] - The link issue pages may not be properly used unless the create issue page has been loaded previously
[KLAROS-2497] - The bulk create revision button must block double click events
[KLAROS-2494] - During import of backups the editing user is not restored correctly in some cases
[KLAROS-2493] - Double-clicking the save button after another user has added or removed an object from the list and then saving again can lead to fields being overwritten with the fields of the object above or below them
[KLAROS-2495] - Show iteration for test runs in the evaluate section
Version 4.2.4 - 2014-09-15:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2488] - Job due dates with the hour set can lead to jobs being marked as dirty
[KLAROS-2487] - Report templates are only updated after a restart
[KLAROS-2486] - Change history for projects may cause exceptions in some cases
[KLAROS-2485] - On the iteration details page, the values of Compliance and Coverage are switched with the values for Success and Progress
[KLAROS-2483] - Setting the result of the last step in tabular view can lead to an exception if all other results are not set
[KLAROS-2481] - Test cases with the state "Skip" still register as executable on the execute test cases page
[KLAROS-2477] - Test Environments and Systems under Test cannot be removed from iterations
[KLAROS-2476] - The SuT dropdown box on the test suite details page should not filter entries based on the current active iteration
[KLAROS-2474] - Bulk editing jobs does not allow to set empty system under test fields
[KLAROS-2473] - After the initial manual upload of a test result file the list of imported test cases is shown as empty
[KLAROS-2471] - Layout issue with job progress bulk edit fields
[KLAROS-2470] - Unable to bulk edit the job due date field
[KLAROS-2482] - Improve handling of session lock timeouts
[KLAROS-2472] - Boolean script parameters no longer require the mandatory flag to be validated correctly
Version 4.2.3 - 2014-08-20:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2465] - Skipping a step or setting it to failed or error results in the test case being advanced by three steps
Version 4.2.2 - 2014-08-18:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2462] - Filtering test cases on the test suite details page while a test case is selected can lead to an error
[KLAROS-2460] - Deleting the selected parent job on the jobs page results in an empty jobs list even if jobs exist
[KLAROS-2458] - Unable to remove uploaded attachments during manual test execution
[KLAROS-2451] - The list of imported test cases is only displayed after reloading the import list when uploading test results
[KLAROS-2449] - Unexecuted steps are saved as "unknown" instead of "skipped" when finishing a test case after setting a step to "failed" or "error"
[KLAROS-2448] - Execute test cases page sometimes initially shows the wrong number of results for test cases
[KLAROS-2445] - Orphan History Field Entries when removing groups from projects
[KLAROS-2441] - Orphan test case step results may prevent deleting projects
[KLAROS-2436] - Unable to clear date fields
[KLAROS-2435] - Database conflict after moving job up one level
[KLAROS-2434] - Wrong update of parent job progress when adding subjobs
[KLAROS-2433] - Error rendering LDAP connection check dialog
[KLAROS-2431] - The details icon for elements on the issues by test case page has the wrong tooltip message
[KLAROS-2428] - Error handling failed authentication against an LDAP default authentication setup during database migration enforcement
[KLAROS-2426] - Problem rendering test suite result print page under Java 8
[KLAROS-2457] - Prevent commenting on step results with the verdict "unknown"
[KLAROS-2456] - Show the number of test case steps in the tab label on the test case details page
[KLAROS-2438] - Update the distributed Tomcat application server to version 7.0.55
[KLAROS-2429] - Allow to choose the authentication domain when migrating the database
[KLAROS-2277] - Allow linking of issues through the manual test runner
[KLAROS-1972] - There should be a "new"-button at the top and the bottom of the test case steps list
[KLAROS-1939] - Highlight the verdict of already completed test case steps in the test case runner
Version 4.2.1 - 2014-07-23:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2423] - Property 'tooltipCreateTestSuiteResultOnResultImports' not found error upon test result import
