Klaros-Testmanagement 4.1.8 released - Klaros Test Management - Forum - Klaros-Testmanagement
Klaros-Testmanagement 4.1.8 released
Patrick Reilly, geändert vor 7 Jahren.
Klaros-Testmanagement 4.1.8 released
Padawan Beiträge: 71 Beitrittsdatum: 23.02.11 Neueste Beiträge
We are pleased to announce the release of Klaros-Testmanagement version 4.1.8.
This release adds support for QTestLib, Gallio/MBUnit, Check and Valgrind result import.

Changes to fields are now shown as a diff in the Changes tab:

As of version 4.1.2 test run reports contain individual test case step results. This version also adds the ability to import test suite results via the REST interface.
Version 4.1.8 - 2014-05-09:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2302] - Possible data race after double clicking on some clickable elements in Klaros
Version 4.1.7 - 2014-04-29:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2297] - Editing a test case to be executable may not immediately make test suites containing it executable
[KLAROS-2291] - Error SelectedList contains invalid UUID
[KLAROS-2289] - Error while finishing a test case execution with the verdict failure or error by using the drop-down menu in the tabular view
[KLAROS-2279] - Missing resource when trying to bulk remove test cases from an unsaved requirement
[KLAROS-2268] - Possible exception when filtering users
[KLAROS-2263] - Missing external issue reference in reimported issue
[KLAROS-2261] - It is possible to assign deleted test cases to requirements
[KLAROS-2258] - Problem when deleting projects from the database
[KLAROS-2247] - Possible exception when viewing test suite results in the manual test runner
[KLAROS-2236] - Locked test cases may be executed in test suites
[KLAROS-2286] - Overhaul the app documentation about the settings screen
[KLAROS-2283] - Insert duplicated test case steps after the last test case step as per default
[KLAROS-2254] - Improved performance when selecting Test Cases and Jobs
[KLAROS-1990] - Allow Test Cases to be filtered by state
Version 4.1.6 - 2014-03-14:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2241] - Managers are unable to edit report templates or access the backup page
[KLAROS-2234] - Execption when duplicating Jobs with comments
[KLAROS-2233] - The job list is not updated when a job is deleted
[KLAROS-2231] - User account creation emails are not sent
Version 4.1.5 - 2014-03-11:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2228] - Startup error 'org.jboss.seam.RequiredException: @Out attribute requires non-null value' in the community edition
Version 4.1.4 - 2014-03-10:
New Features:
[KLAROS-2203] - Allow import of test suites using XML
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2210] - Deleted user defined properties are still displayed on print pages
[KLAROS-2200] - Hidden test suites with active iteration on the test suite execute page
[KLAROS-2199] - Attaching files does not work on the test case runner result screen
[KLAROS-2191] - Opening the category view does not immediately update the list
[KLAROS-2188] - Unsaved users can not be removed from the user list by pressing delete
[KLAROS-2177] - Unable to clone a test step at the last position of the step list
[KLAROS-2175] - Test managers are unable to create users
[KLAROS-2172] - The test result duration filter may fail to filter values correctly depending on the time zone
[KLAROS-2166] - Deleting objects does not change the list until another page is viewed
[KLAROS-2219] - Add duplicate, bulk duplicate and bulk new revision to the requirement list page
[KLAROS-2206] - Improve performance when creating new user-defined properties
[KLAROS-2190] - Improved load times for test case and job pages
[KLAROS-2183] - Show the amount of results present when executing a test case or test suite
[KLAROS-2180] - Allow bulk print for users in role tester
[KLAROS-2176] - Update the distributed Tomcat application server to version 7.0.52
[KLAROS-2171] - Show if project access is limited on a per project basis
[KLAROS-2170] - Increase synchronized lock timeout for session beans
[KLAROS-1853] - Allow to filter and sort test case result sets of projects and relating project artifacts
Version 4.1.3 - 2014-02-11:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2165] - Changes to filter and sort entries are not reflected until users navigate to another page
[KLAROS-2162] - Displayed objects not updated when selecting or assigning to categories
[KLAROS-2159] - Job list appears empty when the select project dropdown is used to change project while on the jobs page
