'K_CFG_PROP_DEF' missing

Pavel Tabarka, geändert vor 13 Jahren.

'K_CFG_PROP_DEF' missing

Youngling Beiträge: 2 Beitrittsdatum: 04.03.11 Neueste Beiträge
During installation process I could see following error messages
2011-03-04 00:25:12: WARN, org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, main Could not load properties from URL [file:C:/Documen
ts and Settings/tabarkap/.klaros/hibernate.properties]: C:\Documents and Settings\tabarkap\.klaros\hibernate.properties (The system cannot find the path sp
2011-03-04 00:25:22: ERROR, org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter, main Table/View 'K_CFG_PROP_DEF' does not exist.
2011-03-04 00:25:55: ERROR, org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractFlushingEventListener, main Could not synchronize database state with session

After editing hibernate.properties file (following line)

I was able to get initial page for login but admin/admin credentials did not work.

Have anyone encountered such behaviour? How is possible to solve it?

Torsten Stolpmann, geändert vor 13 Jahren.

RE: 'K_CFG_PROP_DEF' missing (Antwort)

Jedi Council Member Beiträge: 764 Beitrittsdatum: 12.02.09 Neueste Beiträge
Hi Pavel,

the 3.3.0 release had a serious issue which prevented the correct database initialization for new installations.

Please download version 3.3.1, remove the .klaros folder and reinstall. This should solve your problems.

Users with an existing pre 3.3 database are not affected, this only applies to new installs.

Sorry for this.


Pavel Tabarka, geändert vor 13 Jahren.

RE: 'K_CFG_PROP_DEF' missing

Youngling Beiträge: 2 Beitrittsdatum: 04.03.11 Neueste Beiträge
Hi Torsten,
Thanks a lot.
I am able to log in now.
Best Regards