Klaros-Testmanagement 5.0.2 released - Klaros Test Management - Forum - Klaros-Testmanagement
Klaros-Testmanagement 5.0.2 released
Torsten Stolpmann, geändert vor 4 Jahren.
Klaros-Testmanagement 5.0.2 released
Jedi Council Member Beiträge: 764 Beitrittsdatum: 12.02.09 Neueste Beiträge
We are pleased to announce the release of Klaros-Testmanagement 5.0.2!
This is a maintenance release that fixes an issue when migrating existing content repositories and adds several other small improvements and stability fixes.
In this release 7 new improvements have been added and 11 bugs have been fixed. Existing users are encouraged to update.
What's new in Klaros-Testmanagement 5.0?
With the switch to PrimeFaces as the underlying front end technology, the user interface underwent a complete revamp.
In addition to the modern and more attractive look, the usability and convenience has been improved.
In reporting, a lot of new functionality has been added to the dashboard. The included customizable report templates were redesigned and new ones have been added. Database access has been completely revised and has been significantly accelerated especially for writing and batch operations.

Version 5.0.2 (12.10.2020)
[KLAROS-4421] - Show the jobs of an iteration, test environment or system under test as tab in the corresponding details view
[KLAROS-4443] - Support cloning of notification schemes
[KLAROS-4456] - Sub jobs of type 'task' should be considered when determining the progress and status of the parent job
[KLAROS-4468] - Parent job progress calculation should be based on the actual progress rate of its subjobs
[KLAROS-4472] - Gracefully handle SizeLimitExceptions for large LDAP user lists
[KLAROS-4479] - Improve error handling when a distinghuished name for a user could not be found during LDAP/AD authentication
[KLAROS-4487] - Show a progress bar for long running actions in the test runner window
[KLAROS-4494] - Support page size selection on the custom report tables
[KLAROS-4467] - Generating jobs from test suites may fail if the test suite name is overly long
[KLAROS-4469] - The installer does not display the current release notes
[KLAROS-4475] - Fix migrating existing Klaros 4 content repositories
[KLAROS-4476] - DataException when accessing overly long text fields of a migrated PostgreSQL database
[KLAROS-4481] - OptimisticLockException when finishing or skipping a test case in a test suite
[KLAROS-4484] - Unable to change the email adress of an administrator account
[KLAROS-4485] - Broken layout in application update available notification icon
[KLAROS-4488] - Unable to save redmine customfields of format "User" or "Version" when not explicitly set when saving an issue
[KLAROS-4489] - The job execution state on job tabs is not determined correctly
[KLAROS-4496] - Error 'Null key requested for object of class de.verit.klaros.core.persistent.TestCaseStepShadow' after editing a test case step result on the test case result page
[KLAROS-4497] - Issue details page layout adds unnecessary horizontal scrollbar
Version 5.0.1 (18.09.2020)
[KLAROS-4381] - Reopening a job should propagate updated status, success rate and progress information to its parent job
[KLAROS-4465] - Migration from Klaros 4.x is not being completed if the preconfigured derby database is used
[KLAROS-4460] - Opening the Edit Categories panel fails if the table has unsaved changes
[KLAROS-4459] - Notification Schemes cannot be deleted
[KLAROS-4386] - Reopening a job via bulk edit doesn't automatically reopen its sub jobs
Version 5.0.0 (14.09.2020)
New Features
[KLAROS-479] - Allow sorting tables by clicking on the table header
[KLAROS-620] - Allow to select which columns are displayed in data tables
[KLAROS-1358] - Allow bookmark links to copy their value to the clipboard
[KLAROS-1869] - Include a Java Runtime Environment with the installer binary
[KLAROS-2860] - Sign the distributed Windows-executables and jars
