Table of Contents
The following table gives a short overview of the available elements:
Name | Description |
<areatopic> | (Test Type) A group of test activities based on specific test objectives with the purpose of testing a component or system for specific characteristics (FUNCTIONAL, NON_FUNCTIONAL, STRUCTURAL, REGRESSION or RE_TEST). |
<attachment> | An attachment. |
<attachments> | The list of attachments. |
<attribute> | A custom field. |
<attributes> | The list of user-defined custom fields. |
<category> | A node of a category tree. |
<categoryDescription> | The description of the category. |
<categoryName> | The name of the category. |
<categoryTree> | A category tree. |
<container> | The root element of this schema, which contains all the test cases and optionally a test suite/category tree. |
<content> | The base64 encoded content of the attachment. |
<depends> | The dependencies of the test case in text form. |
<description> | The textual description of the test case. |
<docbase> | The reference document containing the requirement on which the test case is based. |
<estimatedDuration> | The estimated duration in milli seconds. |
<evaluation> | The evaluation method of this test case (MANUAL or AUTO). |
<execution> | The execution type of this test case (MANUAL or AUTO). |
<expectedResult> | The expected result. |
<externalId> | The external id of this test case. |
<level> | The test level of this test case (COMPONENT, INTEGRATION, SYSTEM or ACCEPTANCE). |
<method> | (Design Technique) The test design view on the system under test (BLACK_BOX or WHITE_BOX). |
<name> | The name of the user-defined custom field. |
<note> | A placeholder for any short notes about the test case. |
<postcondition> | A text describing the postcondition. |
<precondition> | A text describing the precondition. |
<priority> | The priority of this test case (LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH). |
<revision> | The revision of this test case. |
<shortname> | The name of the test case. |
<state> | The test case state (not used, reserved for future use). |
<step> | A test case step. |
<steps> | The list of test case steps. |
<team> | The team that is responsible for this test case. |
<testcase> | A test case. |
<testcases> | The list of test cases. |
<testsuite> | If this element is present, a test suite with the name given here will be generated upon import. |
<traceability> | A reference to the associated requirement, use case, or work package. |
<value> | The value of the user-defined custom field. |
<variety> | The result expectation of the test (POSITIVE or NEGATIVE). |
Table C.1. Element summary
A test case step.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <steps> .
Name | Multiplicity | Description |
<description> | 0..1 | The action to take in this test case step. |
<expectedResult> | 0..1 | The expected result. |
<postcondition> | 0..1 | The postcondition. |
<precondition> | 0..1 | The precondition. |
Table C.2. <step> elements
The list of attachments.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
Name | Multiplicity | Description |
<attachment> | 0..n | A binary attachment. |
Table C.4. <attachments> elements
An attachment.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <attachments> .
Name | Multiplicity | Description |
<name> | 1..1 | The name of the attachment. |
<content> | 1..1 | The attachment binary content, encoded in Base-64 format. |
Table C.5. <attachment> elements
A custom field.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <attributes> .
Name | Multiplicity | Description |
<name> | 1..1 | The name of the custom field. |
<value> | 1..1 | The value of the custom field. |
Table C.6. <attribute> elements
The list of user-defined custom fields.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
A node of a category tree. It can contain further subcategories.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <category> , <categoryTree> , <testcase> .
Name | Multiplicity | Description |
<categoryName> | 1..1 | The name of the category node. |
<categoryDescription> | 1..1 | The description of the category node. |
<category> | 0..1 | The parent category node. |
Table C.8. <category> elements
A category tree. It contains the root category node with an arbitrary nomber of sub categories.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <container> .
Name | Multiplicity | Description |
<categoryName> | 1..1 | The name of the category tree. |
<category> | 1..1 | The root category tree node. |
Table C.9. <categoryTree> elements
The root element of this schema, which contains all the test cases and optionally a test suite/category tree.
