Appendix D. Requirement Import File Specification

Table of Contents

D.1. <attachments>
D.2. <attachment>
D.3. <attributes>
D.4. <attribute>
D.5. <category>
D.6. <categoryTree>
D.7. <container>
D.8. <requirements>
D.9. <requirement>
D.10. <externalTestCaseIds>
D.11. <externalId>
D.12. <externalRevision>
D.13. <description>
D.14. <priority>
D.15. <revision>
D.16. <shortname>
D.17. <summary>
D.18. <name>
D.19. <value>
D.20. <content>
D.21. <categoryName>
D.22. <categoryDescription>

The following table gives a short overview of the available elements:

Name Description
<attachment> An attachment.
<attachments> The list of binary attachments.
<attribute> A custom field.
<attributes> The list of custom fields.
<category> A node of a category tree.
<categoryDescription> The description of the category.
<categoryName> The name of the category.
<categoryTree> A category tree.
<container> The root element of this schema, which contains all requirements.
<content> The base64 encoded content of the attachment.
<description> The textual description of the requirement.
<externalId> The external id of this requirement, the format of which can be freely chosen.
<externalRevision> The external revision of this requirement (not used, reserved for future use).
<externalTestCaseIds> The list of external test case ids covering this requirement.
<name> The name of a field.
<priority> The priority of this requirement (LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH).
<requirement> A requirement.
<requirements> The list of requirements.
<revision> The revision of this requirement.
<shortname> The name of the requirement.
<summary> A short summary of the requirement.
<value> The value of a field.

Table D.1.  Element summary

D.1. <attachments>

The list of binary attachments.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<attachment> 0..n An attachment.

Table D.2. <attachments> elements

D.2. <attachment>

An attachment.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <attachments> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<name> 1..1 The name of the attachment.
<content> 1..1 The attachment binary content, encoded in Base-64 format.

Table D.3. <attachment> elements

D.3. <attributes>

The list of custom fields.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<attribute> 0..n A custom field.

Table D.4. <attributes> elements

D.4. <attribute>

A custom field.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <attributes> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<name> 1..1 The name of the custom field.
<value> 1..1 The value of the custom field.

Table D.5. <attribute> elements

D.5. <category>

A node of a category tree. It can contain further subcategories.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <category> , <categoryTree> , <requirement> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<categoryName> 1..1 The name of the category node.
<categoryDescription> 1..1 The description of the category node.
<category> 0..1 The parent category node.

Table D.6. <category> elements

D.6. <categoryTree>

A category tree. It contains the root category node with an arbitrary nomber of sub categories.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <container> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<categoryName> 1..1 The name of the category tree.
<category> 1..1 The root category tree node.

Table D.7. <categoryTree> elements

D.7. <container>

The root element of this schema, which contains all requirements.

Name Multiplicity Description
<requirements> 0..1 The list of requirements.
<categoryTree> 0..1 The optional category tree of these requirements.

Table D.8. <container> elements

D.8. <requirements>

The list of requirements.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <container> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<requirement> 0..n A requirement.

Table D.9. <requirements> elements

D.9. <requirement>

A requirement.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirements> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<attributes> 0..1 The custom fields this requirement has.
<category> 0..1 The category node to which this requirement is assigned.
<description> 0..1 The detailed description of the requirement in text form.
<externalId> 0..1 The external id of this requirement.
<priority> 0..1 The priority of this requirement.
<revision> 0..1 The revision of this requirement.
<shortname> 0..1 The name of the requirement.
<summary> 0..1 A short summary of the requirement.
<attachments> 0..1 The list of binary attachments.
<externalTestCaseIds> 0..1 The list of external test case ids covering this requirement.

Table D.10. <requirement> elements

D.10. <externalTestCaseIds>

The list of external test case ids covering this requirement.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

Name Multiplicity Description
<externalId> 0..n An id of an external test case covering the requirement.

Table D.11. <externalTestCaseIds> elements

D.11. <externalId>

The external id of this requirement, the format of which can be freely chosen. This element is used only for requirement synchronization and is ignored during import. If the id of a requirement is changed before a synchronization, a new requirement with this id will be created in Klaros-Testmanagement. Otherwise, the existing requirement is overwritten with the data from this XML file.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

D.12. <externalRevision>

The external revision of this requirement (not used, reserved for future use).

D.13. <description>

The textual description of the requirement.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

D.14. <priority>

The priority of this requirement (LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH).

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

D.15. <revision>

The revision of this requirement. This element is used only when exporting and synchronising requirements, imported requirements always get the fixed revision Id "1.0".

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

D.16. <shortname>

The name of the requirement.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

D.17. <summary>

A short summary of the requirement.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <requirement> .

D.18. <name>

The name of a field.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <attachment> , <attribute> .

D.19. <value>

The value of a field.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <attribute> .

D.20. <content>

The base64 encoded content of the attachment.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <attachment> .

D.21. <categoryName>

The name of the category.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <category> , <categoryTree> .

D.22. <categoryDescription>

The description of the category.

This element may occur inside the following elements: <category> .