6.3. Requirements

6.3.1. Remote Requirements Management System Synchronization
6.3.2. Bulk Actions
6.3.3. Creating a Requirement
6.3.4. Requirement Details

Requirements are conditions which must be met in order for the product to be considered ready to be shipped. The Requirements section allows management of the requirements in the selected project.

Requirements may be linked to test cases. This enables users to quickly check the status of a given requirement.

Requirements may be created, removed, updated and assigned to categories on this page ( Figure 6.16). The displayed requirements may be filtered and sorted as described in Section 5.2.6, “Filtering and Sorting”.

The Requirements Screen

Figure 6.16. The Requirements Screen

The Requirements page shows all of the requirements defined for the current project. Clicking on the table fields allows direct editing of the attributes.

The leftmost column allows requirements to be selected for bulk actions. The uppermost checkbox is a global select button, which selects or deselects all elements shown in the table. Please note that the displayed elements are subject to the current search and catagorization criteria.

Requirements may be viewed on a printer-friendly page as described in Section 5.2.7, “Print Pages” as well as categorized as described in Section 5.2.8, “Categorization”.

Clicking on the delete icon removes the requirement.

[Note] Why is the Delete button sometimes disabled?

Requirements that are referenced by test runs cannot be deleted, so their delete icon is disabled ( ).

Clicking on an edit icon displays the Requirement Details page of the corresponding requirement.

6.3.1. Remote Requirements Management System Synchronization

If the active project is connected to a remote requirements management system, editing of requirements is disabled for all users. A icon will appear on the upper right side of the requirements list screen. Pressing it will start a background synchronization of requirements between the project and the requirements management system.

The Requirements Screen using remote RMS synchronization

Figure 6.17. The Requirements Screen using remote RMS synchronization

6.3.2. Bulk Actions

Some bulk actions are available on the Requirements page. Bulk actions are described in Section 5.2.11, “Bulk Actions”.

The bulk actions available on this page are: Edit, Print, Delete, New Revision, Duplicate and Assign to category. The bulk action buttons can be found above the table on the left.

6.3.3. Creating a Requirement

Clicking on the New button creates a new Requirement in the currently selected project ( Figure 6.16). The Name and Priority fields can then be specified. The requirement ID is automatically assigned by Klaros-Test­management.

6.3.4. Requirement Details Requirement Overview

The Requirement Overview Tab

Figure 6.18. The Requirement Overview Tab

  • Priority

    The priority of the requirement. This signifies how crutial the compliance of this requirement is.

  • Compliance

    The compliance rate shows how many test cases, which are part of this requirement, have been successfully executed.

  • Coverage

    The compliance rate shows how many test cases, which are part of this requirement, have been executed at least once.

    [Note] Note

    Note: In contrast to the success rate, the coverage rate considers only if a test case has been executed at least once in the iteration, regardless of the result (passed, failed, error).

  • Automation Rate

    This bar shows how many of the test cases of this requirement are automated.

    [Tip] Tip

    Manual test cases can often be converted to automated test cases if they are frequently executed to save time.

  • Compliance History

    This graph shows how the compliance and the coverage for this requirement have changed since the requirement has been defined. The timeline is automatically adjusted depending on the given timeframe.

  • Latest Failing Test Cases

    This table lists the test cases which recently have been failed during a test run for this requirement alongside with the appertaining test case result.

    [Note] Note

    This table is limited to five entries. The other test case results can be viewed by pressing the Show All button. Requirement Properties

This page ( Figure 6.19) allows the user to view or change the following attributes of the selected requirement:

  • ID

    Assigned automatically.

  • Name

    The editable name of the requirement.

  • Priority

    The priority of the requirement. Can be Low, Medium, High or empty.

  • State

    The requirement state determines whether it is editable or visible in reports. Only requirement with the state Draft are editable. A requirement with the state Skip is not shown in any reports.

  • Summary

    A short summary of the requirement.

The Requirement Details Screen

Figure 6.19. The Requirement Details Screen User Defined Properties

User defined properties can be used to customize requirements within Klaros-Test­management by adding custom fields. This process is described in Section 5.2.13, “User Defined Properties”. Attachments

Attachments may be added to requirements. This process is described in Section 5.2.12, “Attachments”. Test Cases

Coverage of requirements is tested by test cases. Users can link test cases to requirements in the Test Cases tab. The test results of linked test cases count towards the execution and success rates of the requirement.

Test cases may be assigned to the requirement by clicking the Assign button. This opens a dialog which allows Test Cases to be selected. Test cases may be removed from the requirement one at a time by clicking the icon in the Action column or in bulk by selecting test cases and clicking the icon above the table.

The detail page of a Test Case shows a list of all Requirements that are covered by the Test Case. As shown in section Section, “Revisions”. Revisions

Requirements are revisionable. The process of revisioning an object is described in Section 5.2.16, “Revisions”. Bookmarking Requirements

Requirements may be linked to from outside of Klaros-Test­management using the link on the bookmark icon. Right-click the icon and choose Copy Link Location (Firefox/Chrome) or the equivalent option.