Klaros-Testmanagement version 3.0.4 released - Klaros Test Management - Forum - Klaros-Testmanagement
Klaros-Testmanagement version 3.0.4 released
Torsten Stolpmann, geändert vor 11 Jahren.
Klaros-Testmanagement version 3.0.4 released
Jedi Council Member Beiträge: 764 Beitrittsdatum: 12.02.09 Neueste Beiträge
We are very pleased, to finally announce the release of Klaros-Testmanagement version 3.0 after 3 months of hard work.
Klaros-Testmanagement now uses an improved database layout resulting in an drastically increased overall performance of the application. In addition to support of Redmine version 0.9, a new and polished look and feel has been added. Also a numerous amount of smaller improvements have been implemented.
In addition, Klaros-Testmanagement is now available in the commercially supported Enterprise Edition. Here we have been implemented more features that make the application an indispensable professional tool for test management.
In addition to an LDAP support for user authentication, particular attention was paid to the extension of the statistical and reporting. More reports, customizable reports and user definable fields for project-and sector requirements can cover your individual requirements. Data tables can also be exported to Excel for further processing. The dashboard is now configurable and contains additional reports.
We hope you enjoy this release.
Version 3.0.4 includes hot fixes for recent issues raised by our users. Thanks for your feedback!
The following issues have been fixed in this release:
Version 3.0.4 - 2010-08-13:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-937] - Sporadic LazyInitializationExceptions when accessing the list of available issue mangement systems during issue creation
[KLAROS-934] - Steps of revisioned test cases are not cloned properly upon creation
Version 3.0.3 - 2010-08-06:
New Features:
[KLAROS-904] - Make the file upload limit configurable for different uses
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-928] - When creating dynamic properties for the first time for an entity you have to log out and in again to edit the properties
[KLAROS-927] - Editing the test case results of a test suite on the summary page does not work
[KLAROS-926] - Cloning an unsaved test case causes the original test case to have no root
[KLAROS-925] - NPE when trying to clone an unsaved test suite
[KLAROS-923] - Klaros should not complain about missing steps in automated tests
[KLAROS-922] - Changing the test case state is not immediatly reflected in containing test suites
[KLAROS-920] - the list of test cases appears as dirty when newly imported tests are present
[KLAROS-916] - Imported test runs carry too long IDs
[KLAROS-912] - A single locked test case of a test suite can still be executed
[KLAROS-911] - Imported, passed test results are not correctly identified
[KLAROS-910] - Edited test cases are sometimes missing the last editor field
[KLAROS-905] - Importing a project previously exported fails because of a constraint violation
[KLAROS-903] - Error importing exported project
[KLAROS-890] - Unable to finally delete a project
[KLAROS-886] - Lower half of parameter dialog is missing at the first render attempt
[KLAROS-854] - After a project recovery you need to log out and in again to get the dashboard reports working
[KLAROS-789] - The weather report counts execution rates of previous revisions of test cases
[KLAROS-921] - Add a confirmation dialog before removing dashboard reports
[KLAROS-918] - Add navigation icons to dashlets to change the dashlet order
[KLAROS-901] - Show the result state (passed/failed/error) on the test result details page
[KLAROS-899] - The user manual should give a better insight on how to use report parameters
[KLAROS-879] - Drop down box missing label or tool tip in the test suite runner
[KLAROS-790] - Testcase-Attachments: missing content feedback while uploading
Version 3.0.2 - 2010-07-26:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-874] - LDAP-User stays on login-page after successful login
[KLAROS-885] - Editing a newly created, unsaved project throws an exception
[KLAROS-893] - Misleading warning "this test case has no history"
[KLAROS-894] - Can not switch to test case from test suite execution start page
[KLAROS-895] - Duplicated entries for priority and execution, if the user is in role tester
[KLAROS-896] - Single test run report actually shows ms instead of seconds
[KLAROS-902] - Error when you want to change the parametertype
[KLAROS-906] - Data tables are not properly reset when switching between projects
