Klaros-Testmanagement version 3.6.12 released - Klaros Test Management - Forum - Klaros-Testmanagement
Klaros-Testmanagement version 3.6.12 released
Patrick Reilly, geändert vor 12 Jahren.
Klaros-Testmanagement version 3.6.12 released
Padawan Beiträge: 71 Beitrittsdatum: 23.02.11 Neueste Beiträge
We are pleased to announce the release of Klaros-Testmanagement version 3.6.12.
This release contains a second round of performance improvements with a reworking of the caching system. Among the added features are the import of test cases from an Excel format, support for MantisBT 1.2.9 and extension of the Plan section, linking jobs more closely with test execution and also adding the possibility to limit testers to the execution of jobs. In addition, a number of areas were improved, such as the handling of large attachments and a change of color for "dirty" items - items which have been altered but not saved.
The full change list has been included below.
This maintenance fixes the remaining known bugs of the 3.6 release.
Existing users are strongly encouraged to upgrade.
Enjoy working with Klaros-Testmanagement
Release Notes:
Version 3.6.12 - 2012-10-11:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1749] - Deleting all subjobs from a job breaks the progress rendering
[KLAROS-1746] - Deleting category groups can lead to an exception
[KLAROS-1743] - Moving jobs right can lead to errors on the jobs page
[KLAROS-1742] - Comments on jobs can not be edited
[KLAROS-1740] - Unable to set the assignee of redmine issues
[KLAROS-1739] - Possible issue when creating new category groups while unpersisted category changes exist
[KLAROS-1738] - Deleting an unsaved job leads to the job being persisted
[KLAROS-1736] - Clicking cancel on the report dashboard can lead to duplicate reports
[KLAROS-1735] - Double-clicking on some buttons leads to data in some fields being swapped
[KLAROS-1732] - Deleted objects sometimes stay in the list until save is pressed
Version 3.6.11 - 2012-09-13:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1726] - Filter/Sort feature is missing on the jobs by user page
[KLAROS-1724] - Simultaneously adding and removing attachments from a test case leads to a concurrent modification error
[KLAROS-1723] - Job progress not properly updated when executing the test
[KLAROS-1722] - Resuming a test suite execution of a suite which has been manipulated in the mean time fails with IndexOutOfBoundsException
[KLAROS-1720] - The Redmine browse issue URL must be changed for newer versions of redmine
[KLAROS-1718] - KlarosIllegalArgumentException: Job progress cannot be set if job has subjobs while cloning jobs containing sub-jobs
[KLAROS-1717] - Property 'name' not found error when opening the collapsible test suite details panel on the continue test suite page
Version 3.6.10 - 2012-08-27:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1715] - Unable to attach files to test results
[KLAROS-1714] - Importing test results via Jenkins plugin fails when a new test case has to be created
[KLAROS-1710] - Deleting an unsaved new project causes an error
[KLAROS-1707] - Reduce the amount of login attempts with known failing credentials against issue management systems
Version 3.6.9 - 2012-08-14:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1705] - Showing the history tab may lead to Class-Cast Exceptions in some rare cases
[KLAROS-1703] - Importing test results fails during repeated import
[KLAROS-1702] - Clicking the delete button for a test case causes an error if delete is disabled.
[KLAROS-1701] - The finish test case run dialog is not shown when running a test suite in tabular mode
[KLAROS-1700] - Filtering test case results via test case attributes fails in the evaluate pages
[KLAROS-1698] - Error resolving PermaLink: @In attribute requires non-null value: testRunPermaLinkServlet.selectProjectBean
[KLAROS-1697] - Filtering for enumerated types with 'like' fails under Derby with message 'No authorized routine named 'LIKE' of type 'FUNCTION' having compatible arguments was found'
[KLAROS-1696] - Filtering fails for enumerated values
[KLAROS-1695] - Error while cloning a single test case
[KLAROS-1694] - Some links to test suites are not working properly
[KLAROS-1693] - Last editor information not properly set during update
Version 3.6.8 - 2012-07-23:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1686] - Selecting test cases for test suite creation in the evaluate test case view sometimes reorders the displayed list
[KLAROS-1685] - Entering non-numeric Mantis issue ids must be properly handled
[KLAROS-1682] - Unable to load success message when deleting an issue management system
[KLAROS-1681] - Error while clicking the SUT link on issues
[KLAROS-1680] - Creating a new test suite revision using the bulk new revision function causes an error
[KLAROS-1679] - Importing test cases from excel sheets fails in some cases
[KLAROS-1678] - The next/previous test case buttons do not work if the revision is changed
[KLAROS-1677] - It is possible to create a new revision of an object which has subsequent revisions
[KLAROS-1503] - Double clicking the test case properties tab resets the select menus to their initial state
[KLAROS-1688] - Disable editing of test-related objects when the edit categories view is open.
