Appendix C. Test Case Import File Specification

Table of Contents

C.1. <step>
C.2. <steps>
C.3. <attribute>
C.4. <attributes>
C.5. <container>
C.6. <testcases>
C.7. <testcase>
C.8. <triggers>
C.9. <testsuite>
C.10. <externalId>
C.11. <externalRevision>
C.12. <trigger>
C.13. <areatopic>
C.14. <depends>
C.15. <description>
C.16. <docbase>
C.17. <evaluation>
C.18. <execution>
C.19. <expectedResult>
C.20. <level>
C.21. <method>
C.22. <note>
C.23. <postcondition>
C.24. <precondition>
C.25. <revision>
C.26. <priority>
C.27. <shortname>
C.28. <state>
C.29. <team>
C.30. <traceability>
C.31. <variety>
C.32. <name>
C.33. <value>

The following table gives a short overview of the available elements:

Name Description
<areatopic> The category of requirements that is covered by the test case.
<attribute> A custom attribute.
<attributes> The list of custom attributes.
<container> The container element for test cases.
<depends> The string describing the dependencies of this test case.
<description> The textual description of the test case.
<docbase> A reference to the document this test case is based on, which may e.
<evaluation> The evaluation method of this test case.
<execution> The execution type of this test case, manual or automated.
<expectedResult> The expected result of this test.
<externalId> The external id of this test case.
<externalRevision> The external revision of this test case.
<level> The level of this test case.
<method> The test design view on the system under test.
<name> The name of the custom attribute.
<note> A free text short note for this test case.
<postcondition> The postcondition for this test case.
<precondition> The precondition for this test case.
<priority> The priority of this test case.
<revision> The revision of this test case.
<shortname> The editable title of the test case.
<state> The state of this test case.
<step> A test case step.
<steps> The list of contained test case steps.
<team> The team this test case is assigned to.
<testcase> A test case definition.
<testcases> The list of test cases.
<testsuite> If this element is present, a test suite with the name given here will be generated upon import.
<traceability> The traceability information for this test case.
<trigger> The externally initiated trigger for this test case.
<triggers> The list of triggers for this object.
<value> The value of the custom attribute.
<variety> The result expectation of the test: Whether a positive or negative result is expected.

Table C.1.  Element summary

C.1. <step>

A test case step.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <steps> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<description> 0..1  
<expectedResult> 0..1  
<postcondition> 0..1  
<precondition> 0..1  

Table C.2. <step> elements

C.2. <steps>

The list of contained test case steps.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<step> 0..n  

Table C.3. <steps> elements

C.3. <attribute>

A custom attribute.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <attributes> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<name> 1..1  
<value> 1..1  

Table C.4. <attribute> elements

C.4. <attributes>

The list of custom attributes.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<attribute> 0..n  

Table C.5. <attributes> elements

C.5. <container>

The container element for test cases. This is the root element of this schema.

Name Multiplicity Description
<testsuite> 0..1  
<testcases> 0..1  

Table C.6. <container> elements

C.6. <testcases>

The list of test cases.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <container> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<testcase> 0..n  

Table C.7. <testcases> elements

C.7. <testcase>

A test case definition.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcases> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<areatopic> 0..1  
<attributes> 0..1  
<depends> 0..1  
<description> 0..1  
<docbase> 0..1  
<evaluation> 0..1  
<execution> 0..1  
<expectedResult> 0..1  
<externalId> 0..1  
<externalRevision> 0..1  
<level> 0..1  
<method> 0..1  
<note> 0..1  
<postcondition> 0..1  
<precondition> 0..1  
<priority> 0..1  
<revision> 0..1  
<shortname> 0..1  
<state> 0..1  
<steps> 0..1  
<team> 0..1  
<traceability> 0..1  
<trigger> 0..1  
<variety> 0..1  

Table C.8. <testcase> elements

C.8. <triggers>

The list of triggers for this object.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<trigger> 0..n  

Table C.9. <triggers> elements

C.9. <testsuite>

If this element is present, a test suite with the name given here will be generated upon import. This test suite will contain all the test cases that are part of this import container.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <container> .

C.10. <externalId>

The external id of this test case. Reserved for future use.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.11. <externalRevision>

The external revision of this test case. Reserved for future use.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.12. <trigger>

The externally initiated trigger for this test case. Reserved for future use.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <triggers> .

C.13. <areatopic>

The category of requirements that is covered by the test case. FUNCTIONAL(100, "tc_functional"), // NON_FUNCTIONAL(200, "tc_non_functional"), // STRUCTURAL(300, "tc_structure"), // REGRESSION(400, "tc_regression"), // RE_TEST

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.14. <depends>

The string describing the dependencies of this test case.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.15. <description>

The textual description of the test case.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <step> , <testcase> .

C.16. <docbase>

A reference to the document this test case is based on, which may e.g. contain the requirements this test case is related to.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.17. <evaluation>

The evaluation method of this test case.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.18. <execution>

The execution type of this test case, manual or automated.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.19. <expectedResult>

The expected result of this test.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <step> , <testcase> .

C.20. <level>

The level of this test case.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.21. <method>

The test design view on the system under test.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.22. <note>

A free text short note for this test case.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.23. <postcondition>

The postcondition for this test case.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <step> , <testcase> .

C.24. <precondition>

The precondition for this test case.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <step> , <testcase> .

C.25. <revision>

The revision of this test case. This field is used only for exporting test cases, imported test cases always have the fixed revision ID "1.0".

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.26. <priority>

The priority of this test case.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.27. <shortname>

The editable title of the test case.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.28. <state>

The state of this test case. This information is ignored for import operations.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.29. <team>

The team this test case is assigned to.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.30. <traceability>

The traceability information for this test case.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.31. <variety>

The result expectation of the test: Whether a positive or negative result is expected.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .

C.32. <name>

The name of the custom attribute.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <attribute> .

C.33. <value>

The value of the custom attribute.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <attribute> .