Klaros-Testmanagement 4.9.7 released

Torsten Stolpmann, geändert vor 6 Jahren.

Klaros-Testmanagement 4.9.7 released

Jedi Council Member Beiträge: 763 Beitrittsdatum: 12.02.09 Neueste Beiträge
We are pleased to announce the release of Klaros-Testmanagement version 4.9.7.

This is a maintentance release fixing a regression in 4.9.6 where the issue details page was not accessible for non-Jira issue trackers and adding several performance related improvements.

Overall 5 improvements and 4 stability fixes have been implemented in this release. Existing users are encouraged to upgrade.

What is new in Klaros-Testmanagement Version 4.9?

  • The reusable test segments, that had been introduced in Klaros-Testmanagement 4.8,  can now be used in a new way when they are included in test cases. By pressing the edit button on included steps, they can now be edited like any other test case step.
  • Klaros-Testmanagement Enterprise Edition now supports single sign-on via CAS  (Central Authentication Service).
  • In addition to our RESTful Remote API, we've implemented another RESTful service,  which allows to create backup files of single projects via remote requests.
  • The print pages have been considerably expanded, including additional information previously only displayed on the overview tabs.

Release Notes

Version 4.9.7 (26.11.2018)


[KLAROS-4035] - Add access to the system under test issue list in the community edition
[KLAROS-4034] - Avoid caching of pages reached by browser back button
[KLAROS-4033] - Improve overall page load speed
[KLAROS-4026] - List all revisions of a test case when creating an issue
[KLAROS-4025] - Improve performance when bulk editing sub-jobs

Bug Fixes

[KLAROS-4036] - The newest test case result toggle option in the test case list is not responding
[KLAROS-4027] - Unable to navigate to the details page of an non-Jira issue
[KLAROS-4024] - Test suite attachments not visible on the details page
[KLAROS-3729] - When "Reopen and Execute" a job, its progress rate is not automatically set to 0

Version 4.9.6 (13.11.2018)


[KLAROS-3369] - Support the Jira custom field "Sprint"
[KLAROS-3991] - Display the number of test cases per segment on the test segment list page
[KLAROS-4001] - Add support for collapsing and expanding complete test segments referenced in a test case step list
[KLAROS-4006] - Allow to search for issues using the global search
[KLAROS-4009] - Allow to create issues as a sub task in Jira
[KLAROS-4010] - Support the Jira custom field "GroupPicker"
[KLAROS-4011] - Add support for bulk printing and deleting unfinished test runs on the continue test run page
[KLAROS-4013] - Do not require users to log in for accessing attachments of detail pages that are explicitly opened for anonymous access
[KLAROS-4014] - Introduce an option to hide other users from Tester or Guest roles in the user management if desired
[KLAROS-4018] - Full text search results should be sorted by their alphabetical order in locales other than English
[KLAROS-4020] - Allow to show the full text search results on browse pages
[KLAROS-4021] - Support quick filtering on a per table basis using associative full text search for keywords
[KLAROS-4022] - Improve loading speed of job lists where jobs are containing sub jobs

Bug Fixes

[KLAROS-4005] - Fix the import of embedded test result attachments

Version 4.9.5 (17.09.2018)


[KLAROS-3937] - When resolving references in attachments, honor the attachment version number when retrieving the data
[KLAROS-3953] - It should be displayed on the issues by test cases table how many issues have been resolved per test case and how many are still open
[KLAROS-3958] - Support LSB 3.1 comment conventions for init scripts in the Klaros service script
[KLAROS-3963] - When linking issues to an individual sut the sut to assign to should not be selectable
[KLAROS-3965] - List the results of all revisions on the test case result page
[KLAROS-3968] - If a test result import is triggered by a job, a comparison of the delivered results and the tests defined in the job should take place and unexpected results should then be preset to 'Ignore'
[KLAROS-3969] - Allow to individually select the test results to import from an automated test execution
[KLAROS-3970] - List test case result details on the test run print page when verbose setting is selected
[KLAROS-3972] - Suppress puzzling HHH020008 'A soft-locked cache entry was expired by the underlying Ehcache' warning messages in the log file
[KLAROS-3978] - Allow to select all existing revisions of a test case or test suite when creating jobs on the job detail page
[KLAROS-3979] - Provide the ability to directly detach a linked requirement management system from a project in case it has been globally deactivated
[KLAROS-3981] - Fix the layout for excessively large test case description fields in the start test dialog and execute test window