[KLAROS-1687] - Test cases in the evaluate test cases view should be ordered by the date of last execution per default
Version 3.6.6 - 2012-06-10:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1674] - Dashboard error using PostgreSQL database
[KLAROS-1670] - Unable to manually import test results
[KLAROS-1669] - Error while viewing work and comments on jobs
[KLAROS-1667] - Transfer test cases does not work with derby database instances
Version 3.6.5 - 2012-06-27:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1666] - Error when changing category view while adding new categories.
[KLAROS-1664] - Conflicts are reported where none exist when editing property definitions on projects
[KLAROS-1662] - Error in continue test run function if test cases are no longer executable
[KLAROS-1661] - Assigning objects to newly created categories can cause the category to disappear.
[KLAROS-1656] - Error 'unsaved transient instance TestCaseStepFragment' while importing XML project backup
[KLAROS-1655] - Error showing revision history of test steps
[KLAROS-1573] - Database backup fails under Java 7u3
[KLAROS-1663] - Enforce correct job hierarchy and calculate job progress based on children
[KLAROS-1657] - Navigating via hyperlinks to test cases from the transfer test cases tab should not be allowed
Version 3.6.4 - 2012-06-14:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1654] - Possible error on print details page if not logged in.
[KLAROS-1653] - Switching projects does not properly reset the selected category trees
[KLAROS-1652] - Problem securing print preview pages
[KLAROS-1651] - It is possible to assign objects to categories while there are unsaved category changes
[KLAROS-1648] - Error while displaying change history
[KLAROS-1647] - Unattended importing of test results may fail due to uninitialized sessions
[KLAROS-1646] - Possible error when adding test cases to test suites
[KLAROS-1645] - Transferring test cases between projects does not work correctly
[KLAROS-1644] - User defined property name not properly updated when changing the property definition
[KLAROS-1642] - Deleting jobs with sub jobs fails when delete recursion is disabled
[KLAROS-1641] - Custom enumeration property selection fails in some cases
[KLAROS-1640] - Loading test cases may result in wrong classification of test case steps
[KLAROS-1639] - Unable to copy test cases between projects
[KLAROS-1638] - User defined attributes break test result update
[KLAROS-1650] - Allow deletion of a category while retaining its sub-categories
[KLAROS-1643] - When creating jobs from test cases and test suites validation errors should redisplay the dialog
Version 3.6.3 - 2012-06-06:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1636] - Deletion of category groups fails in some cases
[KLAROS-1635] - The project details page displays an error if any property definitions have been deleted
[KLAROS-1634] - Broken link: 'Click here to define a new user defined property'
[KLAROS-1633] - Property 'updateJob' not found
[KLAROS-1570] - Cloning test cases containing attachments may lead to an error
[KLAROS-1637] - Consolidate generated test suite and test case execution job names
Version 3.6.2 - 2012-06-05:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1632] - Problem with categories in some cases after the database migration to version 3.13
[KLAROS-1631] - Some pages are not always properly updated on project change.