[KLAROS-907] - Missing suite execution time attribute causes cppunit based junit import to fail
[KLAROS-909] - Initially created dashboard reports do not refer to the active project but to the first project instead
[KLAROS-887] - The documentation must mention the purpose of the system user concept
[KLAROS-897] - The list of projects should have a sensible default sort order
Version 3.0.1 - 2010-07-19:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-888] - Wrong classpath settings for tomcat
[KLAROS-889] - The displayed execution time for test suites is showing wrong values
Version 3.0.0 - 2010-07-16:
New Features:
[KLAROS-853] - Add support for Oracle DB
[KLAROS-831] - Add ".klaros/resources" to the classpath so we can access images for the reports from there
[KLAROS-773] - Test case result attachments should be accessible from the GUI
[KLAROS-737] - Allow the administrator to restore deleted/deactivated projects
[KLAROS-410] - Create a Test Report Document
[KLAROS-409] - Create a Test Plan Document
[KLAROS-406] - Add Excel export functionality to displayed data tables
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-885] - Editing a newly created, unsaved project throws an exception
[KLAROS-884] - It is possible to select a disabled project for usage
[KLAROS-883] - Startup error with prior database
[KLAROS-882] - Crash when purging a project
[KLAROS-881] - Crash when importing an project without deleting it before
[KLAROS-872] - Test LDAP Access fails, when settings have not been saved
[KLAROS-871] - EMail-config: setting sender address gives NullPointerException
[KLAROS-866] - the text field for the issue management URL is too small in IE 8
[KLAROS-865] - Dropdownbox for Issue Management Selection ist too small
[KLAROS-864] - NPE in log when importing an exported project
[KLAROS-859] - Some "New" buttons are not placed on the left side
[KLAROS-857] - After crashing klaros because of too many words in the description i cannot edit the test case anymore
[KLAROS-856] - Problem with too large test case descriptions
[KLAROS-852] - Manual mentiones wrong URL to hibernate jdbc-Property docs
[KLAROS-844] - Konqueror on CentOS 5.5 crashes on user management
[KLAROS-843] - The Klaros installer displays funny characters in the Release Notes on linux (with LANG=en_US.UTF-8)
[KLAROS-839] - The save button is still disabled after updating the description
[KLAROS-837] - After the export the list of projects is empty
[KLAROS-836] - Saving an new Issue management system does not work
[KLAROS-835] - Current password field is missing
[KLAROS-830] - Test case result execution time is still reflected in seconds in the UI.
[KLAROS-828] - "Discard" and "Save" buttons of the confirmation popup are not working.
[KLAROS-826] - The status message and the popup are different.
[KLAROS-825] - An icon has 4 different tooltips.
[KLAROS-824] - "Next page" and "Previous page" tooltips are twisted
[KLAROS-823] - It is possible to execute HTML in some input fields
[KLAROS-821] - Projects can not be recovered
[KLAROS-815] - Missing message resource on the Dashboard
[KLAROS-814] - Sometimes the choosen language gets reset if the user presses the refresh button of the browser or changes the category
[KLAROS-805] - The dropdown box "Status" on "Define --> Maintain Test Case" is always English
[KLAROS-795] - Managers editing their password are downgraded to tester role
[KLAROS-794] - Display Error for dashboard report dialogs using Chrome
[KLAROS-793] - Testsuite Overview does not ignore disabled/deleted test suites
[KLAROS-785] - Step detection for test cases inside test suites is not working
[KLAROS-776] - Unable to save edited preconditions
[KLAROS-774] - Duplicated test cases carry no created/lastupdated entry.
[KLAROS-771] - Trying to save back multiple changes - spread over several lines of a table - will only save the recently touched line
[KLAROS-764] - Application creates useless file "no-data"
[KLAROS-754] - The Dashboard is not picking up newly created SUTs
[KLAROS-752] - Problem with the row count after upgrading klaros from 2.4.0 to 2.6.3
[KLAROS-751] - The redmine integration is incompatible with the current stable version 0.9.4 of redmine
[KLAROS-749] - The save button is not enabled if the user updates a step
[KLAROS-740] - Warning message when installing the application a second time in the same directory
[KLAROS-739] - The input selector for revisions is not rendered correctly on some pages using IE 7
[KLAROS-738] - Bugzilla issues have an empty id field on the evaluation page
[KLAROS-454] - The KlarosList is not working in the JasperReports template files.
