Data Types


type description
Attachment A binary attachment.
Attachments A collection of attachment objects.
CustomProperty A custom property of an object.
ErrorResponse The response message in case of an error.
Iteration A Klaros-Testmanagement project iteration.
Iterations A collection of iteration objects.
Job A Klaros-Testmanagement job.
JobComment A single job comment.
JobWork A single job work entry.
Jobs A collection of job objects.
LabeledObject The base class for user visible objects.
NamedEntity The base class for objects containing custom properties.
PersistentObject The persistent object base class.
Project A Klaros-Testmanagement project.
Projects A collection of project objects.
Requirement A Klaros-Testmanagement requirement.
Requirements A collection of requirement objects.
Result The base class for result objects.
RevisionableEntity The base class for revisionable objects.
SystemUnderTest A Klaros-Testmanagement system under test.
SystemsUnderTest A collection of system under test objects.
TestCase A test case object.
TestCaseResult A test case result object.
TestCaseResults A collection of test case result objects.
TestCaseStep A single test case step.
TestCaseStepResult A test case step result object.
TestCases A collection of test case objects.
TestEnvironment A Klaros-Testmanagement test environment.
TestEnvironments A collection of test environment objects.
TestRun A test run object.
TestRuns A collection of test run objects.
TestSegment A single test case step.
TestSegments A collection of test segments.
TestSuite A test suite.
TestSuiteResult A test suite result object.
TestSuiteResults A collection of test suite result objects.
TestSuites A collection of test suite objects.
User A Klaros-Testmanagement user.
Users A collection of user objects.


type description
errorResponse The response message in case of an error.
attachment A binary attachment.
attachments A collection of attachment objects.
iteration A Klaros-Testmanagement project iteration.
iterations A collection of iteration objects.
job A Klaros-Testmanagement job.
jobComment A single job comment.
jobWork A single job work entry.
jobs A collection of job objects.
project A Klaros-Testmanagement project.
projects A collection of project objects.
requirement A Klaros-Testmanagement requirement.
requirements A collection of requirement objects.
systemUnderTest A Klaros-Testmanagement system under test.
systemsUnderTest A collection of system under test objects.
testCase A test case object.
testCaseResult A test case result object.
testCaseResults A collection of test case result objects.
testCaseStep A single test case step.
testCaseStepResult A test case step result object.
testCases A collection of test case objects.
testEnvironment A Klaros-Testmanagement test environment.
testEnvironments A collection of test environment objects.
testRun A test run object.
testRuns A collection of test run objects.
testSegment A single test case step.
testSegments A collection of test segments.
testSuite A test suite.
testSuiteResult A test suite result object.
testSuiteResults A collection of test suite result objects.
testSuites A collection of test suite objects.
user A Klaros-Testmanagement user.
users A collection of user objects.
labeledObject The base class for user visible objects.
namedEntity The base class for objects containing custom properties.
persistentObject The persistent object base class.
result The base class for result objects.
revisionableEntity The base class for revisionable objects.
customProperty A custom property of an object.