[KLAROS-2164] - Labels "Auto" and "Automatic" replaced with "Automated"
Version 4.1.2 - 2014-02-06:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2154] - Issue management systems are not displayed in a specific order
[KLAROS-2152] - New Revision button not visible in the Community Edition
[KLAROS-2148] - Database migration for default field initializers should be run for any active database version
[KLAROS-2147] - The first rendered template for a custom report will be used for 2000 seconds due to a missing explicit last modification date in the URL Connection even if updated
[KLAROS-2146] - The community edition shows a report templates entry which should not be visible in this edition
[KLAROS-2144] - Deleted user defined properties are still visible in the model API
[KLAROS-2143] - Must assume scripts and template UTF-8 encoding during upload
[KLAROS-2141] - Mismatched heap/non-heap memory percentage calculation
[KLAROS-2130] - Sorting by ID does not work until a different order criteria has been used first
[KLAROS-2158] - Allow Managers to edit their own project role if they aren't the only manager in the project
[KLAROS-2157] - Allow Managers to edit their own role in projects with no assigned roles
[KLAROS-2150] - Show duration of tests in ms
[KLAROS-2149] - Do not create a dot in front of a test case name when the test case class name is null or empty while creating test cases during the import of test case results
[KLAROS-2145] - Respect the sort order of user defined properties in the model API
[KLAROS-2137] - Accept all file extensions when uploading report scripts
[KLAROS-2127] - Sort the entries in the connection log tab by date in descending order
[KLAROS-2119] - Include test case step results in the test run report
[KLAROS-2079] - Allow comments on single test case results when no step results have been set
[KLAROS-2078] - On the Job Details page, when selecting previously logged work, both the comments and log work sections disappear
[KLAROS-2011] - Add support for aggregated JUnit result files
Version 4.1.1 - 2014-01-17:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2124] - Error creating new users
[KLAROS-2125] - List the test results in a test run in the order they where created in the testrun report document under evaluate/testrun
Version 4.1.0 - 2014-01-16:
New Features:
[KLAROS-2116] - Add XLS Import for Requirements
[KLAROS-2114] - Support synchronisation with the Klaros-Testmanagement App installed on BlueStacks App Player
[KLAROS-2081] - Show a formatted diff output for changes in string fields
[KLAROS-2066] - Add support for Check result import
[KLAROS-2065] - Add support for Valgrind result import
[KLAROS-2063] - Add support for duplicating individual test steps
[KLAROS-2050] - Add support for QTestLib result import
[KLAROS-2049] - Add support for Gallio/MBUnit result import
[KLAROS-2010] - Add XML Import for Requirements
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2120] - When an SUT is specified for a Test Suite, this SUT is not preselected when executing this Test Suite
[KLAROS-2118] - Single cloning of objects doesn't work in the Community Edition
[KLAROS-2091] - The save and discard remain active after saving changes on the users page
[KLAROS-2090] - When bulk deleting Iterations, the descriptions are missing from the table in the popup
[KLAROS-2089] - Labels Save and Cancel for new User missing in Dialog
[KLAROS-2088] - Unable to start the Tomcat 7 windows service in a 64-bit operating system using the supplied service.bat
[KLAROS-2086] - Popup-Window disappears partially when entering two different passwords during user account creation
[KLAROS-2085] - Unable to access test run report when the user full name is empty
[KLAROS-2084] - Unable to reactivate the "Use the default container session timeout?" setting once unset
[KLAROS-2083] - Error during password validation for uninitialized password field
[KLAROS-2082] - Editing the list of test cases in a test suite does not preserve the order of newly added test cases in some cases
[KLAROS-2077] - When trying to delete a single Requirement that has no linked test cases using the single delete button, an empty table is shown in the popup
[KLAROS-2076] - Trying to save a requirement with a name longer than 2048 characters leads to an exception
[KLAROS-2075] - Exception when trying to open user details
[KLAROS-2072] - Wrong test case execution times are getting logged
[KLAROS-2070] - Slight icon layout issues with chrome browser
[KLAROS-2067] - The "results" and "test runs" tabs in the user details page show results of deactivated projects.