Name | Multiplicity | Description |
<testsuite> | 0..1 | An optional test suite containing the listed test cases. |
<testcases> | 0..1 | The list of test cases. |
<categoryTree> | 0..1 | The optional category tree of these requirements. |
Table C.10. <container> elements
A test case.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcases> .
Name | Multiplicity | Description |
<areatopic> | 0..1 | The test case type (FUNCTIONAL, NON_FUNCTIONAL, STRUCTURAL, REGRESSION or RE_TEST). |
<attachments> | 0..1 | The list of binary attachments. |
<attributes> | 0..1 | The custom fields this test case has. |
<category> | 0..1 | The category node to which this test case is assigned. |
<depends> | 0..1 | The dependencies of the test case in text form. |
<description> | 0..1 | The textual description of the test case. |
<docbase> | 0..1 | The reference document containing the requirement on which the test case is based. |
<estimatedDuration> | 0..1 | The estimated duration in milli seconds for executing this test case. |
<evaluation> | 0..1 | The evaluation method of this test case (MANUAL or AUTO). |
<execution> | 0..1 | The execution type of this test case (MANUAL or AUTO). |
<expectedResult> | 0..1 | The expected result. |
<externalId> | 0..1 | The external id of this test case. This is required when referencing test cases in requirement imports. |
<level> | 0..1 | The test level of this test case (COMPONENT, INTEGRATION, SYSTEM or ACCEPTANCE). |
<method> | 0..1 | (Design Technique) The test design view on the system under test (BLACK_BOX or WHITE_BOX). |
<note> | 0..1 | Any short note about the test case. |
<postcondition> | 0..1 | The postcondition. |
<precondition> | 0..1 | The precondition. |
<priority> | 0..1 | The priority of this test case (LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH). |
<revision> | 0..1 | The revision of this test case. |
<shortname> | 0..1 | The name of the test case. |
<state> | 0..1 | The test case state (not used, reserved for future use). |
<steps> | 0..1 | The list of test case steps. |
<team> | 0..1 | The team that is responsible for this test case. |
<traceability> | 0..1 | A reference to the associated requirement, use case, or work package. |
<variety> | 0..1 | The result expectation of the test (POSITIVE or NEGATIVE). |
Table C.12. <testcase> elements
If this element is present, a test suite with the name given here will be generated upon import. This test suite will contain all the test cases that are part of this import container.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <container> .
The external id of this test case. This is required when referencing test cases in requirement imports.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
(Test Type) A group of test activities based on specific test objectives with the purpose of testing a component or system for specific characteristics (FUNCTIONAL, NON_FUNCTIONAL, STRUCTURAL, REGRESSION or RE_TEST).
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
The dependencies of the test case in text form.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
The textual description of the test case.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <step> , <testcase> .
The reference document containing the requirement on which the test case is based.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
The estimated duration in milli seconds.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
The evaluation method of this test case (MANUAL or AUTO).
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
The execution type of this test case (MANUAL or AUTO).
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
The expected result.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <step> , <testcase> .
The test level of this test case (COMPONENT, INTEGRATION, SYSTEM or ACCEPTANCE).
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
(Design Technique) The test design view on the system under test (BLACK_BOX or WHITE_BOX).
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
A placeholder for any short notes about the test case.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
A text describing the postcondition.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <step> , <testcase> .
A text describing the precondition.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <step> , <testcase> .
The revision of this test case. This element is used only when exporting test cases, imported test cases always get the fixed revision Id "1.0".
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
The priority of this test case (LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH).
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
The name of the test case.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
The test case state (not used, reserved for future use).
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
The team that is responsible for this test case.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
A reference to the associated requirement, use case, or work package.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
The result expectation of the test (POSITIVE or NEGATIVE).
This element may occur inside the following elements: <testcase> .
The name of the user-defined custom field.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <attachment> , <attribute> .
The value of the user-defined custom field.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <attribute> .
The base64 encoded content of the attachment.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <attachment> .
The name of the category.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <category> , <categoryTree> .
The description of the category.
This element may occur inside the following elements: <category> .