test proxy is freezing

Filip Zamboj, modified 12 Years ago.

test proxy is freezing

Youngling Posts: 8 Join Date: 11/22/12 Recent Posts
The GUI freezes after I press test proxy settings and i have to restart klaros.

Klaros: 3.7.2 - Build 28 (2012-11-23 10:51:34)
Torsten Stolpmann, modified 12 Years ago.

RE: test proxy is freezing

Jedi Council Member Posts: 763 Join Date: 2/12/09 Recent Posts
Hi Filip,

this seems to apply when the proxy server host IP you have entered is not reachable, in this case your session should return after the TCP connection timeout expires. Depending upon your system settings this should take approximatly 1-2 minutes.

After this period the system should be usable again.

The problem here is that currently proxy settings are tested by changing the global socket communication settings, including Ajax browser/server requests which is leading to the freeze you are experiencing.

Thanks for pointing this out.

In case a non existing server has been saved - the proxy server infomation is stored in the editable file <user_home>/.klaros/klaros.properties of the user account executing Klaros.


Filip Zamboj, modified 12 Years ago.

RE: test proxy is freezing

Youngling Posts: 8 Join Date: 11/22/12 Recent Posts
Hi Torsten,

thanks for answer. Yes, i was expecting either timeout if server would not be reachable or the test should pass. However, even 10 minutes was not good enough for (probably) ajax script to return.