Bug Fixes

[KLAROS-3470] - During manual import of test case results, it is possible to assign two different external test suites names to the same test suite in Klaros
[KLAROS-3929] - Test steps are moved/copied to the wrong position if the user presses the "move"/"copy" button too fast after selecting a target position
[KLAROS-3930] - Deleting a project should leave no leftovers in the database
[KLAROS-3931] - Misleading log message level for "ERROR, de.verit.klaros.web.service.search.FullTextSearchService Indexing class xxxx"
[KLAROS-3932] - In some situations attachments on the test case result page are not displayed when navigating to this page
[KLAROS-3936] - The 'Save' and 'Discard' buttons are enabled if an attachment is updated in a newer revision and then the user switches back to the original revision
[KLAROS-3952] - Not possible to assign more users to a project if users are already assigned to the project
[KLAROS-3954] - The user print page should display the open jobs of the selected user instead of the logged in user
[KLAROS-3956] - NPE when trying to link an issue to a test case without selecting a sut
[KLAROS-3960] - Unable to purge project due to job timeblock constraints
[KLAROS-3961] - When importing a project backup which contains references to a disabled exisiting issue management system the imported issues should be assigned to the existing system
[KLAROS-3962] - Error removing password for issue management background sync operation
[KLAROS-3966] - Unable to parse Excel sheets with additional content placed outside the last labeled column for dynamic value replacement
[KLAROS-3971] - Newly created test suites during test case result import should automatically contain the references test cases
[KLAROS-3982] - Exception when trying to delete a category node

Version 4.9.4 (16.08.2018)


[KLAROS-3912] - Add a column "test case" to the linked issues table on the SUT details page
[KLAROS-3915] - Improve create and link actions for issues that are only assigned to a system under test but not to a specific test case
[KLAROS-3920] - Add support for moving individual test steps or test segment instances of a test case up or down with a single click
[KLAROS-3922] - Reference prefixes (e.g. env-att, tc, inline-att) should be case insensitive
[KLAROS-3923] - When deleting test segments, all previous revisions of a test segment should be removed from the test cases where they are referenced
[KLAROS-3924] - When duplicating a test case step or test segment, preselect the follow-up position as the target position for the duplicate
[KLAROS-3925] - Clearer wording for the text in dialog windows when moving or cloning elements of a list

Bug Fixes

[KLAROS-3756] - Do not change the order of unsaved objects after switching sections
[KLAROS-3760] - The back navigation on the Evaluate / Issues / Link Issue page does not always redirect correctly
[KLAROS-3910] - Newly created or linked issues without an assigned test case are not immediately displayed on the system under test details page
[KLAROS-3913] - The projects to be imported are not displayed after uploading the XML backup file
[KLAROS-3914] - Deleted test runs are not filtered from the print pages
[KLAROS-3916] - Test suite can not immediately be deleted after deleting all test runs
[KLAROS-3919] - Unable to cancel bulk clone operation for test cases
[KLAROS-3921] - The "Latest Issues" table on the sut details page is not refreshed properly
[KLAROS-3926] - Page visit information will not be cleaned after clicking the "Back" button on the link issue page

Version 4.9.3 (


[KLAROS-2004] - Increase the Import test result performance for projects with a large number of test results
[KLAROS-3643] - If an iteration is selected, creating a new revision of a requirement should optionally add that requirement to the iteration
[KLAROS-3757] - Improve save and navigation behavior on the test case / test suite details page when executing review jobs
[KLAROS-3818] - Add "is set" and "is not set" to the list of filter options for selection fields
[KLAROS-3867] - Sort the dropdown list of test segments alphabetically
[KLAROS-3869] - Adding job dependencies should only be allowed if additional jobs are available
[KLAROS-3875] - Document the resolved states mappings for issues
[KLAROS-3881] - Allow to edit job work log entries of test execution jobs
[KLAROS-3882] - Speed up calender popup rendering
[KLAROS-3887] - Improve overall performance of test run creation when starting manual tests and deletion from the test run list
[KLAROS-3888] - Improve performance of custom attribute creation and deletion
[KLAROS-3891] - Enhance reproducability of XML backup file creation by always ordering user defined property values in the same order
[KLAROS-3893] - Allow access to the project print page from the project list
[KLAROS-3895] - Support direct navigation to the selected project and iteration details pages from the top bar entries
[KLAROS-3899] - The events on the notification scheme details page should be sorted alphabetically
[KLAROS-3904] - Full text search support for modified test segments in test cases
[KLAROS-3906] - Empty SUT / ENV names should be substituted with their ids in the test run report