[KLAROS-2417] - Error rendering test email
[KLAROS-2409] - Error message "Connection failed: Missing query parameter 'config'" when testing connections with the Klaros Jenkins-Plugin
[KLAROS-2408] - When copying objects between projects, User defined properties are getting copied, even if the corresponding property definition has been deleted
[KLAROS-2406] - When a trial key expires the name of the licensee is still shown in the footer area
[KLAROS-2403] - It is not possible to filter custom fields when listing requirements
[KLAROS-2396] - When trying to bulk edit requirements while there are unsaved requirement in the list, pressing save doesn't refresh the list
[KLAROS-2394] - Exception if a manager tries to create a project
[KLAROS-2392] - Better handling of changes in the user defined property list after copying objects from another project
[KLAROS-2387] - Problem with migrator for database version 4.6
[KLAROS-2385] - Exception when deleting test cases from requirements
[KLAROS-2382] - The change project dialog is always displayed when viewing results from the user and mobile device details pages
[KLAROS-2378] - Problem viewing the details of the selected job on the job list page
[KLAROS-2377] - The pending flag for test case results is missing from the reporting API
[KLAROS-2373] - Deactivating the 'Use the default container session timeout' only works when the entered timeout value differs from its default
[KLAROS-2346] - JDBC connection leaks
[KLAROS-2148] - Database migration for default field initializers should be run for any active database version
[KLAROS-2424] - Limit the Release notes shown in the installer to the current major release version
[KLAROS-2420] - When synchronizing with the android app, exclude jobs without an assignee of projects the tester has no access to
[KLAROS-2415] - Add support for job type filtering and remove the duplicated summary search entry
[KLAROS-2413] - Add a method to the Model API that can retrieve a sorted list of test case results for a given test suite result
[KLAROS-2411] - Do not reset the projects list view when a new project or iteration is selected
[KLAROS-2401] - Add a method to the Model API that can retrieve the test suite result position for a given test case result
[KLAROS-2400] - Allow to collapse/expand all test case steps on the test case steps tab
[KLAROS-2399] - Add more options to the number of displayed test case steps on the test case steps tab
[KLAROS-2398] - Sort the entries in the "Object" dropdown box in the user defined properties list by name
[KLAROS-2395] - Add the "expected result" value to the run test case popup
[KLAROS-2393] - Show Ids instead of names for the test environments and SUTs in the bulk delete popup when bulk deleting testruns
[KLAROS-2388] - Show the name of the system under test in the Test Run Overview Report
[KLAROS-2386] - Provide an option to set the default table size
[KLAROS-2380] - Add a pending flag to test runs and test suite results
[KLAROS-2379] - Optionally preserve test case status when copying between projects
[KLAROS-2376] - Mark the last test result on the test case results page
[KLAROS-2374] - Support Ranorex test result file import
[KLAROS-2345] - Show a link to the Klaros-Tutorial when no project has been created yet
Version 4.2.0 - 2014-06-24:
New Features:
[KLAROS-2343] - Support naive DN match mode when authenticating against LDAP servers
[KLAROS-2328] - Allow bulk deletion of test runs
[KLAROS-2323] - Add a test run tab to the mobile device details page
[KLAROS-2322] - Test Runs should have a link to Mobile devices
[KLAROS-2292] - Optionally limit user creation to the administrator role
[KLAROS-2287] - Bulk print option for Users and Mobile Devices
[KLAROS-2265] - Add an option for print pages to omit empty fields
[KLAROS-2253] - Add support for Java 8
[KLAROS-1458] - Make the default installation path configurable (KLAROS_HOME)
[KLAROS-1403] - Allow to bulk change object properties
[KLAROS-1231] - Add a tutorial document
[KLAROS-994] - Provide the ability to copy more artifacts to another project
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2370] - Duplicating requirements does not duplicate their relation to test cases
[KLAROS-2366] - Failures are reported as Errors and vice versa in the test environment overview report
[KLAROS-2357] - The execute test cases page initially shows zero results for all test cases
[KLAROS-2356] - Changes in the project roles tab don't get persisted immediately