[KLAROS-1628] - Strange behavior when duplicating jobs with subjobs
[KLAROS-1627] - Error duplicating test cases
[KLAROS-1626] - User defined enumerations properties not shown for newly created objects
[KLAROS-1625] - Null entries in sub category lists
[KLAROS-1624] - User-defined properties are not correctly refreshed when the property definition is changed
[KLAROS-1623] - Unable to edit/delete user account
[KLAROS-1622] - The show next/previous buttons on the test case details page cause errors in some cases
[KLAROS-1620] - Select boxes behave strangely on the first click after login
[KLAROS-1630] - Update the installer documentation and add information about the launch application/browser flags
[KLAROS-1621] - Clear caches in case of an unexpected error
Version 3.6.1 - 2012-06-01:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1619] - Accessing the dashboard page fails under Derby database due to invalid hibernate statement generation
[KLAROS-1617] - Reordering categories can sometimes lead to an error
[KLAROS-1614] - Conflicts are detected on user-defined property definitions where no conflicts exist
[KLAROS-1613] - The assignee is not properly displayed in the update jobs popup
[KLAROS-1612] - Editing step result descriptions after execution of a test suite can result in an error
[KLAROS-1611] - Switching category group while there are unsaved changes can lead to errors
[KLAROS-1610] - Only the selected category and its super-categories are correctly displayed in the tree view
[KLAROS-1609] - Error during custom property enumeration definition (regression)
[KLAROS-1618] - Improve general performance of category access
[KLAROS-1616] - Always wipe the previous exploded web archive when updating an instance
[KLAROS-1608] - Improve performance of the project quick select drop-down
[KLAROS-1607] - Improve the layout of the data tables in the 'jobs per user' and 'my jobs' pages
[KLAROS-152] - Provide an incident feedback option in case of an unexpected error
Version 3.6.0 - 2012-05-28:
New Features:
[KLAROS-1592] - Support Excel import of test cases in a common format
[KLAROS-1579] - Show matching user jobs on the execute page
[KLAROS-1569] - Allow to track test run information from their associated jobs
[KLAROS-1486] - Creating elements in a category view should automatically assign them to the currently open category
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1605] - Wrong alignment of dashboard popup dialog under IE
[KLAROS-1602] - Order parameters are ignored for the maintain projects page
[KLAROS-1601] - The name field for test suites is mislabled in the Filter/Sort menu
[KLAROS-1593] - Executing test suites containing test cases with no execution set can result in an error
[KLAROS-1380] - Storing attachments during test execution is reported to fail silently
[KLAROS-1606] - Mark dirty objects in editable selection tables
[KLAROS-1603] - Add a better documentation of the general search and quickselect features available
[KLAROS-1600] - Reduce the memory footprint for binary attachments
[KLAROS-1581] - Add support for Mantis 1.2.9
[KLAROS-1572] - Changing text fields should activate the save and cancel buttons immediately
[KLAROS-1435] - Allow to globally disable ad-hoc testing for users in the role tester
[KLAROS-1392] - Add a configuration entry to define the default layout for adding test steps
[KLAROS-780] - when pasting text into a textfield on the testcase properties page the save button does not get activated directly
This release contains a second round of performance improvements with a reworking of the caching system. Among the added features are the import of test cases from an Excel format, support for MantisBT 1.2.9 and extension of the Plan section, linking jobs more closely with test execution and also adding the possibility to limit testers to the execution of jobs. In addition, a number of areas were improved, such as the handling of large attachments and a change of color for "dirty" items - items which have been altered but not saved.
The full change list has been included below.
This maintenance fixes the remaining known bugs of the 3.6 release.
Existing users are strongly encouraged to upgrade.
Enjoy working with Klaros-Testmanagement
Release Notes:
Version 3.6.12 - 2012-10-11:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1749] - Deleting all subjobs from a job breaks the progress rendering
[KLAROS-1746] - Deleting category groups can lead to an exception
[KLAROS-1743] - Moving jobs right can lead to errors on the jobs page
[KLAROS-1742] - Comments on jobs can not be edited
[KLAROS-1740] - Unable to set the assignee of redmine issues
[KLAROS-1739] - Possible issue when creating new category groups while unpersisted category changes exist
[KLAROS-1738] - Deleting an unsaved job leads to the job being persisted
[KLAROS-1736] - Clicking cancel on the report dashboard can lead to duplicate reports
[KLAROS-1735] - Double-clicking on some buttons leads to data in some fields being swapped
[KLAROS-1732] - Deleted objects sometimes stay in the list until save is pressed
Version 3.6.11 - 2012-09-13:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1726] - Filter/Sort feature is missing on the jobs by user page
[KLAROS-1724] - Simultaneously adding and removing attachments from a test case leads to a concurrent modification error
[KLAROS-1723] - Job progress not properly updated when executing the test
[KLAROS-1722] - Resuming a test suite execution of a suite which has been manipulated in the mean time fails with IndexOutOfBoundsException
[KLAROS-1720] - The Redmine browse issue URL must be changed for newer versions of redmine
[KLAROS-1718] - KlarosIllegalArgumentException: Job progress cannot be set if job has subjobs while cloning jobs containing sub-jobs
[KLAROS-1717] - Property 'name' not found error when opening the collapsible test suite details panel on the continue test suite page
Version 3.6.10 - 2012-08-27:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1715] - Unable to attach files to test results
[KLAROS-1714] - Importing test results via Jenkins plugin fails when a new test case has to be created
[KLAROS-1710] - Deleting an unsaved new project causes an error
[KLAROS-1707] - Reduce the amount of login attempts with known failing credentials against issue management systems
Version 3.6.9 - 2012-08-14:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1705] - Showing the history tab may lead to Class-Cast Exceptions in some rare cases
[KLAROS-1703] - Importing test results fails during repeated import
[KLAROS-1702] - Clicking the delete button for a test case causes an error if delete is disabled.