Bug Fixes

[KLAROS-3739] - Misbehaviour when working with jobs of type task
[KLAROS-3835] - The number of results shown on the execute test suite page is not refreshed after executing a test suite through a job
[KLAROS-3857] - Editing custom fields of a test case is disabled when the test case state is set to skip execution
[KLAROS-3858] - Unnecessary HTML escape squence in print page title sections for umlauts
[KLAROS-3859] - User defined properties with a '%' in their name are skipped while resolving references
[KLAROS-3860] - Exception when a user defined property with a '$' or '\' in its name is encountered during test execution
[KLAROS-3861] - Job dependencies of sub jobs are not deleted when deleting the parent job
[KLAROS-3862] - When editing a test case, then creating or linking an issue and finally saving the test case, the issue is no longer linked to the test case
[KLAROS-3863] - When moving or cloning steps of a test case, the possible target positions do not have correct position numbers if test segments are used
[KLAROS-3864] - The Job detail report should not include unscheduled jobs if a start/end date has been set
[KLAROS-3865] - Exception when cloning a test segment in a test case and saving
[KLAROS-3868] - Unable to copy a single item with an empty name field when using Oracle as a database
[KLAROS-3870] - Job time block and work log items are not directly associated with their corresponding project configuration upon creation
[KLAROS-3872] - Test run properties (set before starting a test run) are not transferred into the test runner
[KLAROS-3876] - Progressbar is missing when executing a job of type task
[KLAROS-3879] - Purging a project fails if external requirements and/or external test cases are present that are linked to that project
[KLAROS-3880] - Updating an issue from the issue details page removes it from the linked test case
[KLAROS-3892] - The number of test runs on the project list page should not include pending test runs
[KLAROS-3897] - Launching a single test case from the test suite execution dialog fails without visual feedback
[KLAROS-3898] - Exception after removing a target from a notification scheme and then updating this notification scheme
[KLAROS-3900] - No e-mail notification sent when a job is created via "jobs from test cases" or "jobs from test suites"
[KLAROS-3901] - The iteration PDF overview report must not cover deleted test runs
[KLAROS-3908] - When importing test case results for the first time the generated test suite does not contain the generated test cases

Version 4.9.2 (29.06.2018)


[KLAROS-3855] - Add support for the PostgreSQL9Dialect
[KLAROS-3853] - Enhance reproducability of XML backup file creation by always ordering properties in the same order
[KLAROS-3837] - Remove the inactive, duplicate Save/Discard buttons from the bottom of the notification settings detail page
[KLAROS-3838] - Allow to break long database information strings on the overview page
[KLAROS-3844] - Use a postfix notation when creating new names cloned objects and add counts if needed

Bug Fixes

[KLAROS-3854] - Error during generating test execution jobs for a dedicated parent job
[KLAROS-3850] - Exception after saving a large string entry for the job description field
[KLAROS-3852] - Backup XML import may fail if external requirements management systems are linked to a project in the backup file
[KLAROS-3848] - Reimported project backups may contain empty test step shadow information
[KLAROS-3849] - Importing backups from non-Derby databases breaks if the derby string limit for large strings is exceeded
[KLAROS-3839] - Test cases serialized over the resource api must not try to expose step container information
[KLAROS-3847] - The test run report report sample accesses the test step fields action, precondition and postcondition in a deprecated way
[KLAROS-3840] - XML Backup should strip illegal XML characters from database content
[KLAROS-3842] - When an admin purges a project from the database, users currently using this project will not be removed from the project gracefully

Version 4.9.1 (08.06.2018)

Bug Fixes

[KLAROS-3831] - Exception after skipping all test steps of a test case execution for which no steps have yet been executed
[KLAROS-3833] - Exception on the test case list page while using an Oracle database
[KLAROS-3834] - User defined JIRA fields are sporadically not transferred when synchronizing requirements

Version 4.9.0 (01.06.2018)

New Features

[KLAROS-3714] - Support CAS Authentication
[KLAROS-3800] - Support changing individual steps of an included test segment on a per test case basis


[KLAROS-2288] - Optionally show jobs on the user print pages
[KLAROS-2567] - Add information from the details pages' overview tabs to the print pages
[KLAROS-3464] - When creating copies of sub jobs they should be created within their parent job
[KLAROS-3688] - Allow to download backups of single projects through a RESTful web service
[KLAROS-3691] - Mark changed test case results on the test case result list
[KLAROS-3705] - On the test segment details page, show the number of test cases this segment is included in on the "test cases" tab
[KLAROS-3759] - Disable the "New" and "Link" buttons on the evaluate issues page if no IMS is assigned to the current project
[KLAROS-3763] - Show a hint on the test case and system under test details page under the issue tab if no issue management system has yet been added to the project
[KLAROS-3768] - Properly sort the requirement and test suite references of a test case shown in the revision tab
[KLAROS-3776] - Increase the size of the text boxes for test step properties (action, precondition etc.)
[KLAROS-3782] - Add a 'print single result' option to the test suite result list page
[KLAROS-3783] - The 'continue test run' test case list doesn't show the already acquired results
[KLAROS-3787] - Improve the performance of the mandatory test step migrator during database migration
[KLAROS-3792] - Show the execution mode of a test case when listing test cases for execution
[KLAROS-3798] - Show an icon on the details page that indicates if a test case or test suite is synchronized
[KLAROS-3802] - Lists of attachments should be sorted by name instead of creation date
[KLAROS-3803] - Limit the number of unnecessary history entries for test cases, if test segments are included
[KLAROS-3823] - Skipping remaining test steps takes too long for large numbers of steps
[KLAROS-3830] - Jobs from disabled projects should be omitted from the list of executable jobs when foreign projects are displayed

