Appendix D. Requirement Import File Specification

Table of Contents

D.1. <attribute>
D.2. <attributes>
D.3. <container>
D.4. <requirements>
D.5. <requirement>
D.6. <triggers>
D.7. <externalId>
D.8. <externalRevision>
D.9. <trigger>
D.10. <description>
D.11. <priority>
D.12. <revision>
D.13. <shortname>
D.14. <summary>
D.15. <name>
D.16. <value>

The following table gives a short overview of the available elements:

Name Description
<attribute> A custom attribute.
<attributes> The list of custom attributes.
<container> The container element for requirements.
<description> The description of this requirement.
<externalId> The external id of this requirement, the format of this string can be chosen deliberately.
<externalRevision> The external revision of this requirement, the format of this string can be chosen deliberately.
<name> The name of the custom attribute.
<priority> The priority of this requirement.
<requirement> A requirement definition.
<requirements> The list of custom attributes.
<revision> The revision of this requirement.
<shortname> The short name / code of this object.
<summary> The summary of this requirement.
<trigger> The externally initiated trigger for this requirement.
<triggers> The list of triggers for this object.
<value> The value of the custom attribute.

Table D.1.  Element summary

D.1. <attribute>

A custom attribute.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <attributes> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<name> 1..1  
<value> 1..1  

Table D.2. <attribute> elements

D.2. <attributes>

The list of custom attributes.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<attribute> 0..n  

Table D.3. <attributes> elements

D.3. <container>

The container element for requirements. This is the root element of this schema.

Name Multiplicity Description
<requirements> 0..1  

Table D.4. <container> elements

D.4. <requirements>

The list of custom attributes.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <container> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<requirement> 0..n  

Table D.5. <requirements> elements

D.5. <requirement>

A requirement definition.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirements> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<attributes> 0..1  
<description> 0..1  
<externalId> 0..1  
<externalRevision> 0..1  
<priority> 0..1  
<revision> 0..1  
<shortname> 0..1  
<summary> 0..1  
<triggers> 0..1  

Table D.6. <requirement> elements

D.6. <triggers>

The list of triggers for this object.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<trigger> 0..n  

Table D.7. <triggers> elements

D.7. <externalId>

The external id of this requirement, the format of this string can be chosen deliberately. This element is ignored for import operations and will only be used during synchronization. Changing this id for subsequent synchronization attempts will result in the creation of additional requirements. Else the data in the requirement will be overwritten with the data provided.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

D.8. <externalRevision>

The external revision of this requirement, the format of this string can be chosen deliberately. This element is ignored for import operations and will only be used during synchronization. Changing this revision for subsequent synchronization attempts may result in the creation of an additional revision of the requirement if the revision is yet unknown. Else the data in the requirement will be overwritten with the data provided.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

D.9. <trigger>

The externally initiated trigger for this requirement. Reserved for future use.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <triggers> .

D.10. <description>

The description of this requirement.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

D.11. <priority>

The priority of this requirement.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

D.12. <revision>

The revision of this requirement. This field is used only for exporting requirements, imported requirements always have the revision ID "1.0".

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

D.13. <shortname>

The short name / code of this object.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

D.14. <summary>

The summary of this requirement.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

D.15. <name>

The name of the custom attribute.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <attribute> .

D.16. <value>

The value of the custom attribute.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <attribute> .