[KLAROS-1701] - The finish test case run dialog is not shown when running a test suite in tabular mode
[KLAROS-1700] - Filtering test case results via test case attributes fails in the evaluate pages
[KLAROS-1698] - Error resolving PermaLink: @In attribute requires non-null value: testRunPermaLinkServlet.selectProjectBean
[KLAROS-1697] - Filtering for enumerated types with 'like' fails under Derby with message 'No authorized routine named 'LIKE' of type 'FUNCTION' having compatible arguments was found'
[KLAROS-1696] - Filtering fails for enumerated values
[KLAROS-1695] - Error while cloning a single test case
[KLAROS-1694] - Some links to test suites are not working properly
[KLAROS-1693] - Last editor information not properly set during update
Version 3.6.8 - 2012-07-23:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1686] - Selecting test cases for test suite creation in the evaluate test case view sometimes reorders the displayed list
[KLAROS-1685] - Entering non-numeric Mantis issue ids must be properly handled
[KLAROS-1682] - Unable to load success message when deleting an issue management system
[KLAROS-1681] - Error while clicking the SUT link on issues
[KLAROS-1680] - Creating a new test suite revision using the bulk new revision function causes an error
[KLAROS-1679] - Importing test cases from excel sheets fails in some cases
[KLAROS-1678] - The next/previous test case buttons do not work if the revision is changed
[KLAROS-1677] - It is possible to create a new revision of an object which has subsequent revisions
[KLAROS-1503] - Double clicking the test case properties tab resets the select menus to their initial state
[KLAROS-1688] - Disable editing of test-related objects when the edit categories view is open.
[KLAROS-1687] - Test cases in the evaluate test cases view should be ordered by the date of last execution per default
Version 3.6.6 - 2012-06-10:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1674] - Dashboard error using PostgreSQL database
[KLAROS-1670] - Unable to manually import test results
[KLAROS-1669] - Error while viewing work and comments on jobs
[KLAROS-1667] - Transfer test cases does not work with derby database instances
Version 3.6.5 - 2012-06-27:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1666] - Error when changing category view while adding new categories.
[KLAROS-1664] - Conflicts are reported where none exist when editing property definitions on projects
[KLAROS-1662] - Error in continue test run function if test cases are no longer executable
[KLAROS-1661] - Assigning objects to newly created categories can cause the category to disappear.
[KLAROS-1656] - Error 'unsaved transient instance TestCaseStepFragment' while importing XML project backup
[KLAROS-1655] - Error showing revision history of test steps
[KLAROS-1573] - Database backup fails under Java 7u3
[KLAROS-1663] - Enforce correct job hierarchy and calculate job progress based on children
[KLAROS-1657] - Navigating via hyperlinks to test cases from the transfer test cases tab should not be allowed
Version 3.6.4 - 2012-06-14:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1654] - Possible error on print details page if not logged in.
