Chapter 3. Installation

Table of Contents

3.1. Client Prerequisites
3.2. Google Play Installation
3.3. Updates
3.4. First Start
3.5. Configuration
3.5.1. Authentication
3.5.2. SSL
3.5.3. Usage Data
3.5.4. Application Settings

The Klaros-Testmanagement App for Android is available for a lot of different types of Android devices. It is acquirable as a download on the Google Play Store. Before the installation can start, a set of requirements have to be fulfilled as described in the following section.

3.1. Client Prerequisites

In order to install the App, it is necessary to have a Google Account which grants access to the Google Play Store. Also, the mobile device needs to have at least Android 2.3 installed.

Since Klaros-Testmanagement version 4.1.0, the Klaros-Testmanagement App for Android is also compatible with the BlueStacks App Player. Please note that location tracking should be turned off in the Settings Screen (see Section 3.5, “Configuration ” ) when using BlueStacks.

A further prerequisite is an external storage on the device to store attachments such as videos or voice recordings. This external storage can either be an SD-Card or integrated into the device. This external storage shouldn't be removed while the App is running. For more information about external storage on Android devices see

Table 3.1. Supported Android devices

Display Size All display sizes are supported
Screen Density ldpi or higher
Device Type Smartphone or Tablet
Android Version 2.3 or higher