[KLAROS-2061] - Prior deleted attachments may inhibit the deletion of the same attachment in some cases
[KLAROS-2060] - Moving test steps without selecting a position from the select box fails with an error
[KLAROS-2058] - Dependency loop detected while navigating to a permanent url
[KLAROS-2053] - Misplaced project icon in the project selection bar for project role tester
[KLAROS-2052] - The tab "Results" on the User Details page should show the user's results regardless if an Iteration is active
[KLAROS-2048] - Possible errors on print pages
[KLAROS-2047] - The drop changes option should not be clickable in the case of new objects when the edit button of an unsaved object is clicked
[KLAROS-2045] - It is possible to create two users with the same login name
[KLAROS-2042] - Error rendering preview of umlaut characters in templates
[KLAROS-2041] - Error accessing the list of test runs of a user which has no access to any project
[KLAROS-2036] - A new mobile device is created though an existing one with the same mobile device id already exists
[KLAROS-2035] - No creation date set for Activity
[KLAROS-2030] - Missing label ???licenseExpired??? on configure -> overview page
[KLAROS-2029] - Fixed issues with the selection of LDAP authentication on the login screen
[KLAROS-2027] - Deleted projects which are not yet purged from the database do not appear in the project list for administrators
[KLAROS-2025] - User unable to login after changing username and password
[KLAROS-2024] - The list of testcases in the testsuite details page is not dynamically updated, but only when the save button is clicked
[KLAROS-2022] - Switching projects while having the configuration section active leads to an activated plan section
[KLAROS-2021] - The test case filter and sort function does not work properly on the test suite details page
[KLAROS-2020] - Info icon and proper formatting missing from info column on Test Suite details page
[KLAROS-2016] - The health matrix report does not refresh properly
[KLAROS-2013] - Issue management system associating is not properly restored upon project import
[KLAROS-2113] - Update Tomcat to version 7.0.50
[KLAROS-2112] - The XLS test case importer should not enforce trimmed key-field values
[KLAROS-2100] - Display the Iteration and Project ids in the collapsed view for Iterations and Projects without a Description
[KLAROS-2099] - Display a warning message if a Test Manager wants to change project access in a way that they would lose access to this project as a Test Manager
[KLAROS-2097] - Sort the revisions in the revision tab in descending order
[KLAROS-2094] - Show more user details on the project access tab
[KLAROS-2093] - Show a warning message if an administrator or manager tries to change project roles in a way that would result in the project having no manager
[KLAROS-2087] - The username and system flag for the default system user "system" should not be editable
[KLAROS-2080] - Increase readability of the console window in the test runner window
[KLAROS-2068] - Add a "Project" column in the "Results" and "Test Runs" tabs on the user details page
[KLAROS-2062] - Add a dialog to confirm deletion of steps on the test case details page
[KLAROS-2046] - Allow to collapse individual test steps
[KLAROS-2044] - Layout error in the projects action list for test managers who are assigned to the project as tester
[KLAROS-2040] - Allow to filter and sort for user email address
[KLAROS-2033] - Improve overall performance by lazily creating the uuid of a persistent object
[KLAROS-2023] - Allow to configure the feedback URL for problem reports
[KLAROS-2006] - Add mobile device information to the backup
[KLAROS-1988] - Bulk print links should open in a new page
[KLAROS-1982] - Add a link to our online documentation in the installer to help people with installation issues
[KLAROS-1456] - Build a Windows 64Bit specific distribution
This release adds support for QTestLib, Gallio/MBUnit, Check and Valgrind result import.
- The 4.1.8 release fixes a bug which can lead to data corruption on list pages
- Requirements may now be imported in XLS and XML formats
- Individual Test Case Steps may now be duplicated within the Test Case

Changes to fields are now shown as a diff in the Changes tab:

As of version 4.1.2 test run reports contain individual test case step results. This version also adds the ability to import test suite results via the REST interface.
Version 4.1.8 - 2014-05-09:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2302] - Possible data race after double clicking on some clickable elements in Klaros
Version 4.1.7 - 2014-04-29:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2297] - Editing a test case to be executable may not immediately make test suites containing it executable
[KLAROS-2291] - Error SelectedList contains invalid UUID
[KLAROS-2289] - Error while finishing a test case execution with the verdict failure or error by using the drop-down menu in the tabular view
[KLAROS-2279] - Missing resource when trying to bulk remove test cases from an unsaved requirement
[KLAROS-2268] - Possible exception when filtering users
[KLAROS-2263] - Missing external issue reference in reimported issue
[KLAROS-2261] - It is possible to assign deleted test cases to requirements
[KLAROS-2258] - Problem when deleting projects from the database
[KLAROS-2247] - Possible exception when viewing test suite results in the manual test runner
[KLAROS-2236] - Locked test cases may be executed in test suites
[KLAROS-2286] - Overhaul the app documentation about the settings screen
[KLAROS-2283] - Insert duplicated test case steps after the last test case step as per default
[KLAROS-2254] - Improved performance when selecting Test Cases and Jobs
[KLAROS-1990] - Allow Test Cases to be filtered by state
Version 4.1.6 - 2014-03-14:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2241] - Managers are unable to edit report templates or access the backup page
[KLAROS-2234] - Execption when duplicating Jobs with comments
[KLAROS-2233] - The job list is not updated when a job is deleted
[KLAROS-2231] - User account creation emails are not sent
Version 4.1.5 - 2014-03-11:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2228] - Startup error 'org.jboss.seam.RequiredException: @Out attribute requires non-null value' in the community edition
Version 4.1.4 - 2014-03-10:
New Features:
[KLAROS-2203] - Allow import of test suites using XML
