10.5. Integration

10.5.1. Issue Management
10.5.2. Requirements Management
10.5.3. E-Mail
10.5.4. Network
10.5.5. LDAP
10.5.6. CAS

On the Integration page, external systems are connected and their settings are managed. It features six tabs, Issue Management, Requirements Management, E-Mail, Network, LDAP and CAS.

10.5.1. Issue Management

An issue management system (also called issue tracker or bug tracker) is an application for managing issues that occur during the testing process. Issues can contain information and reports about errors in a software system.

Issues can be created retrieved and assigned to failed test case results. It is possible to configure and use multiple issue management systems simultaneously.

Klaros-Test­management supports the following issue management systems:

  • Bugzilla, a free open source issue management system (see http://www.bugzilla.org/).
  • GitHub, a web-based Git repository hosting service offering both plans for private repositories or free accounts, which are usually used to host open-source software projects (see http://github.com/)
  • GitLab, a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git-repository manager providing wiki, issue-tracking and CI/CD pipeline features, using an open-source license (see http://gitlab.com/).
  • Jira, is a commercial issue management system produced by Atlassian Pty Ltd. (see http://www.atlassian.com/).
  • Mantis, a free open source issue management system (see http://www.mantisbt.org/).
  • Redmine, a free open source issue management system (see http://www.redmine.org/).
  • Trac, a free open source issue management system (see http://trac.edgewall.org/).
  • YouTrack, is a commercial issue management system produced by JetBrains (see https://www.jetbrains.com/youtrack/).
[Caution] External Configuration Required

Some issue management systems need to be configured before they can be successfully connected to Klaros-Test­management. For more information, see Section 3.14, “Configuring External Issue-Management-Systems”.

[Important] Token based authentication

Some issue management systems like Jira, GitHub, GitLab, Redmine and YouTrack require access via token-based authentication. Authentication via username and password is not supported in this case.

Klaros-Test­management is supporting a token based authentication scheme as well. Just use the required username and the token as password.

The “Issue Management” Tab

Figure 10.18. The Issue Management Tab

The table shows the following values:


Assigned automatically.

Additional Information

A tooltip appears when the cursor is placed over the icon shown here.

no credentials for background synchronization has been provided.


The used issue management system (Bugzilla, Jira (Version 4.3 or higher), Jira Legacy (Version 4.2 or lower), GitHub, GitLab, Mantis, Redmine and Trac).


The link to the issue management system.

External Project ID

Die Projekt-ID des Issue-Management-Systems. See Section, “External Project ID”.


Additional information on the issue management system.


The projects in which the issue management system is used.


The executable actions. External Project ID

If the issue management system organizes issues in projects, the project ID is required to address the specific project. Jira, Redmine, Mantis, Bugzilla and YouTrack use such a project id. With GitHub, GitLab, and Trac, the URL is used to address different projects.

The valid project ID values can be found in the issue management systems at the following locations: Bugzilla

The Bugzilla project id consists of the Product field value.

The Bugzilla Project ID

Figure 10.19. The Bugzilla Project ID Jira

The Jira project id consists of the Key field value.

The Jira Project ID

Figure 10.20. The Jira Project ID Mantis

The Mantis project id consists of the Project Name field value.

The Mantis Project ID

Figure 10.21. The Mantis Project ID Redmine

The Redmine project id consists of the Identifier field value.

The Redmine Project ID

Figure 10.22. The Redmine Project ID YouTrack

The YouTrack project id consists of the ID field value.

The YouTrack Project ID

Figure 10.23. The YouTrack Project ID Adding a new Issue-Management-System

By clicking on the button New a new empty table row will appear. Attributes of the issue management system can be defined here.

With Save the issue management system saved. The ID of the issue management system (IM00001) is automatically assigned by Klaros-Test­management.

With New several table rows can be created and edited at the same time. Only when clicking on Save the data is stored in the database.

With Discard all changes are undone.

[Note] Red IDs

All rows with red IDs have been changed and are not yet saved! Actions

The following actions can be performed in the action column: Table Operationen

The following operations can be performed in the line above the table on the right:

  •   Filter / Sort
  • Only active / Show all
  •   Export
  •   Column selection

All operations are described in detail in Section, “Overview Page”. Editing an existing Issue-Management-System

In the Action column, click the icon to check whether a connection to the issue management system can be established.

[Tip] Trailing Slashes of URLs

In case of an authentication error, first check whether the addition or deletion of a trailing slash to the URL resolves the problem. Editing an existing Issue-Management-System

Each issue management system created has its own detail page with further subviews. By clicking on the ID of the respective issue management system or on the icon on the right side of the action column you will get to the last selected detail view. When called for the first time, this is the Properties tab.

The following tabs are available: Properties, Projects, Attachments and Changes. Actions

On the detail pages there are more icons in the upper right corner. The following actions can be performed here:

  Open external link

Shows the request in the external source.


Use the green arrows at the very top right to switch between the issue managements systems present on the previous page. Properties

The “Properties” Tab

Figure 10.24. The Properties Tab

The Properties view is divided into three sections: Issue Management System, Authentication, Status Names



A drop-down menu can be used to select the desired system.


The URL where the system can be reached.


The name of the project.


An optional description of the system.

Below this is the "Authentication" section. Here you enter the login information for the background synchronization. The user entered here must have full access to the entered project.


The valid username.


The valid password.

The Test login button can be used to check whether the entries are correct.

[Important] Important

The credentials entered here will solely be used for background synchronization. If users creates or updates an issue, their personal credentials will be used to authenticate against the issue management system. If credentials are missing or not valid, then users are prompted to enter them.

The last section is "Status names". The status names listed in the following table correspond to a completed issue. The specified value must exactly match the status name in the connected system.

Edit the status mappings

Figure 10.25. Edit the status mappings

The New button can be used to add a new status name.

The Default button resets the fields to the default values.

All entries are transferred to the database with the Save button. The Discard button deletes the entries. The button Back. takes you to the overview page with the created issue management systems. Attachments

You can add any files as attachments to an issue management System. For more information, see Section, “Attachments”. Projects

The Projects view displays all projects to which the Issue-Management-System has been assigned. Changes

The tab Changes shows the change history of this issue management system.

For a detailed description of the Changes view, see Section, “Change History”. Assignment of status values for completed issues

Each issue has a status field that documents its current state (e.g. "In progress" or "Fixed"). The individual statuses and their naming vary according to the issue management system used. Klaros-Test­management only distinguishes between open and resolved issues. An issue is considered closed when no further work needs to be done on it (e.g. "Closed", "Rejected"), otherwise it is still open.

Resolved issues are displayed in green, open ones in red. Section 9.6.5, “Details Page”

The resolved issue states must be named exactly as they are in the issue management system, otherwise they will not be properly identified and will be counted as open issues.