[KLAROS-863] - Importing the same project for a second time overwrites the first one without warning
[KLAROS-860] - Change the layout to a modern look & feel
[KLAROS-855] - New Button in wrong position on Maintain test cases -> steps
[KLAROS-847] - The "Maintain Projects" page is confusing
[KLAROS-816] - The dot at the end of a tooltip must be removed.
[KLAROS-812] - The dot at the end of a sentence is missing
[KLAROS-806] - The difference between the two columns is not clear
[KLAROS-787] - The start date for the test run history report should use a sensible default value
[KLAROS-786] - The 'Create Issue' button should only be active if an issue management system is defined for the current project
[KLAROS-784] - If possible change Tab order for manual testcase execution dialogs
[KLAROS-783] - Open the testcase description on the Run Single Test Case page per default
[KLAROS-777] - Provide the test case/suite name in the headline when editing a test case/suite
[KLAROS-772] - LDAP authentication should be configurable as the default authentication schema
[KLAROS-770] - Disable the session timeout for long running task (import/export/migration)
[KLAROS-769] - Create a connection between the menu on the left side and the four icons to click
[KLAROS-768] - Move the add parameters section for groovy scripts below the checkbox
[KLAROS-767] - the label " is the script parameterized?" should be changed into "add parameters" or "script has parameters"
[KLAROS-761] - Display help message after clicking on the edit project icon and no bugtrackers are defined
[KLAROS-756] - Adjust the count of test cases and steps to show the completed entries instead of the current one
[KLAROS-750] - white box in Tabs when selecting "Testfälle verwalten"
[KLAROS-747] - Translate the enum strings to the user language for the seam-pdf templates
[KLAROS-743] - The deletion of attachments must trigger a confirmation dialog
[KLAROS-742] - Disable startup error messages due to failing session persistence deserialization
[KLAROS-741] - If there is only one environment available, it should be autoselected by the dashboard reports
[KLAROS-524] - Show more information of a test run
[KLAROS-486] - Add a discard changes (and proceed) button to the save changes dialog in the testcases overview page
[KLAROS-474] - Start the browser with the Klaros URL upon installation
[KLAROS-374] - Provide more user guidance in the testplan results pages
[KLAROS-312] - Combine the project maintainance and the project selection page to a single page
Klaros-Testmanagement now uses an improved database layout resulting in an drastically increased overall performance of the application. In addition to support of Redmine version 0.9, a new and polished look and feel has been added. Also a numerous amount of smaller improvements have been implemented.
In addition, Klaros-Testmanagement is now available in the commercially supported Enterprise Edition. Here we have been implemented more features that make the application an indispensable professional tool for test management.
In addition to an LDAP support for user authentication, particular attention was paid to the extension of the statistical and reporting. More reports, customizable reports and user definable fields for project-and sector requirements can cover your individual requirements. Data tables can also be exported to Excel for further processing. The dashboard is now configurable and contains additional reports.
We hope you enjoy this release.
Version 3.0.4 includes hot fixes for recent issues raised by our users. Thanks for your feedback!