[KLAROS-2970] - Create native install files for Linux/Windows which no longer require an installed Java Runtime
[KLAROS-4015] - Add support for MySQL 8.x
[KLAROS-4127] - Support rich text for large text input fields
[KLAROS-4179] - Allow to filter menu selection items
[KLAROS-4220] - Support drag and drop in ordered tables
[KLAROS-4221] - Support keyboard shortcuts for common activities
[KLAROS-4224] - Support export of data tables as XML and PDF in addition to XLS
[KLAROS-4235] - Add a configurable overview reports dashboard
[KLAROS-4259] - Support cell editing in data tables
[KLAROS-4319] - Migrate from bitmap icons to font awesome
KLAROS-214] - Long running operations should give a visual progress feedback
[KLAROS-625] - Enable multiple dashboards for Enterprise Edition users
[KLAROS-626] - Enable collaboration of the users with the dashboards
[KLAROS-1211] - Improve the readability of dashboard reports for very long sut/env names
[KLAROS-1887] - When switching between two testcases while e.g. editing the test steps I am told that there are unsaved changes, though I was only copying text from a text field via CTRL-C
[KLAROS-2230] - Improve overall write performance for bulk actions
[KLAROS-2412] - The "Job in Progress" popup should close automatically after finishing a job
[KLAROS-2503] - Support multi selection of test environments and system under tests in dashboard reports
[KLAROS-2577] - Close the test executing dialog when a test execution has finished
[KLAROS-2659] - Speed up saving large sets of objects
[KLAROS-2664] - If a job has the status "New" or "Reopened", setting its progress rate to a value greater 0 should set its status to "In Progress"
[KLAROS-2679] - Show a warning on startup if a deprecated or incompatible database dialect has been configured
[KLAROS-2680] - Show a warning on startup if the default Apache Derby database is configured
[KLAROS-3185] - Disable zero valued session timeouts
[KLAROS-3250] - The search service should also consider user defined enum values
[KLAROS-3357] - Add Derby support for filtering test case results by newest results only
[KLAROS-3364] - Pressing Ctrl + C should not activate the Buttons "Save" and "Discard"
[KLAROS-3736] - On the project details page, separate the user defined property definitions by type
[KLAROS-3786] - If a job has the status "Resolved", setting its progress rate to a 0 should set its status to "Reopened"
[KLAROS-4028] - Append " - copy" to the name of cloned reports for enhanced discriminability
[KLAROS-4119] - Add an option to remove authentication information for external systems
[KLAROS-4128] - Improve the performance when bulk copying a large number of objects
[KLAROS-4132] - Improve performance when saving a new user defined property for a large list of objects
[KLAROS-4169] - Relative time strings should be continuously updated automatically
[KLAROS-4199] - Enable export of single dashboard reports as images
[KLAROS-4204] - If the test runner window can't be opened, show a hint that popup-blockers should be turned off
[KLAROS-4209] - Distribute SHA-256 Checksums
[KLAROS-4271] - When filtering requirement lists support the external status where available
[KLAROS-4311] - When cloning mutiple objects the listed order is preserved with the clones
[KLAROS-4312] - Do not set a revision comment when cloning an object
[KLAROS-4317] - Improve performance when listing requirement management systems
[KLAROS-4332] - Predefined reports should be write protected and automatically update on each Klaros update
[KLAROS-4335] - Add an 'Expires today' message for the last day of trial license
[KLAROS-4339] - Align the files names generated for custom and predefined reports
[KLAROS-4342] - Merge the dashboard located predefined reports, the test run history report and user defined reports on a single reports page
[KLAROS-4368] - Speed up attachment media type detection during file upload
[KLAROS-4371] - Extend the generated unsaved id by using a business code template ( e.g. P?????)