Bug Fixes

[KLAROS-3573] - Skip synchronized test cases when bulk editing or bulk create new revisions
[KLAROS-3721] - When cloning a test case with attachments the newly created test case is marked as modified when first opening its test case details page
[KLAROS-3735] - Copying objects into another project should ignore the order of user defined property enum values when deciding if a property definition is already defined in the target project
[KLAROS-3755] - Changes must be confirmed twice on the iteration details page when changing properties and assignments in different tabs
[KLAROS-3758] - The 'New issue' button on the system under test details page does not redirect to to the issue creation page
[KLAROS-3761] - Remove superfluous ui elements of deactivated enterprise edition features from the community edition
[KLAROS-3764] - Unable to delete issue management systems
[KLAROS-3766] - The due date is shown instead of the start date in the job info panel for parent jobs
[KLAROS-3767] - The parent job is not properly updated when removing sub jobs
[KLAROS-3769] - Exception when deleting parent jobs that have circular dependencies on their child jobs
[KLAROS-3770] - Exception when moving sub-jobs to another position
[KLAROS-3771] - After moving sub-jobs between levels a "Concurrent modification conflict" pop-up will show up
[KLAROS-3772] - Newly created jobs after a project change are not immediately visible when a parent job is selected during the project change
[KLAROS-3773] - If an externally synchronized requirement enumeration field is emptied, fields in Klaros that were linked to that field still show its former value
[KLAROS-3774] - When deleting the last sub job on a parent job's page, the user should be navigated back to the job list page
[KLAROS-3775] - Exception when adding and saving a new sub job if the sub job page of a parent job is open
[KLAROS-3778] - Impossible to handle merge conflicts of boolean fields
[KLAROS-3779] - Unsaved jobs can be moved to another position
[KLAROS-3780] - Unable to retrieve user defined properties on the configuration print page
[KLAROS-3781] - Some Print pages containing test results or test runs can not be accessed
[KLAROS-3785] - The header column for skipped test results in the 'test environment' and 'system under test' reports is to small under Linux with a German locale
[KLAROS-3788] - Changing test step information on a test segment does not properly trigger last changed information on the test cases including this test segment
[KLAROS-3794] - Changes to content of synchronized test suites are not triggering synchronization markers when these test suites are initialized from projection instances
[KLAROS-3795] - A newly created project is not immediately visible to the user in the global role manager who created it
[KLAROS-3796] - The number of test suite executions shown on the test suite execution page is reset after executing the test suite from within this page
[KLAROS-3801] - When adding inline attachments of a test segment to a field in a test case that has included the same test segment more than once, the attachment is shown multiple times in the list of includable attachments
[KLAROS-3805] - Line breaks on a print page of a test suite are not displayed correctly
[KLAROS-3807] - The list of sub jobs should not offer sort options
[KLAROS-3808] - The test case print page is missing steps from test segments
[KLAROS-3810] - When trying to save via the dialog that opens after creating a new sub job and then opening the filter panel, not all objects are properly saved
[KLAROS-3813] - Exception when adding and then deleting an attachment during test execution
[KLAROS-3814] - Pressing the 'delete attachment' button at the end of a test execution has no effect
[KLAROS-3822] - Users are listed twice when creating review jobs via test case details page or test suite details page
[KLAROS-3824] - Exception when importing test runs for unknown test cases
[KLAROS-3825] - IndexOutOfBoundsException when changing the a project to execute a job if the target project has no system under test or test environment
[KLAROS-3826] - HibernateExeception when navigating to "Continue Test Run" in the role "Tester" with activated option "Testers may only resume jobs assigned to them"
[KLAROS-3827] - If an Excel attachment contains empty rows, none of the cells can be referenced
[KLAROS-3829] - Do not allow to assign reviews to users of role tester

Release Notes for previous versions of Klaros-Testmanagement can be found here:

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