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2210] - Deleted user defined properties are still displayed on print pages
[KLAROS-2200] - Hidden test suites with active iteration on the test suite execute page
[KLAROS-2199] - Attaching files does not work on the test case runner result screen
[KLAROS-2191] - Opening the category view does not immediately update the list
[KLAROS-2188] - Unsaved users can not be removed from the user list by pressing delete
[KLAROS-2177] - Unable to clone a test step at the last position of the step list
[KLAROS-2175] - Test managers are unable to create users
[KLAROS-2172] - The test result duration filter may fail to filter values correctly depending on the time zone
[KLAROS-2166] - Deleting objects does not change the list until another page is viewed
[KLAROS-2219] - Add duplicate, bulk duplicate and bulk new revision to the requirement list page
[KLAROS-2206] - Improve performance when creating new user-defined properties
[KLAROS-2190] - Improved load times for test case and job pages
[KLAROS-2183] - Show the amount of results present when executing a test case or test suite
[KLAROS-2180] - Allow bulk print for users in role tester
[KLAROS-2176] - Update the distributed Tomcat application server to version 7.0.52
[KLAROS-2171] - Show if project access is limited on a per project basis
[KLAROS-2170] - Increase synchronized lock timeout for session beans
[KLAROS-1853] - Allow to filter and sort test case result sets of projects and relating project artifacts
Version 4.1.3 - 2014-02-11:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2165] - Changes to filter and sort entries are not reflected until users navigate to another page
[KLAROS-2162] - Displayed objects not updated when selecting or assigning to categories
[KLAROS-2159] - Job list appears empty when the select project dropdown is used to change project while on the jobs page
[KLAROS-2164] - Labels "Auto" and "Automatic" replaced with "Automated"
Version 4.1.2 - 2014-02-06:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2154] - Issue management systems are not displayed in a specific order
[KLAROS-2152] - New Revision button not visible in the Community Edition
[KLAROS-2148] - Database migration for default field initializers should be run for any active database version
[KLAROS-2147] - The first rendered template for a custom report will be used for 2000 seconds due to a missing explicit last modification date in the URL Connection even if updated
[KLAROS-2146] - The community edition shows a report templates entry which should not be visible in this edition
[KLAROS-2144] - Deleted user defined properties are still visible in the model API
[KLAROS-2143] - Must assume scripts and template UTF-8 encoding during upload
[KLAROS-2141] - Mismatched heap/non-heap memory percentage calculation
[KLAROS-2130] - Sorting by ID does not work until a different order criteria has been used first
[KLAROS-2158] - Allow Managers to edit their own project role if they aren't the only manager in the project
[KLAROS-2157] - Allow Managers to edit their own role in projects with no assigned roles
[KLAROS-2150] - Show duration of tests in ms
[KLAROS-2149] - Do not create a dot in front of a test case name when the test case class name is null or empty while creating test cases during the import of test case results
[KLAROS-2145] - Respect the sort order of user defined properties in the model API
[KLAROS-2137] - Accept all file extensions when uploading report scripts
[KLAROS-2127] - Sort the entries in the connection log tab by date in descending order
[KLAROS-2119] - Include test case step results in the test run report
[KLAROS-2079] - Allow comments on single test case results when no step results have been set
[KLAROS-2078] - On the Job Details page, when selecting previously logged work, both the comments and log work sections disappear
[KLAROS-2011] - Add support for aggregated JUnit result files
Version 4.1.1 - 2014-01-17:
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2124] - Error creating new users
[KLAROS-2125] - List the test results in a test run in the order they where created in the testrun report document under evaluate/testrun
Version 4.1.0 - 2014-01-16:
New Features:
[KLAROS-2116] - Add XLS Import for Requirements
[KLAROS-2114] - Support synchronisation with the Klaros-Testmanagement App installed on BlueStacks App Player
[KLAROS-2081] - Show a formatted diff output for changes in string fields
[KLAROS-2066] - Add support for Check result import
[KLAROS-2065] - Add support for Valgrind result import
[KLAROS-2063] - Add support for duplicating individual test steps
[KLAROS-2050] - Add support for QTestLib result import
[KLAROS-2049] - Add support for Gallio/MBUnit result import
[KLAROS-2010] - Add XML Import for Requirements
Fixed Bugs:
[KLAROS-2120] - When an SUT is specified for a Test Suite, this SUT is not preselected when executing this Test Suite
[KLAROS-2118] - Single cloning of objects doesn't work in the Community Edition
[KLAROS-2091] - The save and discard remain active after saving changes on the users page
[KLAROS-2090] - When bulk deleting Iterations, the descriptions are missing from the table in the popup
[KLAROS-2089] - Labels Save and Cancel for new User missing in Dialog
[KLAROS-2088] - Unable to start the Tomcat 7 windows service in a 64-bit operating system using the supplied service.bat
[KLAROS-2086] - Popup-Window disappears partially when entering two different passwords during user account creation
[KLAROS-2085] - Unable to access test run report when the user full name is empty
[KLAROS-2084] - Unable to reactivate the "Use the default container session timeout?" setting once unset
[KLAROS-2083] - Error during password validation for uninitialized password field
[KLAROS-2082] - Editing the list of test cases in a test suite does not preserve the order of newly added test cases in some cases
[KLAROS-2077] - When trying to delete a single Requirement that has no linked test cases using the single delete button, an empty table is shown in the popup
[KLAROS-2076] - Trying to save a requirement with a name longer than 2048 characters leads to an exception
[KLAROS-2075] - Exception when trying to open user details
[KLAROS-2072] - Wrong test case execution times are getting logged
[KLAROS-2070] - Slight icon layout issues with chrome browser
[KLAROS-2067] - The "results" and "test runs" tabs in the user details page show results of deactivated projects.