The following issues have been fixed in this release:
Version 3.0.4 - 2010-08-13:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-937] - Sporadic LazyInitializationExceptions when accessing the list of available issue mangement systems during issue creation
[KLAROS-934] - Steps of revisioned test cases are not cloned properly upon creation
Version 3.0.3 - 2010-08-06:
New Features:
[KLAROS-904] - Make the file upload limit configurable for different uses
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-928] - When creating dynamic properties for the first time for an entity you have to log out and in again to edit the properties
[KLAROS-927] - Editing the test case results of a test suite on the summary page does not work
[KLAROS-926] - Cloning an unsaved test case causes the original test case to have no root
[KLAROS-925] - NPE when trying to clone an unsaved test suite
[KLAROS-923] - Klaros should not complain about missing steps in automated tests
[KLAROS-922] - Changing the test case state is not immediatly reflected in containing test suites
[KLAROS-920] - the list of test cases appears as dirty when newly imported tests are present
[KLAROS-916] - Imported test runs carry too long IDs
[KLAROS-912] - A single locked test case of a test suite can still be executed
[KLAROS-911] - Imported, passed test results are not correctly identified
[KLAROS-910] - Edited test cases are sometimes missing the last editor field
[KLAROS-905] - Importing a project previously exported fails because of a constraint violation
[KLAROS-903] - Error importing exported project
[KLAROS-890] - Unable to finally delete a project
[KLAROS-886] - Lower half of parameter dialog is missing at the first render attempt
[KLAROS-854] - After a project recovery you need to log out and in again to get the dashboard reports working
[KLAROS-789] - The weather report counts execution rates of previous revisions of test cases
[KLAROS-921] - Add a confirmation dialog before removing dashboard reports
[KLAROS-918] - Add navigation icons to dashlets to change the dashlet order
[KLAROS-901] - Show the result state (passed/failed/error) on the test result details page
[KLAROS-899] - The user manual should give a better insight on how to use report parameters
[KLAROS-879] - Drop down box missing label or tool tip in the test suite runner
[KLAROS-790] - Testcase-Attachments: missing content feedback while uploading
Version 3.0.2 - 2010-07-26:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-874] - LDAP-User stays on login-page after successful login
[KLAROS-885] - Editing a newly created, unsaved project throws an exception
[KLAROS-893] - Misleading warning "this test case has no history"
[KLAROS-894] - Can not switch to test case from test suite execution start page
[KLAROS-895] - Duplicated entries for priority and execution, if the user is in role tester
[KLAROS-896] - Single test run report actually shows ms instead of seconds
[KLAROS-902] - Error when you want to change the parametertype
[KLAROS-906] - Data tables are not properly reset when switching between projects
[KLAROS-907] - Missing suite execution time attribute causes cppunit based junit import to fail
[KLAROS-909] - Initially created dashboard reports do not refer to the active project but to the first project instead
[KLAROS-887] - The documentation must mention the purpose of the system user concept
[KLAROS-897] - The list of projects should have a sensible default sort order
Version 3.0.1 - 2010-07-19:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-888] - Wrong classpath settings for tomcat
[KLAROS-889] - The displayed execution time for test suites is showing wrong values
Version 3.0.0 - 2010-07-16:
New Features:
[KLAROS-853] - Add support for Oracle DB
[KLAROS-831] - Add ".klaros/resources" to the classpath so we can access images for the reports from there
[KLAROS-773] - Test case result attachments should be accessible from the GUI
[KLAROS-737] - Allow the administrator to restore deleted/deactivated projects
[KLAROS-410] - Create a Test Report Document
[KLAROS-409] - Create a Test Plan Document
[KLAROS-406] - Add Excel export functionality to displayed data tables
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-885] - Editing a newly created, unsaved project throws an exception
[KLAROS-884] - It is possible to select a disabled project for usage
[KLAROS-883] - Startup error with prior database
[KLAROS-882] - Crash when purging a project
[KLAROS-881] - Crash when importing an project without deleting it before
[KLAROS-872] - Test LDAP Access fails, when settings have not been saved
[KLAROS-871] - EMail-config: setting sender address gives NullPointerException
[KLAROS-866] - the text field for the issue management URL is too small in IE 8
[KLAROS-865] - Dropdownbox for Issue Management Selection ist too small
[KLAROS-864] - NPE in log when importing an exported project
[KLAROS-859] - Some "New" buttons are not placed on the left side
[KLAROS-857] - After crashing klaros because of too many words in the description i cannot edit the test case anymore
[KLAROS-856] - Problem with too large test case descriptions
[KLAROS-852] - Manual mentiones wrong URL to hibernate jdbc-Property docs
[KLAROS-844] - Konqueror on CentOS 5.5 crashes on user management
[KLAROS-843] - The Klaros installer displays funny characters in the Release Notes on linux (with LANG=en_US.UTF-8)
[KLAROS-839] - The save button is still disabled after updating the description
[KLAROS-837] - After the export the list of projects is empty
[KLAROS-836] - Saving an new Issue management system does not work
[KLAROS-835] - Current password field is missing
[KLAROS-830] - Test case result execution time is still reflected in seconds in the UI.