[KLAROS-2355] - Duplicate entries in the project roles tab
[KLAROS-2346] - JDBC connection leaks
[KLAROS-2339] - Users with the global role tester may not open the test runner if the "limit testers to jobs" option is active
[KLAROS-2337] - The Klaros installation path should default to the user folder on Windows 8.1 systems
[KLAROS-2333] - Deleting all results for a test suite does not allow the deletion of the test suite
[KLAROS-2329] - The Try LDAP authentication button silently fails when the configured user name attribute is not contained in the returned LDAP user list
[KLAROS-2320] - The default value setting gets ignored for boolean report parameters
[KLAROS-2318] - It is possible in some cases to delete test cases which have results
[KLAROS-2316] - It is possible to delete test cases even if they are referenced by a test suite
[KLAROS-2315] - Cancelling the skip all steps dialog during the step by step execution of a test case results in all steps being set to skipped
[KLAROS-2312] - Deletion of attachments from some objects is not possible
[KLAROS-2305] - Custom fields definitions for trackers are not updated when switching between tracker types
[KLAROS-2301] - Error message when synchronising a job with the server
[KLAROS-2273] - Saving on details pages resets the active filters/sorts on some tables
[KLAROS-2264] - Garbled delete icon image on subjob page
[KLAROS-2260] - Initial dialog box position of a page may persist over invocations on some pages
[KLAROS-2135] - Enforce result summary and description length limits when importing backup files of ancient databases
[KLAROS-2133] - The attachment upload temp folder does not get cleared properly
[KLAROS-2368] - Show a more descriptive warning that testcases need to be set to manual execution if a user tries to execute a testcase
[KLAROS-2363] - Show a warning panel on the execute pages when test environment or system under test is not available
[KLAROS-2362] - Bring the test execution to front if it is already open when executing a test
[KLAROS-2359] - Show an 'execution in progress' dialog on pages were execution is triggered and the results should be updated
[KLAROS-2358] - Allow testers to bulk print pages
[KLAROS-2350] - On the testrun page, show a link to the mobile device for every test case that has been executed on a mobile device
[KLAROS-2347] - Add an option to suppress automatic password hash synchronization for active directory logins
[KLAROS-2344] - Automatically save the selected print options
[KLAROS-2342] - When clicking on the help icon, open a dropdown box with links to the documentation, the tutorial, the support page and the Klaros message boards
[KLAROS-2331] - Add an option to choose for following referrals when listing LDAP users
[KLAROS-2326] - Make the provided report parameters directly available in the report context
[KLAROS-2325] - Put a file with release notes in the Klaros installation folder when installing or updating Klaros
[KLAROS-2324] - Improve the performance of the related results tabs on details pages
[KLAROS-2321] - Add support for enumeration types as report parameters
[KLAROS-2313] - Show the test suite details as an expandable panel in the manual test runner
[KLAROS-2303] - JobUpdateActions are always "The test suite {0} has been executed...", even when a Test Case has been executed
[KLAROS-2300] - "Skip" should open up the comment dialog
[KLAROS-2296] - Change Issue management links to external links to the actual IMS instance for testers
[KLAROS-2294] - After saving a new Iteration, do not activate that Iteration automatically
[KLAROS-2286] - Overhaul the app documentation about the settings screen
[KLAROS-2284] - Improve rendering performance
[KLAROS-2281] - Improve rendering performance for pages with a large number of table entries
[KLAROS-2278] - Upgrade distribution to Tomcat 7.0.54
[KLAROS-2259] - Improve visual page load indication
[KLAROS-2012] - Do not display report types in the reports dashboard which are not yet available
[KLAROS-2001] - The initial LDAP authentication should be able to set the user email and full name attributes
[KLAROS-1859] - Support full text search for summary and description test step result fields
[KLAROS-1208] - Support reordering of custom report parameters
[KLAROS-1206] - Automatically select my last selected project and iteration after logging in
[KLAROS-959] - Store the default language in the user profile