3.16. Upgrading from Version 4

3.16.1. Required Version for Upgrade
3.16.2. Unattended Database Upgrade
3.16.3. Startup Time for Initial Upgrade to Version 5
3.16.4. Embedded Java Runtime Environment
3.16.5. Automatic Database Version Detection
3.16.6. Oracle Database no Longer Supported

This section describes important changes for users which are upgrading to version 5 from version 4. Please read this fully before attempting an upgrade. If you have questions about the upgrade process, please contact us at support@verit.de.

3.16.1. Required Version for Upgrade

For a successful upgrade to version 5, it is mandatory that the installed Klaros-Test­management version is 4.12.0 (released July 29th, 2019) or higher. If this is not the case, the application will refuse to start, and you will see a corresponding entry in the console and log. In this case, please download the latest available 4.xx version first, install it and update your installation by logging in with administrator credentials. After this, the upgrade to version 5 is possible.

3.16.2. Unattended Database Upgrade

In version 4 it was mandatory that an administrator triggered a database update after a new version has been installed. In version 5 this is no longer required, the system is now fully usable directly after an update has been made.

3.16.3. Startup Time for Initial Upgrade to Version 5

Version 5 rebuilds existing databases from previous installations on the first start. Depending on the size of the existing data and the processing power of your database installation this process can take from some minutes to up to an hour.

Please reserve a reasonable time frame for this and show some patience during startup. Each step of the rebuild process is logged on the console and/or logfile.

3.16.4. Embedded Java Runtime Environment

In contrast to previous versions it is no longer required to install a Java Runtime Environment prior to installing Klaros-Test­management. Klaros-Test­management is now packaged with a Java 11 runtime that is automatically used.

3.16.5. Automatic Database Version Detection

As of version 5, the database version used is automatically detected and should no longer be specified in the <user.home>/.klaros/hibernate.properties file. Please remove the hibernate.dialect=... line from this file before you perform the upgrade.

3.16.6. Oracle Database no Longer Supported

In version 5 we have discontinued support for Oracle databases. If you have an existing Oracle installation you like to migrate to another DBMS please contact us at support@verit.de for further instructions.