[KLAROS-4382] - When reopening a job, the user should be able to choose the sub jobs which should be reopened
[KLAROS-4383] - When deleting test runs, recalculate progress and success rate of a referring job if present
[KLAROS-4384] - Add the option to share dashboards with other users
[KLAROS-4389] - Copying revisionable objects to another project should also copy all revisions of these objects
[KLAROS-4408] - Improve display of revisions of the same test case or test suite in drop down sections
[KLAROS-4411] - Skip shortcut panel during installation under MacOS
[KLAROS-4413] - Improve authorization checks for import interfaces
[KLAROS-4416] - Prevent that the user is saving a wrong application URL
[KLAROS-4417] - Add an option to suppress diagrams on print pages
[KLAROS-4418] - Speed up Jira issue operations
[KLAROS-4430] - Exclude not yet saved entries from the list of available left/right navigable objects when opening a details page of an object
[KLAROS-4431] - Show information on the number of existing revisions in the revisions tab header of an object details page
[KLAROS-4453] - Property value substitution in test instructions should not be limited to whitespace seperated entities
[KLAROS-3730] - When a details page is opened twice in the same browse session in the presence of unsaved changes, a dialog may be displayed indicating unsaved changes
[KLAROS-3815] - Bogus ui state when a manager tries to assign another user as a manager (and sole member) of a project
[KLAROS-4201] - Impossible to switch the test suite revision in the start execute dialog
[KLAROS-4232] - The behavior of the bulk action check boxes should be consistent
[KLAROS-4242] - Test case entries in the system under test issue list are not updated properly
[KLAROS-4256] - Saving an explanatory template for skipped test results with a very long text causes a Data Exception
[KLAROS-4265] - Missing successbar after executing a subjob
[KLAROS-4318] - The Derby database default initialization does not honor the KLAROS_HOME setting
[KLAROS-4325] - User defined enum values are not saved and updated correctly after editing the position of an enum value
[KLAROS-4326] - The number of test cases on the test segment listpage is not updated correctly when cloning test cases containg this segment
[KLAROS-4391] - Bulk editing users does not check for invalid mail addresses
[KLAROS-4449] - The redmine connector must support custom fields and tracker types on a per-project basis
[KLAROS-4452] - Users in global role Manager should not be alllowed to change adminstrator properties
This is a maintenance release that fixes an issue when migrating existing content repositories and adds several other small improvements and stability fixes.
In this release 7 new improvements have been added and 11 bugs have been fixed. Existing users are encouraged to update.
What's new in Klaros-Testmanagement 5.0?
With the switch to PrimeFaces as the underlying front end technology, the user interface underwent a complete revamp.
In addition to the modern and more attractive look, the usability and convenience has been improved.
In reporting, a lot of new functionality has been added to the dashboard. The included customizable report templates were redesigned and new ones have been added. Database access has been completely revised and has been significantly accelerated especially for writing and batch operations.

- Descriptions for test cases, test steps, etc. are now editable as rich text and may contain images
- Table contents can be edited directly in the individual cells via mouse click
- Frequently used functions can be triggered by keyboard shortcuts
- List entries can be reordered by drag-and-drop
- Table sorting by clicking on the corresponding column header
- Bookmarks can be copied directly to the clipboard
- Dashboard contents can now be individually configured and saved. Individual dashboards can be defined as project presets and shared with other users
- The predefined reports have been completely revised and new reports have been added
- The diagram display has been significantly accelerated by asynchronous loading
- Dashboard diagrams can be exported as image files for further processing
- Data tables can now also be exported in XML and PDF formats
- Print pages optionally contain additional diagrams
- Database layout has been optimized and database access has been completely reworked
- Batch transactions, especially for write operations, are now processed substantially faster
- The Java runtime environment is now integrated and automatically installed.
- Klaros uses the current LTS (Long Term Support) Java Runtime Environment Version 11
- The Tomcat application server has been updated to the current version 9
- The MySQL database is now also supported in version 8.