[KLAROS-1653] - Switching projects does not properly reset the selected category trees
[KLAROS-1652] - Problem securing print preview pages
[KLAROS-1651] - It is possible to assign objects to categories while there are unsaved category changes
[KLAROS-1648] - Error while displaying change history
[KLAROS-1647] - Unattended importing of test results may fail due to uninitialized sessions
[KLAROS-1646] - Possible error when adding test cases to test suites
[KLAROS-1645] - Transferring test cases between projects does not work correctly
[KLAROS-1644] - User defined property name not properly updated when changing the property definition
[KLAROS-1642] - Deleting jobs with sub jobs fails when delete recursion is disabled
[KLAROS-1641] - Custom enumeration property selection fails in some cases
[KLAROS-1640] - Loading test cases may result in wrong classification of test case steps
[KLAROS-1639] - Unable to copy test cases between projects
[KLAROS-1638] - User defined attributes break test result update
[KLAROS-1650] - Allow deletion of a category while retaining its sub-categories
[KLAROS-1643] - When creating jobs from test cases and test suites validation errors should redisplay the dialog
Version 3.6.3 - 2012-06-06:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1636] - Deletion of category groups fails in some cases
[KLAROS-1635] - The project details page displays an error if any property definitions have been deleted
[KLAROS-1634] - Broken link: 'Click here to define a new user defined property'
[KLAROS-1633] - Property 'updateJob' not found
[KLAROS-1570] - Cloning test cases containing attachments may lead to an error
[KLAROS-1637] - Consolidate generated test suite and test case execution job names
Version 3.6.2 - 2012-06-05:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1632] - Problem with categories in some cases after the database migration to version 3.13
[KLAROS-1631] - Some pages are not always properly updated on project change.
[KLAROS-1628] - Strange behavior when duplicating jobs with subjobs
[KLAROS-1627] - Error duplicating test cases
[KLAROS-1626] - User defined enumerations properties not shown for newly created objects
[KLAROS-1625] - Null entries in sub category lists
[KLAROS-1624] - User-defined properties are not correctly refreshed when the property definition is changed
[KLAROS-1623] - Unable to edit/delete user account
[KLAROS-1622] - The show next/previous buttons on the test case details page cause errors in some cases
[KLAROS-1620] - Select boxes behave strangely on the first click after login
[KLAROS-1630] - Update the installer documentation and add information about the launch application/browser flags
[KLAROS-1621] - Clear caches in case of an unexpected error
Version 3.6.1 - 2012-06-01:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1619] - Accessing the dashboard page fails under Derby database due to invalid hibernate statement generation
[KLAROS-1617] - Reordering categories can sometimes lead to an error
[KLAROS-1614] - Conflicts are detected on user-defined property definitions where no conflicts exist
[KLAROS-1613] - The assignee is not properly displayed in the update jobs popup
[KLAROS-1612] - Editing step result descriptions after execution of a test suite can result in an error
[KLAROS-1611] - Switching category group while there are unsaved changes can lead to errors
[KLAROS-1610] - Only the selected category and its super-categories are correctly displayed in the tree view
[KLAROS-1609] - Error during custom property enumeration definition (regression)
[KLAROS-1618] - Improve general performance of category access
[KLAROS-1616] - Always wipe the previous exploded web archive when updating an instance
[KLAROS-1608] - Improve performance of the project quick select drop-down
[KLAROS-1607] - Improve the layout of the data tables in the 'jobs per user' and 'my jobs' pages
[KLAROS-152] - Provide an incident feedback option in case of an unexpected error
Version 3.6.0 - 2012-05-28:
New Features:
[KLAROS-1592] - Support Excel import of test cases in a common format
[KLAROS-1579] - Show matching user jobs on the execute page
[KLAROS-1569] - Allow to track test run information from their associated jobs
[KLAROS-1486] - Creating elements in a category view should automatically assign them to the currently open category
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-1605] - Wrong alignment of dashboard popup dialog under IE
[KLAROS-1602] - Order parameters are ignored for the maintain projects page
[KLAROS-1601] - The name field for test suites is mislabled in the Filter/Sort menu
[KLAROS-1593] - Executing test suites containing test cases with no execution set can result in an error
[KLAROS-1380] - Storing attachments during test execution is reported to fail silently
[KLAROS-1606] - Mark dirty objects in editable selection tables
[KLAROS-1603] - Add a better documentation of the general search and quickselect features available
[KLAROS-1600] - Reduce the memory footprint for binary attachments
[KLAROS-1581] - Add support for Mantis 1.2.9
[KLAROS-1572] - Changing text fields should activate the save and cancel buttons immediately
[KLAROS-1435] - Allow to globally disable ad-hoc testing for users in the role tester
[KLAROS-1392] - Add a configuration entry to define the default layout for adding test steps
[KLAROS-780] - when pasting text into a textfield on the testcase properties page the save button does not get activated directly