[KLAROS-2061] - Prior deleted attachments may inhibit the deletion of the same attachment in some cases
[KLAROS-2060] - Moving test steps without selecting a position from the select box fails with an error
[KLAROS-2058] - Dependency loop detected while navigating to a permanent url
[KLAROS-2053] - Misplaced project icon in the project selection bar for project role tester
[KLAROS-2052] - The tab "Results" on the User Details page should show the user's results regardless if an Iteration is active
[KLAROS-2048] - Possible errors on print pages
[KLAROS-2047] - The drop changes option should not be clickable in the case of new objects when the edit button of an unsaved object is clicked
[KLAROS-2045] - It is possible to create two users with the same login name
[KLAROS-2042] - Error rendering preview of umlaut characters in templates
[KLAROS-2041] - Error accessing the list of test runs of a user which has no access to any project
[KLAROS-2036] - A new mobile device is created though an existing one with the same mobile device id already exists
[KLAROS-2035] - No creation date set for Activity
[KLAROS-2030] - Missing label ???licenseExpired??? on configure -> overview page
[KLAROS-2029] - Fixed issues with the selection of LDAP authentication on the login screen
[KLAROS-2027] - Deleted projects which are not yet purged from the database do not appear in the project list for administrators
[KLAROS-2025] - User unable to login after changing username and password
[KLAROS-2024] - The list of testcases in the testsuite details page is not dynamically updated, but only when the save button is clicked
[KLAROS-2022] - Switching projects while having the configuration section active leads to an activated plan section
[KLAROS-2021] - The test case filter and sort function does not work properly on the test suite details page
[KLAROS-2020] - Info icon and proper formatting missing from info column on Test Suite details page
[KLAROS-2016] - The health matrix report does not refresh properly
[KLAROS-2013] - Issue management system associating is not properly restored upon project import
[KLAROS-2113] - Update Tomcat to version 7.0.50
[KLAROS-2112] - The XLS test case importer should not enforce trimmed key-field values
[KLAROS-2100] - Display the Iteration and Project ids in the collapsed view for Iterations and Projects without a Description
[KLAROS-2099] - Display a warning message if a Test Manager wants to change project access in a way that they would lose access to this project as a Test Manager
[KLAROS-2097] - Sort the revisions in the revision tab in descending order
[KLAROS-2094] - Show more user details on the project access tab
[KLAROS-2093] - Show a warning message if an administrator or manager tries to change project roles in a way that would result in the project having no manager
[KLAROS-2087] - The username and system flag for the default system user "system" should not be editable
[KLAROS-2080] - Increase readability of the console window in the test runner window
[KLAROS-2068] - Add a "Project" column in the "Results" and "Test Runs" tabs on the user details page
[KLAROS-2062] - Add a dialog to confirm deletion of steps on the test case details page
[KLAROS-2046] - Allow to collapse individual test steps
[KLAROS-2044] - Layout error in the projects action list for test managers who are assigned to the project as tester
[KLAROS-2040] - Allow to filter and sort for user email address
[KLAROS-2033] - Improve overall performance by lazily creating the uuid of a persistent object
[KLAROS-2023] - Allow to configure the feedback URL for problem reports
[KLAROS-2006] - Add mobile device information to the backup
[KLAROS-1988] - Bulk print links should open in a new page
[KLAROS-1982] - Add a link to our online documentation in the installer to help people with installation issues
[KLAROS-1456] - Build a Windows 64Bit specific distribution