Test Suite Attachment Troubles

Paolo Canonici, modified 10 Years ago.

Test Suite Attachment Troubles

Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 5/14/14 Recent Posts
I'm using Klaros testmanagement v.4.1.7 Community Edition and I've changed the underneath database to point to a MySQL schema.
All seems to work fine but... after uploading an attachment for a test suite, as stated in 5.2.9 and 8.3.1 sections of the User Manual, this is not visible in the test suite overview.

User manual doesn't refer to the Enterprise Edition for such a feature, so I'm wonder if I'm missing something.

Also, once uploaded and saved the attachment, I'm unable to remove it, despite the fact that Klaros is saying: "The Test Suite 'TS00002' has been successfully updated".

Any advice?

Patrick Reilly, modified 10 Years ago.

RE: Test Suite Attachment Troubles (Answer)

Padawan Posts: 71 Join Date: 2/23/11 Recent Posts
Hello Paolo,

Welcome to the community!

You are correct, the test suite attachments are no longer displayed within the manual test runner. This is a regression bug and will be fixed in the next version of Klaros-Testmanagement. We are tracking this issue as KLAROS-2313 (Show the test suite details as an expandible panel in the manual test runner).

I have also created an issue for the deletion issue KLAROS-2312 (Deletion of attachments from some objects is not possible) to track your bug report.

Thanks for your feedback!

Paolo Canonici, modified 10 Years ago.

RE: Test Suite Attachment Troubles

Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 5/14/14 Recent Posts
Hi Patrick
thanks for your quick response. emoticon

Please, let me explain my scenario just in case you could have any advice on how to best approach my problem with Klaros.
I'm using Klaros to test the functionalities of a videogame, and because of its complexity and randomic behaviour I based all testing activities upon savegames files. So each test suite should relate to a specific savegame files package and the tester needs to download and install these files in order to execute the test suite.

For these reasons I decided to use the test suite attachments to make the savegames available for the tester. I would need also to update this attachment when needed.

Are there better approaches to achieve this, considering previous mentioned issues?
Have you any suggestion?

Fabian Klaffke, modified 10 Years ago.

RE: Test Suite Attachment Troubles

Padawan Posts: 92 Join Date: 8/31/12 Recent Posts
Hi Paolo,

as Patrick said, this feature will be implemented in the upcoming release of Klaros-Testmanagement. In the meantime, we can provide you with the following (hacky emoticon ) workaround :

1) Copy the link of the test suite attachment from the Attachments tab. (screenshot1.png)

2) Append this link to the Name field of the test suite. (screenshot2.png)

3) Before executing the test suite, you can now copy the link to the attachment from the Description field. This will give you access to the test suite attachment. (screenshot3.png)
