9.8. Issues

9.8.1. Issues by Test Case
9.8.2. Issue Details (Creating a new Issue)
9.8.3. Link Issues

With Klaros-Test­management it is possible to link issues from external issue management systems (like Jira or Bugzilla) with test cases. In addition to this, issues can be created from within Klaros-Test­management and even during test execution.

9.8.1. Issues by Test Case

The Issues by Test Case Screen

Figure 9.30. The Issues by Test Case Screen

This page shows a list of all test cases in every revision and the number of issues linked to it. Pressing the icon opens up a separate page (see Section, “Issues by Test Case Details”) where the individual linked issues are listed. Pressing the New button opens up a new page in where an issue can be created in any of the configured issue management systems and then linked to a test case.

9.8.2. Issue Details (Creating a new Issue)

The Create Issue Page

Figure 9.31. The Create Issue Page

Upon the first definied issue management system is selected from the Issue Management System dropdown list.

[Note] Note

If the list of issue management systems is empty, then at least one issue management system has to be configured and also available in the selected project. The configuration of an issue management system is described in Section 10.5.1, “Issue Management”, and Section, “Issue Management” contains instructions on how to add an issue management system to a project.

By default the system uses the credentials entered at the login screen to authenticate the user against the issue management system. In a Bugzilla issue management system the email/password combination of the user is tried as well, as this is the common case for a login name here. If the credentials entered at login do not work and the issue management system has not yet been used during the session, Klaros-Test­management will request new authentication information in a dialog window.

[Important] Token based authentication (Jira Cloud instances, GitLab)

Some Vendors like Jira and GitLab limit access to their instances to token based authentication, so authenticating via username and password is no longer supported.

Klaros-Test­management is supporting token based authentication scheme as well. Just use an empty username and the token as password.

Pressing the icon opens up the external issue management system in a new tab.

After the desired issue management system has been selected, a list of issue fields is shown. The exact number and naming of those fields varies depending on the type and configuration of the issue management system. Mandatory fields are shaded in a different color to emphasize their importance.

[Note] Note

All mandatory fields need to be filled, otherwise the issue cannot be saved.

Issue Fields for every Issue Management System

  • Test Case

    The test case with which the issue should be linked.

  • System under Test

    The system under test with which the issue should be linked.

  • Update Test Case State?

    Selecting this checkbox opens up a new dropdown list in which the new state of the linked test case can be selected. Issue Details (Editing an Existing Issue)

Editing an issue is done in the same page as creating as Section 9.8.2, “Issue Details (Creating a new Issue)”. The only difference is that a button New is placed on the lower left section of the page. This button serves as a convenience method when creating multiple issues in a row. Pressing this button opens up a new Issue Details page in which another issue can be configured.

[Tip] Tip

After creating and saving a new issue, the New button also appears, so that another issue can be created right away! Issues by Test Case Details

The Issues by Test Case Details Screen

Figure 9.32. The Issues by Test Case Details Screen

The Issues by Test Case Details page shows all issues which are linked to the selected test case.

Pressing the icon opens up the Section, “Issue Details (Editing an Existing Issue)” page, where the individual fields of the issue can be edited.

[Tip] Tip

It is possible to move an issue from one test case to another!

Pressing the icon opens up the issue in the appertaining issue management system in a new tab.

Pressing the icon removes the issue from the test case.

[Important] Important

This does not delete the issue in the issue management system, only the reference to the test case in Klaros-Test­management!

Pressing the New button opens up the Section 9.8.2, “Issue Details (Creating a new Issue)” page.

Pressing the Link button opens up the Link Issues page, in which existing issues from issue management systems can be linked to this test case.

The Issues by Test Case page lists all test cases that have linked issues or results with linked issues ( Figure 9.30, “The Issues by Test Case Screen”). Clicking the button opens the Browse Issues page for the corresponding test case ( Figure 9.32, “The Issues by Test Case Details Screen”).

The issue ID is a hyperlink to the corresponding issue in the issue management system.

9.8.3. Link Issues

While most issues get detected during execution of a test case, sometimes it is necessary to defer the creation of an issue in the issue management system, and some issues are raised on an ad hoc basis. In order to preserve a relation to test cases, it is possible to link issues created in an issue management system to test cases in Klaros-Test­management.

The Link Issues page lists all test cases in the currently active project. Clicking the icon opens the Link Issues page for the corresponding test case.

The Test Case Selection Screen

Figure 9.33. The Test Case Selection Screen

To link a new issue to the test case, an issue management system must be selected. Pressing the Link button causes the issue with the entered ID to be attached to the test case.

The Link Issues Screen

Figure 9.34. The Link Issues Screen

Pressing the icon opens up the issue in the appertaining issue management system in a new tab.

Pressing the icon removes the issue from the test case.

[Important] Important

This does not delete the issue in the issue management system, only the reference to the test case in Klaros-Test­management!

  • System

    The issue management system from which issues are to be linked.

  • ID

    The id of the issue to be linked.

Pressing the icon searches the issue management system for an issue which matches the entered id. Upon a successful search, pressing the Link button links the issue to the test case.