Release Notes
Version 5.0.2 (12.10.2020)
[KLAROS-4421] - Show the jobs of an iteration, test environment or system under test as tab in the corresponding details view
[KLAROS-4443] - Support cloning of notification schemes
[KLAROS-4456] - Sub jobs of type 'task' should be considered when determining the progress and status of the parent job
[KLAROS-4468] - Parent job progress calculation should be based on the actual progress rate of its subjobs
[KLAROS-4472] - Gracefully handle SizeLimitExceptions for large LDAP user lists
[KLAROS-4479] - Improve error handling when a distinghuished name for a user could not be found during LDAP/AD authentication
[KLAROS-4487] - Show a progress bar for long running actions in the test runner window
[KLAROS-4494] - Support page size selection on the custom report tables
[KLAROS-4467] - Generating jobs from test suites may fail if the test suite name is overly long
[KLAROS-4469] - The installer does not display the current release notes
[KLAROS-4475] - Fix migrating existing Klaros 4 content repositories
[KLAROS-4476] - DataException when accessing overly long text fields of a migrated PostgreSQL database
[KLAROS-4481] - OptimisticLockException when finishing or skipping a test case in a test suite
[KLAROS-4484] - Unable to change the email adress of an administrator account
[KLAROS-4485] - Broken layout in application update available notification icon
[KLAROS-4488] - Unable to save redmine customfields of format "User" or "Version" when not explicitly set when saving an issue
[KLAROS-4489] - The job execution state on job tabs is not determined correctly
[KLAROS-4496] - Error 'Null key requested for object of class de.verit.klaros.core.persistent.TestCaseStepShadow' after editing a test case step result on the test case result page
[KLAROS-4497] - Issue details page layout adds unnecessary horizontal scrollbar
Version 5.0.1 (18.09.2020)
[KLAROS-4381] - Reopening a job should propagate updated status, success rate and progress information to its parent job
[KLAROS-4465] - Migration from Klaros 4.x is not being completed if the preconfigured derby database is used
[KLAROS-4460] - Opening the Edit Categories panel fails if the table has unsaved changes
[KLAROS-4459] - Notification Schemes cannot be deleted
[KLAROS-4386] - Reopening a job via bulk edit doesn't automatically reopen its sub jobs
Version 5.0.0 (14.09.2020)
New Features
[KLAROS-479] - Allow sorting tables by clicking on the table header
[KLAROS-620] - Allow to select which columns are displayed in data tables
[KLAROS-1358] - Allow bookmark links to copy their value to the clipboard
[KLAROS-1869] - Include a Java Runtime Environment with the installer binary
[KLAROS-2860] - Sign the distributed Windows-executables and jars
[KLAROS-2970] - Create native install files for Linux/Windows which no longer require an installed Java Runtime
[KLAROS-4015] - Add support for MySQL 8.x
[KLAROS-4127] - Support rich text for large text input fields
[KLAROS-4179] - Allow to filter menu selection items
[KLAROS-4220] - Support drag and drop in ordered tables
[KLAROS-4221] - Support keyboard shortcuts for common activities
[KLAROS-4224] - Support export of data tables as XML and PDF in addition to XLS
[KLAROS-4235] - Add a configurable overview reports dashboard
[KLAROS-4259] - Support cell editing in data tables
[KLAROS-4319] - Migrate from bitmap icons to font awesome
KLAROS-214] - Long running operations should give a visual progress feedback
[KLAROS-625] - Enable multiple dashboards for Enterprise Edition users
[KLAROS-626] - Enable collaboration of the users with the dashboards
[KLAROS-1211] - Improve the readability of dashboard reports for very long sut/env names
[KLAROS-1887] - When switching between two testcases while e.g. editing the test steps I am told that there are unsaved changes, though I was only copying text from a text field via CTRL-C
[KLAROS-2230] - Improve overall write performance for bulk actions
[KLAROS-2412] - The "Job in Progress" popup should close automatically after finishing a job
[KLAROS-2503] - Support multi selection of test environments and system under tests in dashboard reports
[KLAROS-2577] - Close the test executing dialog when a test execution has finished
[KLAROS-2659] - Speed up saving large sets of objects
[KLAROS-2664] - If a job has the status "New" or "Reopened", setting its progress rate to a value greater 0 should set its status to "In Progress"
[KLAROS-2679] - Show a warning on startup if a deprecated or incompatible database dialect has been configured
[KLAROS-2680] - Show a warning on startup if the default Apache Derby database is configured
