Klaros-Testmanagement version 3.3.2 released

Torsten Stolpmann, geändert vor 13 Jahren.

Klaros-Testmanagement version 3.3.2 released

Jedi Council Member Beiträge: 764 Beitrittsdatum: 12.02.09 Neueste Beiträge
Klaros-Testmanagement is now available in version 3.3.2. This time the new release focuses especially on increased speed and stabilizition as well as improving the user experience. The developers fixed 32 bugs, and created over 30 improvements and new features:

- The test step administration has been revised and now manages multi-line step descriptions and a new field for expected results
- The test execution window has been redesigned and shows more detailed information, multiple-line descriptions and fixes controls on the same position
- Newly created users now receive their access credentials via email
- The execution of test suites can now be aborted at any time
- The test suite results show a summary of their test results
- The built-in reports are able to show skipped tests
- The already added tests are marked accordingly when creating test suites
- The Mantis and Redmine integration has been updated

All these improvements are available both in the free Community Edition as well as included in the Enterprise Edition.

Especially for the Enterprise Edition the definition of labels and descriptions for report parameters has been added for customizable reports, as well support has been added for searching and filtering of custom properties.

Version 3.3.1 fixes a database initialization problem which prevented users to login to fresh installations.
Version 3.3.2 fixes an authentication problem with Redmine when Klaros credentials differ from the Redmine credentials and contains several reference manual additions.

Release Notes:

Version 3.3.2 - 2011-03-18:

Fixed Bugs:

[KLAROS-1225] - Redmine authentication fails if the user credentials do not match the Klaros credentials


[KLAROS-1230] - Add doctype information to HTML pages
[KLAROS-1227] - Add a note to the manual that the authentication required flag must be set for the redmine integration to work
[KLAROS-1222] - Add a note about IM-Urls explaining that trailing slashes can make a difference when defining an URL

Version 3.3.1 - 2011-03-03:

Fixed Bugs:

[KLAROS-1218] - Missing transaction exception while initializing PostgreSQL DB due to broken ehcache settings
[KLAROS-1215] - Misleading tooltip text when examining project settings

Version 3.3.0 - 2011-02-28:

New Features:

[KLAROS-1180] - Send signup mail when creating a new user account
[KLAROS-1173] - Provide a tabbed view for the test case steps on the test case details page
[KLAROS-1171] - Add an expected result field to test case steps
[KLAROS-1170] - Allow to initialize the initial hibernate properties from environment variables
[KLAROS-567] - Show skipped/ignored test results in charts and reports

Fixed Bugs:

[KLAROS-1202] - The migration of pre 3.0 databases is not triggered when using derby as a database
[KLAROS-1201] - It is possible to change the username to an already existing value what causes an exception at the log in screen
[KLAROS-1199] - Dashboard update for current project is still not working properly
[KLAROS-1194] - Precondition, postcondition and expected result are not correctly transferred between tabbed/non-tabbed view when not yet saved
[KLAROS-1193] - A newly created test step should be created after the current test step, not before
[KLAROS-1188] - Test runner does not wrap the test step descriptions.
[KLAROS-1186] - Exception when selecting a TestCaseResult on the summary page of the TestSuiteRunner
[KLAROS-1184] - The result type "SKIPPED" gets ignored in reports
[KLAROS-1182] - Creating a new project when a project is already selected will not correctly switch to the newly created project
[KLAROS-1177] - Missing short description field on the overview page in the test runner
[KLAROS-1176] - It is possible to delete a test case that has results
[KLAROS-1175] - Support to filter and sort by custom properties
[KLAROS-1172] - Missing drop down boxes for the search panel on the test suite details page
[KLAROS-1169] - Uploads should not go to the current directory
[KLAROS-1164] - Changing the active project does not update the single test run selection data table
[KLAROS-1162] - Copy Test Cases tab is disabled upon first login
[KLAROS-1160] - Custom memory settings are not available when running tomcatw.exe
[KLAROS-1159] - Redmine integration ignores current project when listing trackers and versions
[KLAROS-1158] - Browse URL does not work correctly when running behind a secured Apache
[KLAROS-1156] - Attachments that was uploaded and removed again from a test case result gets saved to the database
[KLAROS-1154] - LazyInitializationException when executing a test suite from the jobs view
[KLAROS-1153] - Export to XLS fails for tables with ID fields with icons in it
[KLAROS-1143] - NotLoggedInException after logging out with IE
[KLAROS-1141] - IEEE 829 Test Case Specification Template - v1 reports on wrong project
[KLAROS-1112] - Strange layout after adding the first IMS to a project


[KLAROS-1212] - Fix the datatable layout for large displays
[KLAROS-1210] - Show a test case result summary when listing test cases
[KLAROS-1209] - Show a link to the test suite that has been run when listing test runs
[KLAROS-1205] - Missing description of the system account checkbox in the user edit screen documentation
[KLAROS-1200] - Do not show already present test cases when adding them to a test suite or mark those as present and allow filtering them
[KLAROS-1198] - Test run selection box should list the test case name instead of the test run id on the result selection page of the test runner
[KLAROS-1197] - Fix button sizes on the test overview page
[KLAROS-1196] - Suppress unneeded information on the test step execution page
[KLAROS-1191] - Mask the database password when showing initial database connection error parameters
[KLAROS-1190] - Update the Mantis Integration
[KLAROS-1183] - Autoselect Project, if only one exists
[KLAROS-1181] - Report parameter definitions must contain a label and a help text
[KLAROS-1178] - Add the short description of a test case to the test runner header
[KLAROS-1174] - Increase the number of rows for the test case step input fields
[KLAROS-1168] - Add a three steps per page option for the test case step edit page
[KLAROS-1166] - Add browse links after IM selection combo boxes
[KLAROS-1152] - The meaning of the black bar in the user occupation diagram should be explained in a tooltip or comment
[KLAROS-1151] - Coloring the test result entries should not hide the available links from the users
[KLAROS-1148] - Unable to sort and filter on the project backup page
[KLAROS-1147] - Missing validation button for the application url on the general settings page
[KLAROS-1134] - The create job from test case/test suite action should have a confirm dialog which allows to set the job parameters instead of entering them on the page
[KLAROS-1133] - The create job icon on the generate job from test case/test suite page is irritating
[KLAROS-1116] - Add placeholders for unused ordering buttons
[KLAROS-1000] - Add the possiblity to immediately finish a test run without selecting failure or error
[KLAROS-936] - Add a description to report parameters to be used as tooltips
[KLAROS-779] - provide navigation buttons on the edit testcase page to flip to next and previous testcase
[KLAROS-602] - Allow filtering and searching for the SUT column in the maintain test plan page