[KLAROS-828] - "Discard" and "Save" buttons of the confirmation popup are not working.
[KLAROS-826] - The status message and the popup are different.
[KLAROS-825] - An icon has 4 different tooltips.
[KLAROS-824] - "Next page" and "Previous page" tooltips are twisted
[KLAROS-823] - It is possible to execute HTML in some input fields
[KLAROS-821] - Projects can not be recovered
[KLAROS-815] - Missing message resource on the Dashboard
[KLAROS-814] - Sometimes the choosen language gets reset if the user presses the refresh button of the browser or changes the category
[KLAROS-805] - The dropdown box "Status" on "Define --> Maintain Test Case" is always English
[KLAROS-795] - Managers editing their password are downgraded to tester role
[KLAROS-794] - Display Error for dashboard report dialogs using Chrome
[KLAROS-793] - Testsuite Overview does not ignore disabled/deleted test suites
[KLAROS-785] - Step detection for test cases inside test suites is not working
[KLAROS-776] - Unable to save edited preconditions
[KLAROS-774] - Duplicated test cases carry no created/lastupdated entry.
[KLAROS-771] - Trying to save back multiple changes - spread over several lines of a table - will only save the recently touched line
[KLAROS-764] - Application creates useless file "no-data"
[KLAROS-754] - The Dashboard is not picking up newly created SUTs
[KLAROS-752] - Problem with the row count after upgrading klaros from 2.4.0 to 2.6.3
[KLAROS-751] - The redmine integration is incompatible with the current stable version 0.9.4 of redmine
[KLAROS-749] - The save button is not enabled if the user updates a step
[KLAROS-740] - Warning message when installing the application a second time in the same directory
[KLAROS-739] - The input selector for revisions is not rendered correctly on some pages using IE 7
[KLAROS-738] - Bugzilla issues have an empty id field on the evaluation page
[KLAROS-454] - The KlarosList is not working in the JasperReports template files.
[KLAROS-863] - Importing the same project for a second time overwrites the first one without warning
[KLAROS-860] - Change the layout to a modern look & feel
[KLAROS-855] - New Button in wrong position on Maintain test cases -> steps
[KLAROS-847] - The "Maintain Projects" page is confusing
[KLAROS-816] - The dot at the end of a tooltip must be removed.
[KLAROS-812] - The dot at the end of a sentence is missing
[KLAROS-806] - The difference between the two columns is not clear
[KLAROS-787] - The start date for the test run history report should use a sensible default value
[KLAROS-786] - The 'Create Issue' button should only be active if an issue management system is defined for the current project
[KLAROS-784] - If possible change Tab order for manual testcase execution dialogs
[KLAROS-783] - Open the testcase description on the Run Single Test Case page per default
[KLAROS-777] - Provide the test case/suite name in the headline when editing a test case/suite
[KLAROS-772] - LDAP authentication should be configurable as the default authentication schema
[KLAROS-770] - Disable the session timeout for long running task (import/export/migration)
[KLAROS-769] - Create a connection between the menu on the left side and the four icons to click
[KLAROS-768] - Move the add parameters section for groovy scripts below the checkbox
[KLAROS-767] - the label " is the script parameterized?" should be changed into "add parameters" or "script has parameters"
[KLAROS-761] - Display help message after clicking on the edit project icon and no bugtrackers are defined
[KLAROS-756] - Adjust the count of test cases and steps to show the completed entries instead of the current one
[KLAROS-750] - white box in Tabs when selecting "Testfälle verwalten"
[KLAROS-747] - Translate the enum strings to the user language for the seam-pdf templates
[KLAROS-743] - The deletion of attachments must trigger a confirmation dialog
[KLAROS-742] - Disable startup error messages due to failing session persistence deserialization
[KLAROS-741] - If there is only one environment available, it should be autoselected by the dashboard reports
[KLAROS-524] - Show more information of a test run
[KLAROS-486] - Add a discard changes (and proceed) button to the save changes dialog in the testcases overview page
[KLAROS-474] - Start the browser with the Klaros URL upon installation
[KLAROS-374] - Provide more user guidance in the testplan results pages
[KLAROS-312] - Combine the project maintainance and the project selection page to a single page