[KLAROS-3185] - Disable zero valued session timeouts
[KLAROS-3250] - The search service should also consider user defined enum values
[KLAROS-3357] - Add Derby support for filtering test case results by newest results only
[KLAROS-3364] - Pressing Ctrl + C should not activate the Buttons "Save" and "Discard"
[KLAROS-3736] - On the project details page, separate the user defined property definitions by type
[KLAROS-3786] - If a job has the status "Resolved", setting its progress rate to a 0 should set its status to "Reopened"
[KLAROS-4028] - Append " - copy" to the name of cloned reports for enhanced discriminability
[KLAROS-4119] - Add an option to remove authentication information for external systems
[KLAROS-4128] - Improve the performance when bulk copying a large number of objects
[KLAROS-4132] - Improve performance when saving a new user defined property for a large list of objects
[KLAROS-4169] - Relative time strings should be continuously updated automatically
[KLAROS-4199] - Enable export of single dashboard reports as images
[KLAROS-4204] - If the test runner window can't be opened, show a hint that popup-blockers should be turned off
[KLAROS-4209] - Distribute SHA-256 Checksums
[KLAROS-4271] - When filtering requirement lists support the external status where available
[KLAROS-4311] - When cloning mutiple objects the listed order is preserved with the clones
[KLAROS-4312] - Do not set a revision comment when cloning an object
[KLAROS-4317] - Improve performance when listing requirement management systems
[KLAROS-4332] - Predefined reports should be write protected and automatically update on each Klaros update
[KLAROS-4335] - Add an 'Expires today' message for the last day of trial license
[KLAROS-4339] - Align the files names generated for custom and predefined reports
[KLAROS-4342] - Merge the dashboard located predefined reports, the test run history report and user defined reports on a single reports page
[KLAROS-4368] - Speed up attachment media type detection during file upload
[KLAROS-4371] - Extend the generated unsaved id by using a business code template ( e.g. P?????)
[KLAROS-4382] - When reopening a job, the user should be able to choose the sub jobs which should be reopened
[KLAROS-4383] - When deleting test runs, recalculate progress and success rate of a referring job if present
[KLAROS-4384] - Add the option to share dashboards with other users
[KLAROS-4389] - Copying revisionable objects to another project should also copy all revisions of these objects
[KLAROS-4408] - Improve display of revisions of the same test case or test suite in drop down sections
[KLAROS-4411] - Skip shortcut panel during installation under MacOS
[KLAROS-4413] - Improve authorization checks for import interfaces
[KLAROS-4416] - Prevent that the user is saving a wrong application URL
[KLAROS-4417] - Add an option to suppress diagrams on print pages
[KLAROS-4418] - Speed up Jira issue operations
[KLAROS-4430] - Exclude not yet saved entries from the list of available left/right navigable objects when opening a details page of an object
[KLAROS-4431] - Show information on the number of existing revisions in the revisions tab header of an object details page
[KLAROS-4453] - Property value substitution in test instructions should not be limited to whitespace seperated entities
[KLAROS-3730] - When a details page is opened twice in the same browse session in the presence of unsaved changes, a dialog may be displayed indicating unsaved changes
[KLAROS-3815] - Bogus ui state when a manager tries to assign another user as a manager (and sole member) of a project
[KLAROS-4201] - Impossible to switch the test suite revision in the start execute dialog
[KLAROS-4232] - The behavior of the bulk action check boxes should be consistent
[KLAROS-4242] - Test case entries in the system under test issue list are not updated properly
[KLAROS-4256] - Saving an explanatory template for skipped test results with a very long text causes a Data Exception
[KLAROS-4265] - Missing successbar after executing a subjob
[KLAROS-4318] - The Derby database default initialization does not honor the KLAROS_HOME setting
[KLAROS-4325] - User defined enum values are not saved and updated correctly after editing the position of an enum value
[KLAROS-4326] - The number of test cases on the test segment listpage is not updated correctly when cloning test cases containg this segment
[KLAROS-4391] - Bulk editing users does not check for invalid mail addresses
[KLAROS-4449] - The redmine connector must support custom fields and tracker types on a per-project basis
[KLAROS-4452] - Users in global role Manager should not be alllowed to change adminstrator properties